Looking to the Future

Tradition and transformation begin here.

The College of Charleston has been a leader in quality education, student life and affordability for more than 250 years. Today, we honor tradition and move forward through innovation and transformation.

The College of Charleston Strategic Plan

During the strategic planning process, the campus community identified three key pillars for a lasting future.

Student experience and success

Our goal is to enhance every student experience and success, providing easy, centralized access to academic support resources and access to physical, emotional, social and financial wellness services. Our greatest purpose is to create a welcoming environment where all students feel they belong.

Academic distinction

Academic distinction is earned through an integrated, interdisciplinary, experiential liberal arts core that equips every student to succeed academically and professionally in a globally connected world.

Employee experience and success

In addition to creating a sense of purpose and belonging for all, we're committed to addressing compensation, salary compression and cost of living.

The strategic plan steering committees are tasked with meeting the goals established by these pillars in the strategic plan.

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