Student Organization Conduct

In compliance with the Tucker Hipps Transparency Law and with an expectation of overall transparency for organizational conduct at the College of Charleston, information regarding all Registered Organizations’ conduct violations specific to alcohol, drugs, hazing, sexual assault and physical assault can be found below. 

For organizations to enjoy certain rights and privileges they must be registered with the College of Charleston.

The College’s Statement on Unregistered Organizations provides the expectations around having a registered status.

Registered organizations can be found through the Office of Student Life.

Statement on Unregistered Organizations

An organization, regardless of national affiliation, that is not registered through the College of Charleston, is considered an unregistered organization. Unregistered organizations are not affiliated with the College of Charleston and do not enjoy the rights and privileges of registered organizations. They do not receive support, advisement, funding or management from the College of Charleston, and do not follow the College’s code of conduct and Risk Management Policies. At one time, these organizations may have been registered, but violations of the College policy may have resulted in their loss of recognition.

In addition to subjecting themselves to risky behaviors, students who join unregistered organizations will not have access to the privileges that members of registered organizations can enjoy. This could include (but is not limited to): leadership development opportunities, reserving space on campus, access to funding through the College, and the ability to represent the organization at College sponsored programs and events (Orientation, Accepted Students Weekend, etc.). Registered Organizations are prohibited from affiliating and socializing with unregistered organizations. This includes co-hosting events either on or off campus.

The following organizations are currently unable to have a registered status with the College of Charleston:

Alpha Epsilon Pi

Findings of Violations*

*Reported Incidents for the 2022-2023 academic year are updated periodically. As each reported incident is reported, this page will provide all updates for organizations found in violation. This document is not reflective of incidents currently under active investigation. Incidents that have been resolved through a formal process appear on this report after the decision-making phase has concluded.
  • Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 Term Year
    SPRING 2024

    Alpha Tau Omega

    Description: The organization was alleged to have engaged in alcohol-related hazing. After an investigation, no evidence was found to support the allegations.
    Reported Date: February 13, 2024
    Incident Date: Spring 2024
    Interim Measure: Cease and Desist
    Resolution Date: March 29, 2024

    Pi Kappa Phi

    Description: The organization was alleged to have hazed new members through participation in line ups, sleep deprivation, personal servitude, physical assault and forced consumption of non-alcohol drinks.
    Reported Date: January 30, 2024
    Resolution Date: February 26, 2024; In Violation

    • Probation until May 31, 2025.
    • Suspension of Events with Alcohol through May 31, 2024
    • Creation of an Environment in Compliance with the Risk Management Policy by the Executive Council and Risk Management Chairman.
    • Membership Review completed no later than March 30, 2024, and results by April 15th, 2024.
    • Initiation of the Spring 2024 Associate Members will include the presence of the Chapter Advisor, a new member of the Council of Advisors, a designated alumnus, or a representative of the national staff.
    • Revision of the Associate Member Education Program to include written associate member activities.
    • Monetary Fine/Special Assessment of $100 per member on the roster following the membership review.
    • Council of Advisors Recruitment and Training of three total advisors.
    • National Leadership Events – Supreme Chapter 2024 (send two (2) delegates)
    • Membership Reaffirmation Programming required with National Headquarters staff by April 15, 2024.
    • Officers Required to Live in the Chapter Facility and make appropriate amendments to bylaws by August 1, 2024.
    • Meetings with the Fraternity & Sorority Life Staff weekly.
    • National Headquarters Staff Visits once each semester.
    • Monthly Virtual Calls throughout the probationary period with a Pi Kappa Phi staff member.
    • Review of Remedial Action Plan with National Staff and College Staff prior to August 2024 and January 2025.

    Womens Club Rugby

    Description: The organization is alleged to have hazed new members through acts of servitude and required hosting and or attendance of events with unlawful possession of alcohol and controlled substances.
    Reported Date: February 2024
    Incident Date: Fall 2023
    Interim Measure: Cease and Desist issued 3/4/24
    Resolution Date: Organizational Conduct in progress

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon

    Description: This organization is alleged to have engaged in reckless behavior resulting in damage to a private property.
    Reported Date: April 2024
    Incident Date: April 2024
    Interim Measure: Social Moratorium issued on 4.18.24
    Resolution date: Organizational Conduct in progress

    Sigma Chi

    Description: The organization is alleged to have hazed new members through participation in line ups, personal servitude, forced physical activities, and forced consumption of unlawful substances.
    Reported Date: May 2024
    Incident Date: Fall 2021
    Interim Measure: Interim Suspension for Chapter until further notice; the Chapter is not allowed to function as an organization which prohibits recruitment, meetings, and activities and events on or off-campus. Investigation on-going.
    Resolution Date: Organizational Conduct in progress


    FALL 2023

    Alpha Tau Omega

    Description: Hazing involving forced alcohol
    Reported Date: September 28, 2023, by ATO Headquarters from online hotline report
    Cease and Desist letter issued to chapter: September 28, 2023; ATO led investigation
    Resolution Date: Alpha Tau Omega HQ investigation determined misuse of alcohol (not forced) at a recruitment bid day event.
    Outcomes/Sanctions: December 4, 2023; ATO sent sanctions letter to chapter on October 25, 2023 without notifying the College. College lifted Cease and Desist on December 5, 2023
    • Executive Board will review ATO alcohol policy with chapter with proof of attendance by 90% of members sent to ATO HQ Director of Health and Safety by December 1, 2023
    • Completion of Alcohol EDU online training module by 90% of membership
    • Membership Education chair review the chapter’s health and safety plan with the ATO HQ Director of Health and Safety. Must be complete before any new member events are held.
    • Executive Board must conduct an officer transition retreat prior to January 15, 2023. The retreat must involve the creation of a new recruitment plan for new members and bid day. The plan will have to be approved by the ATO Board of Trustees.
    • Meet with College of Charleton Division of Student Affairs leadership prior to the retreat.
    • Health and Safety fee(over $8,000) will be assessed if the above sanctions are not completed or if there are further violations of policy

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon

    Description: Hazing; the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Headquarters has not shared a copy of the incident report)
    Reported Date: November 6, 2023
    Resolution Date: November 6, 2023 (investigation was completed by Sigma Alpha Epsilon Headquarters before the College received notification of any incident and or allegations reported)


    Investigation and Chapter Sanctions handled by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Headquarters

