Mission, Vision, & Values

This page captures the mission, vision, and values our office strives to uphold in our work at College of Charleston.


The mission of the Office of the Dean of Students is to promote student wellbeing and development through educating about student rights and responsibilities, creating programs, connecting students to resources, exercising sound crisis response, and advocating for student success.


Our vision is to be a campus leader in fostering a network of care and a supportive environment where all students matter.


We accomplish our mission through the lens of our core values that shape our approach and everyday work. Our core values are the principles that guide our initiatives, processes, and services offered.


We treat all students with compassion, empathy and acceptance. We approach all concerns with understanding and kindness and nurture these same qualities in the students we assist. We care for all members of our campus community by assisting and providing support to students in response to unexpected situations, difficult events, or crisis incidents.


We treat all students and each other with respect and fairness. We hold ourselves, students and others accountable to our community standards. We endorse and practice the ethical guidelines of our profession. We maintain open and transparent communication within the university, following the parameters of permissibility.


We value and respect our differences, our environment, and our individual and collective contributions.


We endorse an approach to student accountability that focuses on the rehabilitation and growth of students through reconciliation with those impacted and the community at large.


We connect students to resources and services across campus and throughout the community to help create a support network.


We provide support and share information that enables a student to navigate the College policies and processes and challenging moments and experience academic and personal success.


We embrace the richness of our diversity to cultivate a community where all students are valued for their unique contributions. We understand that we are part of a large, diverse, interconnected system of education and student support. We encourage diversity and equity by promoting civility, by providing accessible programming and services, and by cultivating an inclusive community.