Research Opportunities
An experience-driven university
At the College of Charleston, you don't have to wait to engage in meaningful research or scholarship. Students at the College collaborate with faculty on real-world research, or even conduct their own. If you have a passion, we have the resources and resolve to unlock it.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Participating in challenging, purposeful undergraduate research can be the single most important experience you have in college. That's why the College of Charleston has made its name as an urban, experience-driven university offering endless opportunities to gain real-world experiences.
Undergraduate research at the College is fueled by our longstanding commitment to meaningful faculty-student engagement. That includes opportunities for undergraduates to engage in one-on-one collaborative research with faculty mentors and even independent projects.
Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities
Through the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URCA) program, the College of Charleston backs up its commitment with both support and competitive grants available to undergraduate students.
- Major Academic Year Support (MAYS). Grants provide funding to cover student research expenses for projects carried out during the academic year.
- Research Presentation Grant (RPG). Covers expenses associated with presenting research at regional, national and international conferences.
- Summer Undergraduate Research with Faculty (SURF). A grant that funds faculty and student stipends. Pays for equipment and travel expenses associated with summer research projects.
Visit the URCA website for specific information about support and grants for undergraduate students.
Showcase your work during the annual EXPO
The EXPO, held each year in the spring, celebrates research, scholarship, creative inquiry and community service. While everyone is encouraged to present at the EXPO, URCA-funded projects are expected to present their results.
Hands-On Learning

Nationally Competitive Awards
The Office of Nationally Competitive Awards helps you identify and apply for scholarships, fellowships, independent research projects and study abroad opportunities. We're available to help both undergraduate and graduate students.
Research and Grants Administration
The Office of Research and Grants Administration is your central source for information on major government agencies, foundations and corporations which impact research and scholarship. This office will provide you with individual assistance, group education and training opportunities on topics related to research and grants.

Game Your Way Into a New Area of Study
CITA, computing in the arts major, offers a concentration in game development and interaction that opens new doors in research. Research like MYdata, a data collection app combining a phone app with a wearable wrist device.
Learn MoreGraduate Research Opportunities
Graduate Research Poster Session
You're encouraged to take part in the annual poster session even if you're in the beginning stages of your studies. Non-traditional research like internships or creative portfolios are also accepted.
The poster session is held annually in the spring. It recognizes the ongoing contributions of graduate students and the advancement of our local, state and global communities.
3MT® Competition
Unload your dishwasher. Fold your laundry. Buy a coffee.
What else can you do in three minutes?
Explain your thesis.
The Three Minute Thesis® is a research communication competition. You'll have three minutes to present on your thesis, internship, research project or other creative activity. This competition is held annually in the fall.
Thesis Support
Many graduate programs at the College of Charleston have a thesis option for completing the degree. If this applies to you, be sure to utilize our thesis resources, including the Graduate School's Thesis Manual.

Public Health Research Team Dives Deep
A $400,000-plus grant from the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences supports current research into the effect of microplastics on marine wildlife.
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The College of Charleston Expo is an annual event where students who conducted mentored research, scholarship, creative inquiry or community service projects during the academic year are eligible to present their research to the wider campus community.
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