    • Probation: the Chapter is on Probation until December 31, 2025
    • Fine In Abeyance: If the Chapter Collegiate fails to comply with any terms of its probation, the Chapter Collegiate will be assessed a fine of $100/member on their Fraternity invoice.
    • Health & Safety Fee Surcharge: The Chapter Collegiate’s health and safety fee will incur a 25% incident surcharge for as long as the Chapter is on probation.
    • Membership Review: The Supreme Council may authorize a membership review of the Chapter
    • Collegiate members to be conducted by alumni appointed by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Supreme Council (Board of Directors). All Chapter Collegiate members would be required to participate in the membership review. During this membership review, members may be summarily expelled, suspended, placed on probation, fined, reprimanded, or any combination thereof.
    Chapter Redevelopment Retreat: All Chapter Collegiate members must attend a multi-day chapter redevelopment retreat conducted by Fraternity Service Center staff members and alumni. The retreat will culminate with the Chapter Collegiate creating and agreeing to a comprehensive redevelopment framework, which will be incorporated into these developmental and educational sanctions.
    • Leadership School: The Chapter Collegiate must send at least two (2) members to Leadership School, which will be held January 4 - 7 in Orange County, California.
    • Ritual Academy: The Chapter Collegiate must send at least (2) members to Ritual Academy, which will be held August 2-4, 2024, in Evanston, Illinois.
    • Health and Safety Review and Minerva’s Shield: The Chapter Collegiate must review Minerva’s Shield with their Chapter Service Consultant by February 1, 2024
    • Hazing Prevention Event: The Chapter Collegiate must have 80% attendance for a hazing prevention/bystander intervention workshop (provided by the Office of the Dean of Students) by the end of the Spring semester 2024
    • Online Education modules: The Chapter Collegiate must participate in the following modules with 85% completion from the Chapter before the Chapter can have any events:
      • Hazing Awareness and Prevention for New Members, Hazing Awareness and Prevention for Existing Members, Bystander Intervention

    Student Government Association

    Description: Empty alcohol bottles found in the Student Government Association on-campus office
    Reported: September 30
    Resolution Date: October 19, 2023
    • Therapy Assistance Online Alcohol module and show proof of completion of the module.
    • Reflection paper. Topic: As a member who is serving in an elected position what does it mean to be a role model to other students? What harm do you think this incident has caused and how could it affect your role in this elected position?
    • As a team write a letter of apology to leadership of the Division of Student Affairs
  • Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 Term Year
    SPRING 2023

    CofC Women's Soccer Team

    • Incident Date: February 4, 2023
    • Investigation Initiated: February 7, 2023
    • Charge Date: February 13, 2023
    • Resolution Date: April 3, 2023
    Description: There was an unregistered, off-campus party where the majority of the members of the Women's soccer team were present, where alcohol was easily available and accessible to those under the age of 21, the police addressed a noise level concern, and video recordings showed a concern of possible hazing due to a funnel being used to consume alcohol.

    • Captain led discussions to take place on the below topics by 5/12/23 as well as a second discussion to occur preseason by 8/22/23 with a summarized documentation to be submitted. Topics include consequences of alcohol consumption and binge drinking, representation of the College and the Athletics program and how it affects the greater Charleston community, creating safe spaces for teammates of all ages to legally participate in social activities, and social setting behavior and review of social media.
    • Invitation to a member of the Office of the Dean of Students to speak to the team each preseason to provide guidance on the code of conduct and student handbook.
    • Participation in an educational experience, as determined by the Senior Associate Athletic Director for Student-Athlete Success and Senior Athletic Women's Administrator to learn about the dangers of binge drinking and the laws regarding underage drinking with program completion by 5/12/23.
    • Facilitation of a team conversation based on the NCAA's "Building New Traditions" guide, chapters 5-6 with a signed "Culture of Safety Pledge" submitted by 8/22/23.

    Sigma Chi Fraternity

    • Incident Date: ongoing from February 4, 2023
    • Investigation Initiated: February 15, 2023
    • Cease and Desist Order Initiated: February 24, 2023

    Description: Upon reports of hazing, the Iota Epsilon chapter of Sigma Chi was placed on a Cease and Desist order by the College and their Headquarters. A comprehensive Chapter Membership Review was conducted on April 21-22 by their Headquarters.

    • The Review Team recommendation is a chapter remedial plan.

    Remedial Plan

    • Fall 2023 - Continued suspension of all chapter operations, no pledging, recruitment, or social events
    • Spring 2024 – Fall 2024; Limited recruitment under the supervision of Headquarters, supervised pledge education, educational workshops on chapter operations, risk management, financial and strategic planning, and leadership training required for all chapter members
    • Bi-weekly check-in meetings with chapter president and Fraternity and Sorority Life staff
    • Monthly check-in meetings with chapter president and Associate Vice President or Executive Vice President
    • Monthly check-in meetings with Headquarters Director of Accountability
    • Social Probation until Spring 2025; all events and functions planned and hosted by the chapter are to be approved by Headquarters officer and the Fraternity and Sorority Life professional staff.

    FALL 2022

    No Infractions to Report

  • Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 Term Year
    SPRING 2022

    No Infractions to Report


    Fall 2021

    Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity

    • Incident Date: September 6, 2021
    • Investigation Initiated: September 7, 2021
    • Charge Date: September 10, 2021
    • Resolution Date: September 20, 2021

    Description: Hosted unregistered events off-campus. Current chapter members purchased and provided alcohol and engaged in hazing behaviors with new members present at the off-campus events. The behaviors resulted in a victim being transported to the hospital for alcohol consumption.


    • Deferred Suspension from September 20, 2021 to September 1, 2022 from College of Charleston
    • General Probation until further notice from Zeta Tau Alpha National Council
    • Social Probation Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, no events with or without alcohol are permitted in Fall 2021
    • Two non-College employees must attend all chapter meetings and new member meetings in 2021-22
    • Chapter Executive Board members who participated and provided alcohol are removed and replaced by ZTA National Council
    • New Member education may resume no sooner than October 31, 2021
    • Chapter will provide a community-wide educational program on Bystander Intervention during Spring 2022 semester
    • ZTA National Council will select chapter officers for 2022 terms
    • Chapter officers required to attend ZTA National Officer Leadership Academy in January 2022
    • Chapter will present a formal plan on education of fraternity policies, procedures and social practices to the ZTA Senior Director of Harm Reduction by October 31, 2021
    • Chapter will meet with ZTA Province President to review all requirements outlined by College and Fraternity disciplinary sanctions
    • Leadership Consultant will be assigned to the chapter to oversee support and direction of the new member education program
    • During Spring 2022 chapter will facilitate the My Sister, My Responsibility educational workshop


    Kappa Alpha Order

    • Incident Date: September 17, 2021
    • Investigation Initiated: September 22, 2021
    • Charge Date: September 24, 2021
    • Resolution Date: October 6, 2021

    Description: There was an unregistered, off-campus party, where 20 active members of Kappa Alpha Order, and 14 new members of Kappa Alpha Order were present and where alcohol was easily available and accessible to those under the age of 21.


    • Probation for remainder of Fall 2021 semester- concludes on December 15, 2021
    • New Member Education calendar with all pertinent information- dates, times, locations, and advisors who will be present- due to Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life by October 13, 2021, with the understanding that any member of the Student Involvement/Higdon Center Staff may attend these meetings/events to ensure compliance with policies and procedures
    • All members of the chapter (both active and new) must sign an acknowledgement that they have read and understand the national Kappa Alpha Order Risk Management policy, due by October 15, 2021 to the Higdon Center
    • All new members of the chapter will sign an acknowledgement of the College’s Hazing Policy- that they have read and understand, due by October 15, 2021 to the Higdon Center
    • Chapter will host an alcohol and risk management education presentation for the entirety of the chapter from an outside speaker. Staff in Student Involvement/Higdon Center will assist with making arrangements. All members and new members must be in attendance at the event. Presentation should be held by December 1, 2021

    CofC Dance Team

    • Incident Date: September 17, 2021
    • Investigation Initiated: September 22, 2021
    • Charge Date: September 24, 201
    • Resolution Date: October 7, 2021

    Description: There was an unregistered, off-campus party, hosted by the Dance Team, members of the Dance Team were present and where alcohol was easily available and accessible to those under the age of 21.


