
The Board of Trustees has seven standing committees for various functions at the College. Committees meet according to the standard Board meeting schedule.

  1. Executive Committee
  2. Access, Equity and Inclusion Committee
  3. Academic Affairs Committee
  4. Audit and Governance Committee
  5. Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee
  6. Development, Alumni, Governmental and External Relations Committee
  7. Student Affairs and Athletics Committee

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and two members appointed by the Chair of the Board. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to transact business for the Board, as authorized by the Board, in its regular meetings and to transact such other business as is necessary, except as specifically set forth in Article II, between mmetings of the Board, providing that, in the case of the latter, the full Board is informed of any such action immediately. Additionally, this committee reviews and monitors the Strategic Plan process.

The following matters are specifically reserved to the Board:

  • Presidential selection and termination;
  • Changes in the Mission of the College;
  • Amendments to the Bylaws;
  • Adoption of the annual budgets; and
  • Conferral of degrees, selection of recipients for honorary degrees, and naming rights.

The Executive Committee shall have one subcommittee: The Access, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee.


  • Renee Romberger, Chair
  • Steve Swanson , Vice Chair
  • Ricci Welch
  • Laurin Burch
  • Penny Rosner
  • Elizabeth Kassebaum, Staff Liaison
  • Betty Craig, Staff Liaison

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Access, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The Executive Committee shall have one subcommittee: The Access, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee. The Access, Equity and Inclusion Committee is responsible for:

  • ensuring the Board is informed on Access, Equity and Inclusion policies, programs and initiatives;
  • reviewing periodically the progress made on the institution's strategic goals for Access, Equity and Inclusion;
  • providing appropriate training and education for members of the Board; and
  • monitoring and reviewing resources promoting Access, Equity and Inclusion.


  • Toya Pound, Chair
  • Penny Rosner, Vice Chair
  • John Busch
  • Demetria Clemons
  • Hank Futch
  • Andrew Gianoukos
  • Shawn Holland
  • Craig Thornton
  • Ricci Welch
  • Renee Romberger, ex-officio
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Academic Affairs Committee

The purpose of the Academic Affairs Committee is to oversee educational quality of the College. This Committee is responsible for monitoring:

  • learning goals and outcomes;
  • program quality, institutional and program accreditation, and program review;
  • student retention, graduation rates, graduate school acceptances;
  • policies and procedures related to faculty compensation, appointment, tenure and promotions, academic planning;
  • the structure of the academic programs; and
  • budgets for academic programs and services.

At its regularly scheduled meetings, the Committee may hear from and discuss with Academic and Staff Leadership, including but not limited to, the Faculty Speaker (or its representative) and the Chair of the Staff Advisory Committee (or its representative).


  • Penny Rosner, Chair
  • Ricci Welch, Vice Chair
  • Beth Burke
  • John Busch
  • Demetria Clemons
  • Andrew Gianoukos
  • Toya Pound
  • David Hay
  • Tav Swarat
  • Craig Thornton
  • Renee Romberger, ex-officio
  • Andrew Hsu, ex-officio, non-voting
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Audit and Governance Committee

The purpose of the Audit and Governance Committee is to oversee that the Board adheres to good governance and serves as the Board's overall guardian of the College's financial integrity. The Audit and Governance Committee is responsible for:

  • Board members having adequate orientation and ongoing education;
  • Assessing the performance of the Board and its members;
  • Periodically reviewing and ensuring compliance with these Bylaws and other Board policies;
  • Officer nominations and election process, including recommending officers for Board consideration and approval, and serving as the "pass through" for Officer nominations;
  • Trustee Emeritus nominations and election process, including recommending Trustee Emeritus for Board consideration and approval and serving as the "pass through" for Trustee Emeritus nominations;
  • overseeing the annual external financial audit;
  • ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; and
  • monitoring internal controls and risk management systems.


