Scholarships are financial aid awards that can help you pay for college. Sometimes a scholarship comes as a one-time check payment, or it can be renewable for each semester that you're in college. You do not have to repay a scholarship.
With many scholarships, you'll need to maintain minimum requirements to keep your scholarships. Current students can view the Scholarship Renewal Criteria on The Hub.
State Scholarships
Institutional Scholarships
The College of Charleston uses an online scholarship awarding system called the Cougar Scholarship Award System (CSAS). Through CSAS you can apply for all privately funded scholarships and all departmental scholarships with one easy application.
Outside Scholarships
Outside scholarships are private sources of money offered from non-College of Charleston-affiliated organizations. Outside scholarships sources may include local clubs, businesses, organizations and churches.
Receiving an Outside Scholarship?
If you're receiving an outside scholarship, you should ensure that the scholarship check has your College of Charleston Student ID Number (CWID) in the memo line. Checks that are co-payable to you and the College will require your signature after they have been received by the College. We prefer a check and an accompanying letter addressing which semester the check is covering.
Checks should be mailed to:
College of Charleston
Treasurer's Office
66 George St.
Charleston, SC 29424
Need enrollment verification for an outside scholarship?
If you are an entering first-year student receiving an outside scholarship and need verification of enrollment, please contact the Office of Admissions to request that document.
If you are a currently enrolled student and need enrollment certification, please visit the Registrar’s Office.