    • The team will be on Probation for the remainder of the Fall semester—concludes on December 15, 2021.
    • The captains and Coach will work with the Executive Director of Student Involvement to schedule an impactful educational program/speaker concerning alcohol and risk management.
    • This program must have 100% participation by all dance team members, and should be completed by December 1, 2021.
    • The team, led by captains and Coach, will meet to establish a set of rules and expectations for the team moving forward that uses the CofC Department of Athletics and CofC Code of Conduct, as a guide. The goal will be to increase awareness of how actions impact one another and reputation as a team. The team rules should also specifically focus on addressing social events and team gatherings in the future. Due by October 29, 2021.
    • The team members residing at 20 Ascott Alley agree to refrain from hosting any team socials or gatherings, with or without alcohol, for the remainder of the 2021-22 season.


    Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Term Year

    SPRING 2021

    No Infractions to Report


    FALL 2021

    No Infractions to Report

  • Fall 2019 - Spring 2020 Term Year
    SPRING 2020

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity

    • Incident Date: April 5, 2019
    • Investigation Initiated: December 4th, 2019
    • Charge Date: February 6, 2020
    • Resolution Date: February 20, 2020

    Description: Hosted an unregistered event off campus that resulted in the disturbance of surrounding guests, cases of indecent conduct, and

    Sanctions: The following speakers will be hosting seminars related to the incident in order to educate the fraternity members on the violations to both the College of Charleston's and Sigma Alpha Epsilon's National Policies. These seminars will also educate members on the potential liability and risk they pose to themselves and their Chapter when conducting themselves in an unsafe manner.
    • Topic/Seminar #1: Responsibilities, Values. & the Importance of Safety
    • Topic/Seminar #2: "How to Manage Our Chapter and Members Successfully"
    • Topic/Seminar #3: "Bodily Effects of Using and Abusing Substances"
    • Topic/Seminar #4: Legal & Long Term Effects of Violating Published Policies & Laws
    • Topic/Seminar #5: Bystander Intervention

    Kappa Alpha Order Fraternity

    Incident Date: November 22, 2019
    Investigation Initiated: November 25th, 2019
    Charge Date: February 5, 2020
    Resolution Date: February 21, 2020

    Description: Hosted an unregistered event off campus


    1 - All nine chapter executive officers will be required to attend officer training at Kappa Alpha Order’s Province Council on February 21st and 22nd in Atlanta, GA. This officer training will include social event management, risk management, and training over KA laws and policies.
    2 - The chapter will be required to host a seminar/workshop with a representative from the Dean of Students Office to review the College of Charleston’s Alcohol and Social Event Policies.
    3 - At least four (4) chapter members will be required to attend Kappa Alpha Order’s Emerging Leaders Academy, July 16-19, 2020, to go through further training on topics including chapter operations and risk management.

    FALL 2019

    College of Charleston Sailing Team

    Incident date: August 30, 2019
    Investigation Initiated: November 11, 2019
    Charge Date: November 21, 2019
    Resolution Date: January 21, 2020

    Description: Hosted unregistered event with alcohol that was accessible to students under 21


    • The Sailing Team will schedule a mandatory meeting where a representative from the Office of the Dean of Students will present the findings and outcomes of the investigation and field any questions. This meeting will take place before January 31, 2020.
    • The captains and coaches will work with the College of Charleston Recovery Program Director to schedule an impactful speaker to engage the team in a presentation very early in February of 2020.
    • The Sailing SAAC (Student Athlete Advisory Committee) representatives will discuss the procedure and resolution (sanctions) during February SAAC meeting; verification of this should be sent by the SAAC advisor to the Office of the Dean of Students no later than February 28 2020.
    • The team will participate in separate male and female meetings coordinated through the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs to learn about the dangers of drugs and alcohol and how they relate to sexual assault.
      • a. January 21: Male Sailors
      • b. January 22: Female Sailors
    • The team will participate in a Healthy Relationships/Bystander Intervention workshop to be facilitated by the Office of the Dean of Students. The workshop should be completed by March 31, 2020.
    • Each fall, immediately after tryouts, the team led by coaches and captains will meet to establish a set of character ideals that will provide a positive outline from which to operate. Using the CofC Department of Athletics and CofC Code of Conduct as a guide, the goal will be to increase awareness of how our actions impact one another as well as our reputation as a team. Team rules will be formulated through this process, specifically addressing social events and hazing.
    • The sailors living at 102 Line St. will be requested to refrain from holding team social events at their residence for the remainder of the 2019-20 season. In addition, the team is not permitted to have alcohol at organizational/team events, including those with alumni and/or parents, on and/or off campus, effective immediately lasting until the conclusion of the Spring 2020 semester. The team is to not have alcohol at any recruitment, social, semi-formal, formal event, or any other type of function that can be determined as a Sailing Team event using “reasonable objective observer” standard.

    Alpha Tau Omega

    Incident Date: March 29, 2019
    Investigation Initiated: May 3, 2019
    Charge Date: June 20, 2019
    Resolution Date: October 11, 2019

    Description: Hosted unregistered event with alcohol while under an alcohol-free status and engaging in disorderly conduct.

    Sanctions: Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity has been placed on student organization conduct probation starting October 11, 2019 and lasting until December 10, 2019. A student organization placed on probation is considered not in good disciplinary standing with the College.