  • Henrietta Golding, Chair
  • Tav Swarat, Vice Chair
  • Laurin Burch
  • Beth Burke
  • David Hay
  • Brian Stern
  • Steve Swanson
  • Neysa Williams
  • John Wood
  • Renee Romberger, ex-officio
  • J.R. Barnhart, Staff Liaison
  • Elizabeth Kassebaum, Staff Liaison
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Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee

The purpose of the Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee is to oversee the allocation of the College's financial resources and monitor the near-and long-term capital plans, to include the funding of each plan for the continual improvements to the College's physical campus. The committee is responsible for:

  • monitoring financial performance;
  • reviewing annual and long-range operating budget and presenting the budget to the Board for consideration;
  • reviewing and recommending to the Board requests and plans for borrowing;
  • ensuring that accurate and complete financial records are maintained;
  • recommending funding options for facility construction/acquisition plans;
  • ensuring that timely and accurate financial information is presented to the Board;
  • ensuring proper construction, maintenance, and preservation of the College's facilities and assets, including the proper preservation of its historic facilities;
  • oversight of the preparation, reviewing, accepting and implementing the College's Master Plan;
  • monitors the implementation of technology throughout the College and works with the Senior Vice President/Chief Information Officer on matters relating to Information Technology initiatives, projects and services to the College; and
  • reviewing policies regarding the enrollment.


  • Laurin Burch, Chair
  • Steve Swanson, Vice Chair
  • Demetria Clemons
  • Henrietta Golding
  • David Hay
  • Shawn Holland
  • Brian Stern
  • Neysa Williams
  • John Wood
  • Renee Romberger, ex-officio
  • Andrew Hsu, ex-officio, non-voting
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Development, Alumni, Governmental and External Relations Committee

The purpose of the Development, Alumni, Governmental and External Relations Committee is to oversee and facilitate Board and Board member participation in institutional advancement, fundraising activities, and to work hand in hand with the College of Charleston Foundation to fulfill the Mission of the College. The Committee is responsible for:

  • monitoring development plans in progress;
  • developing fundraising policies and procedures with the assistance and collaboration of the administration;
  • establishing goals for and evaluating Board member participation in charitable giving;
  • participating and identifying, cultivating and approaching major donors;
  • reviewing and supporting the programs provided by the Office of the Alumni Relations and the Alumni Association that serve, involve, and inform the Alumni of the priorities and activities of the College and its students;
  • monitoring the external relations of the College with governmental entities, as well as private entities; and
  • ensuring that a clearly defined legislative agenda is designed each year for the advancement of the College and its University.


  • Beth Burke, Chair
  • John Wood, Vice Chair
  • Laurin Burch
  • John Busch
  • Hank Futch
  • Henrietta Golding
  • David Hay
  • Penny Rosner
  • Brian Stern
  • Steve Swanson
  • Tav Swarat
  • Renee Romberger, ex-officio
  • Andrew Hsu, ex-officio, non-voting
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Student Affairs and Athletics Committee

The purpose of the Student Affairs and Athletics Committee is to oversee the College's activities relating to the wellbeing of its students and student athletes, as well as monitor the various intercollegiate programs. The Committee is responsible for:

  • ensuring that the Board is informed on policies governing the entire range of student and student athlete engagement and recommending policy changes to the Board for review;
  • reviewing periodically policies affecting students including, but not limited to, student health and welfare, residence life, career services and job placement, student development, counseling and substance abuse, student honor and conduct systems, campus social, cultural and recreational programs, and critical incident response planning;
  • monitoring the overall success and condition of the varsity programs;
  • providing advice and assistance to the College President and the Athletics Director in the selection of varsity head coaches;
  • monitoring and reviewing various fees, charges and physical facilities associated with the student experience and athletic program; and
  • providing reports, as it deems appropriate, to the Administration and the Budget, Finance, and Facilities Committee.

At its regularly scheduled meetings, the Committee may hear from and discuss with student and student athletes' leaders, including, but not limited to, the President of the Student Government Association (or its representative), the President of the Graduate Student Association (or its representative), and the President of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (or its representative).


  • Shawn Holland, Chair
  • Craig Thornton, Vice Chair
  • Demetria Clemons
  • Hank Futch
  • Andy Gianoukos
  • Toya Pound
  • Ricci Welch
  • Neysa Williams
  • Renee Romberger, ex-officio
  • Andrew Hsu, ex-officio, non-voting
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