April 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act establishes and funds the HEERF. This act directs institutions of higher education (“institutions”) to use no less than 50 percent of funds received under Sections 18004(a)(1) and 18004(c) of the CARES Act to provide emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. College of Charleston (CofC) received $3.8 million in student funding from the federal CARES Act.
CofC CARES Grants were awarded to students based on guidelines from the DoE and EAB. Students had to file a 19-20 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and demonstrate eligibility to participate in programs under Section 484 of the HEA. Students had to be enrolled in the spring 2020 classes prior to the closure of campus. Following the federal government’s recommendation to prioritize students with the greatest need, CofC created an awarding philosophy for the distribution of these limited funds to students based on 2019-2020 FAFSA filing, with priority given to students with the lowest FAFSA expected family contribution (EFC). There was no separate application for the CARES Act funding.
December 2020, The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 included additional COVID-19 relief through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act. This new COVID stimulus bill included $23 billion for higher education institutions and students, using the same HEERF model established in the CARES Act.
Unlike the CARES Act/HEERF I funds, the CRRSA does not require that 50% of an institution’s funds be spent on student grants. It does, however, require that institutions spend the same amount on student grants as they were required to spend under the CARES Act. The allowable uses of funds are more flexible than in the CARES Act, with institutions permitted to use their funds to defray expenses associated with COVID-19, including lost revenue, reimbursements for expenses already incurred, technology costs associated with the transition to distance education, faculty and staff training, and payroll. Institutions may also use their funds to carry out student support activities authorized by the Higher Education Act (HEA), or to provide emergency grants to students (including those enrolled exclusively in distance education). The grants may be used to cover any component of a student’s cost of attendance (COA), or for emergency costs that arise due to COVID-19, including tuition, food, housing, health care and child care. The expanded allowable uses for funds would apply to both new HEERF funds and unspent CARES Act funds.
CofC CRRSA Grants were awarded to students based on guidelines from the DoE and EAB. CofC created an awarding philosophy for the distribution of these limited funds to students. Eligibility was not limited to completing the 2019-2020 FAFSA. There was no separate application for the CRRSA funding.
March 2021, The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III) is authorized by the The American Rescue Plan (ARP), Public Law 117-2, signed into law on March 11, 2021, providing $39.6 billion in support to institutions of higher education to serve students and ensure learning continues during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Similar to the CRRSA/HEERF II funds, the HEERF III funds contained no student eligibility requirements either. However, institutions were required to prioritize grants to students with exceptional financial need, such as those who receive Pell Grants. In September 2021 @ 50% of CofC ARP grant funding was awarded to students enrolled in Fall 2021 classes. Grants awarded to students based on guidelines from the DoE and EAB. CofC created an awarding philosophy for the distribution of these limited funds to students. Eligibility was not limited to completing the 2021-2022 FAFSA. There was no separate application for the ARP funding. In Febuary 2022 the remaining 50% of CofC ARP grant funding was awarded to students enrolled in Spring 2022 classes.
DoE HEERF Reporting:
30-Day Fund Report45-Day Fund ReportQuarterly Report ending 12-31-20Quarterly Report ending 03-31-21Quarterly Report ending 06-30-21Quarterly Report ending 09-30-21Quarterly Report ending 12-31-21Quarterly Report ending 03-31-22Quarterly Report ending 06-30-22Quarterly Report ending 09-30-22