    • Recruitment and Member Review
      • The organization may continue with participation in IFC approved recruitment activities. Recruitment procedures need to include:
        • The completion of a recruitment criteria rubric that is completed in hard copy for each potential new member. Copies of these rubrics are to be provided to the Office of the Dean of Students following any recruitment period in 2020 and 2021.
        • The chapter will utilize the Accountability Matrix program provided by the National Fraternity to conduct an internal review of all current members to ensure they meet the standard of membership expected of members of the Fraternity. This review needs to be completed by December 2, 2019 and a letter from your National Office must be sent to the Dean of Students by December 6 verifying this process has been completed.
    • Restriction of Privileges
      • Denial to sponsor, co-sponsor and/or participate in any social event or other activity on and/or off campus. Effective immediately and lasting until the conclusion of the Fall 2019 semester.
      • Denial of advertising on and/or off campus for organizational activities. Effective immediately and lasting until the conclusion of the Fall 2019 semester.
      • Denial to participate in intramural sports. Effective immediately and lasting until the conclusion of the Fall 2019 semester.
      • Denial of having alcohol at organizational events including those with alumni and parents on and/or off campus. Effective immediately lasting until the conclusion of the Fall 2020 semester (with one exception listed below). The chapter is to not have alcohol at any recruitment, brotherhood, chapter, social, semi-formal, formal event, or any other type of function that can be determined as a chapter event using “reasonable objective observer” standard.
    • Mandatory Letters
      • The current Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity executive leadership is required to create a letter for the Office of the Dean of Students describing what they have learned from this experience and what knowledge they would wish to provide to future members.
      • The current Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity executive leadership is required to create a letter for the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. The letter will need to include the following: How ATO plans to enhance its education and training of current and future members regarding the chapter’s values and ethical responsibilities both on and off campus, How the actions of ATO members and guests connected with this incident have impacted the campus community and community partners such Hibernian Hall, and How ATO will strengthen its connections with the Charleston community and repair/restore relationships damaged by this incident.
      • Write a letter of apology to the Hibernian This letter should acknowledge the importance of the support of this association to the College of Charleston and seek to make amends for harm caused, including harm to reputation.
    • Mandatory Meetings and Participants
      • Advisor or other approved alumnus must be present at every meeting and chapter sponsored event, including social events until the conclusion of the Spring 2020 semester.
      • ATO will host weekly risk management lessons taught by the Health and Safety Officer, with guidance from ATO Associate Director of Risk Prevention. This requirement starts immediately and last until the conclusion of the Spring 2020 semester. The materials shared each week with the members must be sent to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life by the next working day after chapter meetings as well as a list of those in attendance.
      • One meeting with representatives from the Office of the Dean of Students, Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, National Headquarters, Alumni Chapter and the chapter Executive Leadership during the Fall 2019 semester. One purpose of this meeting is to review the myriad of resources regarding risk management available to the ATO Beta Xi Chapter. The Office of the Dean of Students will work with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life to arrange the meeting.
    • Pre-Approved Events with Alcohol, Fall 2020
      • During the Fall 2020 semester, if the above-named sanctions are completed in a timely manner and without further incident, ATO will be allowed, under the direction of OFSL, the ATO Board of Trustees, and National HQ to host one event, with alcohol, that follows all local and national risk management guidelines. ODOS will defer to OFSL to work with the organization on completion of this sanction, including deadlines.
    • Service to the Community
      • Through the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 semesters, ATO must perform a total of ten (10) hours of service for non-profit entities based in Charleston County. At least ninety percent of all current members of the Chapter must participate. The site(s) of service must be pre-approved by the Office of the Dean of Students.

    Fall 2018 - Spring 2019 Term Year

    SPRING 2019

    No Infractions to Report


    FALL 2018

    No Infractions to Report


  • Fall 2017 - Spring 2018 Term Year
    SPRING 2018

    Alpha Tau Omega

    Incident Date: February 16, 2018
    Investigation Initiated: February 26, 2018
    Charge Date: March 1, 2018
    Resolution Date: April 2, 2018

    Description: Hosted unregistered event with alcohol while under an alcohol-free status.


    • Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity has been placed on deferred suspension starting April 2, 2018 and lasting until May 10, 2019. A student organization placed on deferred suspension is considered not in good disciplinary standing with the College and the suspension is held in abeyance as long as all sanctions are successfully completed and there are no other proven violations.
    • Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity is required to pay restitution to the Hinton Center by May 11, 2018. Please work with the Director for Student Leadership and Fraternity & Sorority Life to facilitate completion of this sanction by the deadline.
    • Advisor or other approved alumnus must be present at every meeting and chapter sponsored event, including social events until the conclusion of the Spring 2019 semester.
    • ATO will host weekly risk management lessons taught by the Health and Safety Officer, with guidance from ATO Associate Director of Risk Prevention. Details of these lessons should be included in communication from the Health and Safety Officer to OFSL. Lessons should be facilitated through the conclusion of the Deferred Suspension status.
    • ATO will continue on an alcohol-free status through the Spring 2019 semester. The chapter is to not have alcohol at any recruitment, brotherhood, chapter, social, semi-formal, formal event, or any other type of function that can be determined as a chapter event using “reasonable objective observer” standard.
    • During the Fall 2018 semester, ATO will be required to host an approved social event without alcohol and involving non-members of the fraternity. ODOS will defer to OFSL to work with the organization on completion of this sanction, including deadlines.
    • During the Fall 2019 semester, if the above-named sanctions are completed in a timely manner and without further incident, ATO will be allowed, under the direction of OFSL, the ATO Board of Trustees, and National HQ to host one event, with alcohol, that follows all local and national risk management guidelines. ODOS will defer to OFSL to work with the organization on completion of this sanction, including deadlines.

    FALL 2017

    Phi Gamma Delta

    Incident Date: October 14, 2017
    Investigation Initiated: October 17, 2017
    Charge Date: October 31, 2017
    Resolution Date: January 8, 2018

    Description: Incident involving hazing and alcohol


    • Removal of Student Organization recognition effectively immediately and a return to be facilitated by Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life no earlier than Fall of 2022
    • A letter to any future colony of Phi Gamma Delta outlining the conduct of the chapter that led to its closure, how the issues surrounding the conduct arose and escalated prior to the Code of Conduct review, and how the Fraternity should have conducted itself and could have benefited from the multiple attempts to intervene by the its National Headquarters and the College-sponsored education.

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon

    Incident Date: September 30, 2017
    Investigation Initiated: October 10, 2017
    Charge Date: October 17, 2017
    Resolution Date: December 5, 2017

    Description: Hosted unregistered event with a common source of alcohol that was accessible to students under 21.


    • Host weekly risk management lessons taught by the Health and Safety Officer, with guidance from SAE Headquarters Senior Director of Chapter Development John Kovalan, until Monday, April 23, 2018. The chapter is encouraged to continue hosting these same lessons each semester, in perpetuity.
    • Complete an Alcohol and Other Drug course. The chapter will use its dues to fund the program cost, if necessary. All chapter members (active members and Fall 2017 new members) must complete this course between Monday, January 8 – Friday, March 16, 2018. Spring 2018 new members will not need to complete this course. The course must be approved by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
    • Complete an educational session on proper event planning by SAE Headquarters Coordinator of Chapter Development Kevin Gath. The chapter will complete this program between Monday, January 8 – Friday, March 16, 2018. The chapter will use it dues to fund the program cost, if necessary. At least 90% of chapter membership (active and new members) must be in attendance.
    • Sponsor a session of CHOICES for the chapter, led by a trained facilitator. The chapter will complete this program between Monday, January 8 – Friday, March 16, 2018. The chapter will use its dues to fund the program cost, if necessary. At least 90% of chapter membership (active and new members) must be in attendance.
    • Sponsor a presentation by Dr. Mark Weist from the University of South Carolina between Monday, January 8 – Friday, March 16, 2018. The chapter will use its dues to fund the program cost, if necessary. At least 90% of chapter membership (active and new members) must be in attendance. The presentation should be open to the entire fraternity/sorority community, as well as College community.
    • Hold individual judicial board hearings for all brothers involved in this situation.
    • Alcohol-free status through May 11, 2018. The chapter is to not have alcohol at any recruitment, brotherhood, chapter, alumni social, mixer, semi-formal, formal event, or any other type of function that can be determined as a chapter event. The chapter also cannot participate in any social or mixer in which they are asked to participate in from other chapters or organizations.

    Men’s Soccer Club

    Incident Date: September 30, 2017
    Investigation Initiated: October 9, 2017
    Charge Date: October 9, 2017
    Resolution Date: November 3, 2017

    Description: Fighting during tournament game


    • Organizational Disciplinary Probation starting November 3, 2017 and lasting until May 11, 2018. An organization on Disciplinary Probation is considered not in good disciplinary standing with the College and is alerted that should there be future violations or failure to complete other assigned sanctions, then more severe sanctions will be assigned.
    • The Men's Soccer Club will be prohibited from further travel and competition until January 9, 2018.

    Kappa Sigma

    Incident Date: September 9, 2017*
    Investigation Initiated: September 15, 2017
    Charge Date: October 23, 2017
    Resolution Date: December 13, 2017

    Description: Incidents involving hazing, physical abuse, intimidation and harassment


    • Removal of Student Organization recognition effectively immediately and a return to be
      facilitated by Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life no earlier than Fall of 2022
    • A letter to any future colony of Kappa Sigma outlining the conduct of the chapter that led to its closure, how the issues surrounding the conduct arose and escalated prior to the Code of Conduct review, and how the Fraternity should have conducted itself and could have benefited from the multiple attempts to intervene by the its National Headquarters and the College-sponsored education.

    * This is the date of the initial incident reported. Incidents occurred throughout the semester.


    Alpha Tau Omega

    Incident Date: September 15, 2017
    Investigation Initiated: September 29, 2017
    Charge Date: September 29, 2017
    Resolution Date: November 9, 2017

    Description: Hosted unregistered event with a common source of alcohol that was accessible to students under 21.

    • The chapter will host weekly risk management lessons taught by the Health and Safety Officer, with guidance from ATO Associate Director of Risk Prevention, until Monday, April 23, 2018. The chapter is encouraged to continue hosting these same lessons each semester, in perpetuity.
    • The chapter will complete an Alcohol and Other Drug course. The chapter will use its dues to fund the program cost. All chapter members (active members and Fall 2017 new members) must complete this course. Spring 2018 new members will not need to complete this course. The course must be approved by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
    • The chapter will sponsor a session of Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP) for the chapter, led by a trained facilitator. The chapter will complete this program between now and Friday, March 16, 2018. ATO will use its dues to fund the program cost, if necessary. At least 90% of chapter membership (active and new members) must be in attendance.
    • The chapter will sponsor an approved campus-wide alcohol education speaker between now and Friday, March 16, 2018. At least 90% of chapter membership (active and new members) must be in attendance. The speaker must be approved by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
    • The chapter should hold individual judicial board hearings for the tenants at the residence the event was hosted and the brothers who contributed to the purchase of the open-source alcohol.
    • The chapter will be placed on an alcohol-free status through May 11, 2018. The chapter is to not have alcohol at any recruitment, brotherhood, chapter, social, semi-formal, formal event, or any other type of function that can be determined as a chapter event.
  • Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Term Year
    SPRING 2017

    Pi Kappa Phi

    Incident Date: February 11, 2017*
    Investigation Initiated: May 19, 2017
    Charge Date: May 24, 2017
    Resolution Date: July 26, 2017

    Description: Incidents involving alcohol, drugs and hazing


    • A letter of apology to President Glenn McConnell apologizing for the organization’s behavior that not only posed a threat to the health and safety of its own members, but for others within the campus community.
    • A letter to any future colony of Pi Kappa Phi outlining the conduct of the chapter that
      led to its closure, how the issues surrounding the conduct arose and escalated prior to the Code of Conduct review, and how the Fraternity should have conducted itself and could have benefited from the multiple attempts to intervene by the its National Headquarters and the College-sponsored education.
    • Removal of Student Organization recognition effectively immediately and a return to be
      facilitated by Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life no earlier than Fall of 2019.
    * This is the date of the initial incident reported. Incidents occurred throughout the semester.

    Kappa Alpha Theta

    Incident Date: January 27, 2017
    Investigation Initiated: January 31, 2017
    Charge Date: March 1, 2017
    Resolution Date: March 3, 2017

    Description: Chapter members hosted multiple unregulated “pre-game” events with alcohol prior to a chapter sponsored function.

    Sanctions: Individual judiciary hearings with all members involved, resulting in internal and individual disciplinary sanctions
    • This includes:
      • All members who participated in pre-game parties in any capacity
      • Any member or chapter officer that disobeyed Kappa Alpha Theta policy
    • Discontinuation of the event “Buffett Bash”
      • The chapter will never again be able to sponsor or host an event that resembles the themes of Buffett Bash
      • When the chapter has reached a point where the creation of a new themed social event presents itself, chapter leadership shall consult with the VP of Standards for Panhellenic on theme, and potential risk management and/or public relations issues.
    • Kappa Alpha Theta shall sponsor (or co-sponsor if possible) an approved campus wide alcohol education speaker to take place during the fall 2017 semester. 90% of chapter membership must be present for this speaker. This speaker must be approved by Panhellenic and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
    • Kappa Alpha Theta shall work with the Office of the Dean of Students to schedule a speaker to present directly to the undergraduate women on the topic of Alcohol and/or other drugs. This must be completed by May 2017. 90% of the chapter must be in attendance for this speaker.
    • Kappa Alpha Theta will remain alcohol free until December 15, 2017.
    • The chapter is encouraged to plan/host a social event (i.e. sisterhood, date party, etc). Within the first two weeks of the fall semester.
    ** All sanctions have been completed.

    FALL 2016

    Phi Gamma Delta

    Incident Date: November 15, 2016*
    Investigation Initiated: November 21, 2016
    Charge Date: November 21, 2016
    Resolution Date: February 2, 2017

    Description: Hazing


    • The chapter is on warning with the College until January 12, 2019. If there are any College violations for which chapter is found in violations, they may have additional sanctions.
    • The chapter is required to use the Fraternity’s prescribed 8-week Pledge Education Program in perpetuity. The chapter will strictly comply with the Fraternity’s 8-week Pledge Education Program, with no exceptions.
    • In addition to providing each pledge with a written copy of their portion of the Pledge Education Program, including a syllabus and schedule, they must also provide this same information to the Office of the Dean of Students for inclusion in files within 24 hours of when it is presented to pledges.
    • The chapter must send a message (either written or by email) to the parents of each pledge within one week of pledging. The message can contain standard parent information, but will include the Fraternity’s stance on hazing as well as the name and contact information of the Chapter President, Graduate/Alumni Advisors, and Headquarters staff. They must provide a copy of this letter each semester to the Office of the Dean of Students for inclusion in your file.
    • The chapter must submit to the Office of the Dean of Students a copy of the retreat report provided to the headquarters 30 days after holding the chapter retreat focusing on improving membership development.

    * This is the date the incident was reported. Actual Incidents occurred throughout the semester leading up to the report.
    ** All sanctions have been completed.

    Pi Kappa Alpha

    Incident Date: September 12, 2016*
    Investigation Initiated: September 12, 2016
    Charge Date: September 14, 2016
    Resolution Date: November 28, 2016

    Description: New members were mandated to serve as designated drivers every weekend, purchase meals for active members, physical activities such as push-ups and planks, clean active member apartments, hold a penny against the wall with their nose while answering questions.


    • Membership Assessment – The Chapter will receive a visit by the International Fraternity
      staff to meet individually about Lambda Kappa Chapter’s future at College of Charleston. All members of the Chapter will be administratively suspended prior to the review, and they will not be allowed to meet except to respond to the Fraternity and College. All members must schedule a time to meet with the Fraternity staff while they are onsite and bring with them the Petition to Reaffiliate and a copy of their College transcript if one is not already provided by the College to the Fraternity staff. Once the review has been completed, there may be chapter members the committee identifies as those who do not live up to the Standards of the International Fraternity. Invitations to re-affiliate with the re-organized chapter shall depend upon a member’s financial, academic, attendance, along with both individual College and individual chapter conduct history. Failure to meet with the Fraternity staff onsite could result in not being issued an invitation to reaffiliate and potential loss of membership.
    • Election of New Chapter Officers – Lambda Kappa’s current officers are henceforth
      removed, and an election shall be held to replace these positions by December 1, 2017. Any men holding these positions prior to the review may not be re-elected.
    • Alumni Advisory Board – Lambda Kappa Chapter shall work with the Fraternity staff to recruit and/or maintain members for a local alumni advisory board, consisting of no fewer than six (6) volunteer members. This board, inclusive of an accredited chapter advisor, shall be established and reported to the International Fraternity by the end of the spring 2017 semester. This board shall maintain active involvement with the Chapter and commit to oversee it in achieving operational efficiency while fulfilling these conditions
      • The Chapter and AAB shall develop a monthly reporting system to measure the progress
        in following the Action Plan and overall progress.
      • The Chapter and the Alumni Advisory Board shall host a Goal Setting Retreat no later
        than February 1st to begin planning and implement items stated within the Action Plan.
    • Alcohol Education – The Chapter shall work with the College of Charleston to incorporate alcohol education and bystander intervention with the entire Chapter membership, and new members. This must be coordinated and implemented by March 1, 2017. A full report, including those in attendance, will be provided to all stakeholders once the program’s implementation.
    • Revision of Programs – The Chapter shall revise the following programs to ensure the entire program is consistent with the Fraternity’s Standards and the College’s policies. These programs shall be completed and submitted to the International Fraternity by the respective dates:
      • Health & Safety: January 1st
        • To include a Crisis Management Plan
        • To include Event Planning
      • Chapter Bylaws: January 1st
    • New Member Education – The Chapter shall work with the International Fraternity to implement a 4 week new member education program that will be used in perpetuity. This program would include among other things: new member educator facilitators guide, new member education handbook, and The True PIKE Experience handbook used during the 4 weeks (which includes Ingress).
    • Educational Event – The Chapter shall collaborate with the College to plan a workshop geared toward educating officers, chapter members, and new members on the current College Agreement, student code of conduct, general expectations of College of Charleston and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life that may not be implicitly stated in the student code of conduct or other governing documents as well as best practices in the area of event planning and health & safety.
      • 80% of the Chapter must complete training
      • This should be completed by March 1, 2017
    • PIKE University Participation – The Chapter shall commit the following with respect to attendance at PIKE University.
      • The chapter shall commit to send the chapter president, treasurer, and recruitment chairman to the Chapter Executives Conference (CEC) in January 2017 in Memphis, TN.
      • The chapter shall commit to sending 30% of the chapter along with at minimum two (2) chapter officers to PIKE University Leadership Summit: Atlanta in spring 2017. This allows new initiates from Fall 2016 and others the opportunity to understand more about Pi Kappa Alpha, best practices in operations of a chapter, and further education opportunities especially in the realm of health and safety.
      • The chapter shall commit to send at least one (1) representative to the 2017 Academy in Memphis, TN.
    • Accountability of Scholastic Standards – The Chapter shall create a scholarship board that will work together in enforcing the minimum GPA for active initiated members and minimum GPA for new members (those not initiated) in accordance with the College recruitment requirements and those of the Fraternity’s Constitution and Chapter Codes. If a member does not achieve this level, they shall be suspended for the upcoming semester commensurate with what is outlined in the Constitution and Chapter Codes. If a member has two consecutive semesters below the required minimum, they shall be removed from the chapter per the Fraternity’s Constitution and Chapter Codes.
    • Chapter Performance Checklist – The Chapter shall use the performance checklist to help guide the chapter through the Fraternity’s best practices in all areas of programming and operations. It is intended to be reviewed by all stakeholders to ensure that the progress is actually taking place over the next calendar year.
      • Phase I by January 1st
      • Phase II by March 1st
      • Phase III by May 1st
    • Year End Summary (Y.E.S) – The Chapter shall complete and submit the Fraternity’s Year- End Summary awards packet, which will be made available March 1, 2017. This will be used as one of many tools to measure the chapter’s progress from year-to-year.
    * This is the date the incident was reported. Actual Incidents occurred throughout the semester leading up to the report.
    ** All sanctions have been completed.

    Alpha Epsilon Pi

    Incident Date: August 27, 2016
    Investigation Initiated: August 29, 2016
    Resolution Date: August 30, 2016

    Description: Allegations involving alcohol, hazing and sexual assault

    Sanctions:  The College of Charleston supported Alpha Epsilon Pi International Fraternity’s decision to close the chapter

    Kappa Sigma

    Incident Date: August 27, 2016
    Investigation Initiated: September 5, 2016
    Charge Date: September 6, 2016
    Resolution Date: November 28, 2016

    Description: Recruitment event with alcohol


    • The Chapter will be alcohol-free until all of the following sanctions are complete. (12-18 Months) All chapter activities will be alcohol-free regardless of location. The chapter house and any other location where brothers gather must be alcohol-free. The chapter must make a request to the Supreme Executive Committee to reinstate this privilege once all other sanctions are complete.
    • President and Vice President of the Chapter will be removed.
    • The Chapter will complete the Trustee Program under the direction of the Alumnus Chapter Advisor as Trustee of the Chapter. The advisor will organize the chapter in such a fashion to adhere to guidelines found in the Kappa Sigma Trustee Program manual. This program includes:
      • Financial Audit from HQ
      • Revision of By-Laws
      • Risk Management & Liability Program
      • 60-day Pledge Workshop Program
      • HQ’s Brothers-In-Action Membership Development Program
      • Alcohol and Drug Policy/Education Sessions
      • Code of Conduct Seminar
      • Scholarship Enhancement Program (GPA must exceed All Men’s Average)
      • Ritual Program (Brothers will memorize KS ritual to become more dedicated to our Fraternity as a whole) – 50% Must Pass Ritual Examination
      • Alumni Relations/Development Program
      • Hazing/Risk Management Workshop
      • Kappa Sigma Reporting/Communication (to/with School & HQ) Workshop
      • m. Date Rape/STD Workshop
      • Time Management Workshop
      • Second Financial Audit
      • $35 and 35 Hours per Brother Required per Semester in Philanthropy Efforts
      • Chapter Membership remains above 49 or Largest on Campus
      • Final Financial Audit
      • Letters of Recommendation from the District Grand Master, Alumni Advisor, Trustee, and University Official submitted to HQ
    ** All sanctions have been completed.

    Sigma Nu

    Incident Date: August 27, 2016*
    Investigation Initiated: August 29, 2016
    Charge Date: September 6, 2016
    Resolution Date: October 14, 2016

    Description: Allegations involving alcohol, drugs, and hazing

    Sanctions: The College of Charleston supported Sigma Nu Fraternity’s decision to close the chapter

    * Date of the initial incident, additional events happened throughout the semester.

    Pi Kappa Alpha

    Incident Date: August 25, 2016
    Investigation Initiated: September 5, 2016
    Charge Date: September 6, 2016
    Resolution Date: November 28, 2016

    Description:  Recruitment event with alcohol


    • Designation of at least two brothers at the entrance of dry events making sure that they are alcohol free.
      • If an active member is found in violation of these terms they will be placed on immediate social probation congruent with our Chapters code and associated bylaws.
    • Develop a protocol if such an event is to occur again, it will be shut down and disbanded in a safe and orderly fashion.
      • If any active members if found in violation of these terms they will be met with
        immediate social probation, pending a Judicial Board review.
    • The last two days of formal rush must include a comprehensive guest list of potential new members that is strictly enforced at any recruitment event by our Sergeant at Arms and Rush Chairman with no exceptions.
      • Failure to uphold the guest list of potential new members will result in
        immediate cancellation of the recruitment event.
    • Continued development and implementation of Prevention Plan with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.

    ** All sanctions have been completed.

    Pi Kappa Phi

    Incident Date: August 23, 2016, August 24, 2016
    Investigation Initiated: September 5, 2016
    Charge Date: September 6, 2016
    Resolution Date: November 1, 2016

    Description: Recruitment events with alcohol

    • 90% chapter participation in a workshop led by the chapter Leadership Consultant on decision-making skills.
    • 90% chapter participation in a meeting specifically called to review the risk management and event policies of the College of Charleston and the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.
    • Chapter President will write a letter of apology to the College President, Dean of Students and Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
    • National Leadership Events – 2017 Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers Chapter will send the required ten (10) delegates (Archon, Vice Archon, Treasurer, Secretary, Warden, Historian, Chaplain, Risk Management Chairman, Philanthropy Chairman, and Standards Board Chairman) to Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers in January 2017 and pay all applicable fees. The chapter’s delegates must attend all conference sessions and abide by the Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers student conduct policies.
    • Suspension of Events with Alcohol – Spring 2017 Recruitment Period
    • Beginning January 1, 2017, the Alpha Chapter shall be placed on a suspension of events with alcohol until the conclusion of Spring 2017 Interfraternity Council recruitment (i.e. bid signing day). During this time, the chapter may not host, sponsor, organize, endorse, or plan any events where alcohol is present.
    • Suspension of Events with Alcohol – Fall 2017 Recruitment Period
    • Beginning August 1, 2017, the Alpha Chapter shall be placed on a suspension of events with alcohol until the conclusion of Fall 2017 Interfraternity Council recruitment (i.e. bid signing day). During this time, the chapter may not host, sponsor, organize, endorse, or plan any events where alcohol is present.
    • Chapter President and Vice President will organize and execute an alcohol free event, and a philanthropy event which will benefit The Ability Experience.

    Sigma Chi

    Incident Date: August 23, 2016
    Investigation Initiated: September 5, 2016
    Charge Date: September 6, 2016
    Resolution Date: October 18, 2016

    Description: Recruitment event with alcohol


    • Updated amendment to by-laws that directly addresses brothers who violate the rules of recruitment.
    • Early submission of Recruitment Schedule including at minimum one (1) evening event with a mandatory 75% membership attendance to ensure members are meeting potential members in an alcohol free environment.
    • Host a community service event within two weeks of recruitment with a mandatory 75% attendance.
    • Officer transition meeting incorporating issues related to the recruitment process and education of rules prior to the end of the fall 2016 semester followed by a chapter-wide workshop on recruitment policies hosted by the incoming Executive Officers with the chapter advisor and an IFC representative present in January 2017 prior to the start of recruitment.

    ** All sanctions have been completed.

    Kappa Delta

    Incident Date: August 21, 2016
    Investigation Initiated: August 23, 2016
    Resolution Date: November 21, 2016

    Description: Bid day event with alcohol


    • Individual standards meetings for women involved
    • Additional education for new members about policy
    • Bring nationally recognized alcohol speaker in spring 2017 with 90% chapter attendance
    • Panhellenic approved presentation covering alcohol and recruitment during recruitment work week 2017
    • Advisor present at bid day activities 2017
    • Evening event planned for bid day 2017
    ** All sanctions have been completed.

    Beta Theta Pi

    Incident Date: August 20, 2016*
    Investigation Initiated: March 24, 2017
    Charge Date: March 2, 2017
    Resolution Date: April 21, 2017

    Description:  Multiple instances of unregistered parties with common source alcohol, some purchased with chapter funds; hazing behaviors including personal servitude and calisthenics; marijuana use.


    • A letter of apology to President Glenn McConnell, apologizing for the organization’s willful noncompliance with the mandate for alcohol free events during the fall 2016 semester. This letter should demonstrate an understanding of how the organization’s actions undermined the authority of the College’s president, compromised the reputation of the Greek community, and, posed a threat to the health and safety of the entire College community. A hard copy of this letter, on fraternity letterhead, should be delivered to the Office of the Dean of Students by no later than Monday, May 15, 2017.
    • A letter to any future colony of Beta Theta Pi outlining the mistakes that were made in 2016 and 2017, how issues arose and escalated, and how the Fraternity should have conducted itself and benefited from the episodes. A hard copy of this letter, on fraternity letterhead, should be delivered to the Office of the Dean of Students by no later than Monday, May 15, 2017.
    • Loss of recognition and organizational suspension from the College of Charleston until Fall of 2021.
    * This is the date of the initial incident. Incidents occurred throughout the fall 2016 semester.

  • Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 Term Year
    SPRING 2016

    * No incidents related to alcohol, drugs, sexual assault, physical assault, or hazing were reported.

    Fall 2015

    Alpha Epsilon Pi

    Incident Date: December 16, 2015
    Investigation Initiated: January 11, 2016
    Resolution Date: March 2, 2016

    Description: Non-residents went to the house with two cases of beer to play beer pong the night of 12/16. Residence Life administrative search 12/25 indicated a variety of alcohol and drug paraphernalia was found throughout the house and the trash can in the dining room was full of beer cans. A number of beer cans were found throughout the house.


    • Probation until Dec. 31, 2016
    • Residence Life speaker on College housing policy
    • Bringing national caliber speaker on substance abuse prior to September 30, 2016
    • Community service hours
    • Lease of chapter house was not renewed

    Sigma Nu

    Incident Date: November 6, 2015
    Investigation Initiated: November 9, 2015
    Resolution Date: December 2, 2015

    Description: Fraternity members showed up intoxicated to a Greek-wide philanthropic event and brought cups of beer and a bottle of liquor with them, which they consumed prior to performing in the philanthropy.


    • Create a chapter specific risk management team representing members from every class
    • Team meets with the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life to review potential risks
    • Develop a new written risk management plan and process
    • Host alcohol awareness programming for membership prior to the end of the spring semester.

    *All sanctions have been completed.

    Pi Kappa Alpha

    Incident Date: September 4, 2015
    Investigation Initiated: September 9, 2015
    Resolution Date: October 1, 2015

    Description: Members and guests hosted an unregistered event with alcohol at an off campus location. Alcohol was being served from a common source.


    • All members must participate in an additional hour of community service during the semester.
    • Entire chapter must be educated about event and risk management policies with the chapter advisor present.

    *All sanctions have been completed.

  • Fall 2014 - Spring 2015 Term Year
    SPRING 2015


    Incident Date: March 28, 2015
    Investigation Initiated: April 2, 2015
    Resolution Date: April 7, 2015

    Description: Failed to complete event planning form and alcohol management plan for a party the team was hosting.

    Sanctions:  Probation from planning, participating or holding any events and were limited to business meetings only for the remainder of that semester.

    *All sanctions have been completed.

    Sigma Delta Tau

    Incident Date: March 21, 2015
    Investigation Initiated: April 21, 2015
    Resolution Date: May 8, 2015

    Description: New members were blindfolded and walked through a section of campus to learn who their big sisters were.


    • Submit an updated new member calendar to the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life prior to the fall 2015 semester
    • Chapter must have 100% attendance at New Member Conferences in the fall 2015 and spring 2016 semesters
    • Chapter will bring in an outside speaker to present on hazing within Panhellenic organizations
    *All sanctions have been completed.

    FALL 2014

    Beta Theta Pi

    Incident Date: August 23, 2014
    Investigation Initiated: August 29, 2014
    Resolution Date: October 3, 2014

    Description: Chapter members hosted an unregistered event with alcohol for fall bid day with a common supply and alcohol being provided to minors.


    • 80% of chapter attendance at alcohol awareness presentation being hosted on campus
    • Staffing a table during National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week.
    *All sanctions have been completed.
  • Fall 2013 - Spring 2014 Term Year
    SPRING 2014

    Pi Kappa Phi

    Incident Date: April 7-9, 2014
    Investigation Initiated: April 9, 2014
    Resolution Date: April 18, 2014

    Description: New members were required to stay at the fraternity house the week leading up to initiation, only leaving to shower or attend class. They could only eat at certain times, the amount of sleep they were allowed was restricted, and cell phones were taken.


    • Support of self-imposed sanctions:
      • Revision of the Associate Member Education Program
      • Revision of the Written Big Brother Program and Contracts
      • Hazing Prevention Workshop
      • Chapter Standards Board Training
      • Chapter Code of Conduct Updated
      • Associate Member Education Activity Monitoring by Chapter Advisor
    • Probation for 2014-2014 academic year
    • Social Probation through September 30, 2014
    • Advisor at all events/meetings during probation
    • Hazing prevention workshop open to entire IFC Community with additional workshop for fraternity members
    • New member educator removed from position
    • One executive board member must attend all new member meetings in addition to the new member educator
    • Fall officer transition workshop must have advisor present
    • One chapter wide service project each semester during the probationary term

    *All sanctions have been completed.

    Alpha Epsilon Pi

    Incident Date: March 29, 2014
    Investigation Initiated: March 31, 2014
    Resolution Date: April 15, 2014

    Description: Intoxicated members and guests returning from a social function attempted to host an "after party" at the college owned fraternity house. Members were dispersed by residence life officers after verbally abusing the residence life staff.


    • Chapter clean-up of fraternity row.
    • Formal letter of apology.
    • Education from national organization of risk management policies
    • Residence Life staff member educating members on risk management policies
    • Creation of new risk management plan for the chapter for all events
    *All sanctions have been completed.

    Sigma Chi

    Incident Date: March 21, 2014
    Investigation Initiated: March 31, 2014
    Resolution Date: April 24, 2014

    Description: Chapter members and guests had alcohol present at an alcohol free registered chapter philanthropy event.


    • Probation through September 30, 2014
    • Alcohol education for entire chapter prior to September 30, 2014
    • Detailed philanthropy plan submitted to IFC one month prior to event
    • Philanthropy risk management team with a minimum of five members developed to oversee all fraternity philanthropy events
    • Chapter advisor or school official must attend philanthropy events for the spring 2015 philanthropy
    *All sanctions have been completed.

    FALL 2013

    Pi Kappa Alpha

    Incident Date: November 14, 2013*
    Investigation Initiated: November 15, 2013
    Resolution Date: November 22, 2013

    Description: New members were required to participate in multiple scavenger hunts for a variety of random meaningless items. New members were also required to participate in several group runs.


    • New Member Educator and Committee were to be removed from positions immediately and not allowed to hold the positions again in the future.
    • Hazing education hosted by a third party facilitator for a minimum of 90% of the chapter must be completed prior to being allowed to take another pledge class.
    • New member program had to be rewritten and approved by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life and IFC Judicial Chair prior to taking new members.
    * Date Incident was reported, actual events happened over several dates throughout the semester.
    ** All sanctions have been completed.

    Sigma Nu

    Incident Date: August 31, 2013*
    Investigation Initiated: September 26, 2013
    Resolution Date: October 10, 2013

    Description: Hosted an unregistered event with alcohol on bid day, with a common source and providing to minors.

    • Required new members to clean chapter member's houses/apartments and participate in lineups involving calisthenics throughout the new member process.


    • Probation until the spring 2014 semester during which the chapter advisor must attend at least 50% of chapter meetings and all new member meetings.
    • Social probation until the end of fall 2013.
    • Completion of one chapter-wide service event each semester (fall 2013 and spring 2014) during the probationary period.
    • Minimum 90% attendance at national caliber hazing speaker in spring 2014.
    • Submit updated new member education calendar utilizing the Sigma Nu's LEAD Program.
    • Submit an active member education calendar of Sigma Nu Lead sessions.
    • Advisor and IFC Vice President must be present at fall 2013 officer transitions.
    * Date of the initial incident, additional events happened throughout the semester.
    ** All sanctions have been completed.

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon

    Incident Date: August 24, 2013
    Investigation Initiated: August 28, 2013
    Resolution Date: September 13, 2013

    Description: New members were required to participate in a scavenger hunt on bid day to find meaningless items and on August 25 were required to clean active member homes/apartments.


    • Develop and implement a new, new member program, approved by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life.
    • All chapter members must participate in a hazing educational session and review all risk management policies within two weeks of receiving sanctions.
    • An updated new member education plan must be submitted prior to taking new members in spring 2014.
    *All sanctions have been completed.

    Sigma Chi

    Incident Date: August 19, 2013
    Investigation Initiated: August 20, 2013
    Resolution Date: August 26, 2013

    Description: Alcohol was present at a recruitment event.

    • Active members must complete two hours of community service by September 30, 2013
    • Fine of $250
    • 90% of members required to attend national speaker coming to campus August 28, 2013
    *All sanctions have been completed.