The Honor Board

What is the Honor Board?​

The Honor Board is the student-led hearing body that coordinates hearings to determine whether students are responsible for violations of the policies outlined in the Student Handbook. The College’s Honor System includes our Honor Code and our Code of Conduct. ​

The Honor Board is composed of a pool of faculty, staff, and students who can be called upon to serve as the decisional authority in hearings. The hearing process allows students to appear before the Honor Board and to tell their side of the story. The Honor Board then makes a determination based on the College’s processes and protocols and prepares a finding and any recommended sanctions for the alleged party.​

Members of the Honor Board participate in training to learn more about the College’s policies and procedures, to understand the structure of a formal hearing, and to generate appropriate questions during hearings to help the Board come to a decision​.

Interested in serving on the Honor Board? Visit The Hub to apply!

Become a Member

An Honor Board member is concerned with the rights and duties of students attending the College of Charleston. In order to help preserve conduct and honor standards on campus, they serve as part of a pool of faculty, staff, and students who can be called on to participate in hearings to review information concerning alleged violations of our Student Code of Conduct and Honor Code. The Honor Board makes decisions regarding code infractions and sanctions appropriate for students found responsible for such violations. Through these and other functions listed below, members will be ambassadors of the campus ethics embodied in the Student Code of Conduct and Honor Code.
  • Hearings

    The Honor Board hear information concerning alleged violations of Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Board makes decisions regarding alleged violations, based on the preponderance of evidence, and determine appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.

  • Member duties

    Members must:

    • uphold the standards that promote honest learning and civic behavior.
    • review all materials and be prepared to attend all trainings and board functions and board hearings when called to serve (at least 1 per semester).
    • remain in good academic standing and adhere to high ethical standards that promote a fair and impartial hearing.
    • maintain confidentiality of all parties in discussion of past, pending, and future Board cases, as well as keep a professional relationship with all board members and hearing participants.

    See the complete listing of duties and expectations of Honor Board members on the application found on our Office of the Dean of Students Hub.

  • Recruitment

    Members engage in a competitive recruitment process to ensure that the Honor Board meets its goal of maintaining a membership reflective of the student body at the College of Charleston. Members seek and interview qualified applicants on a rolling basis.

  • Trainings

    Member will receive training in due process and hearing mechanics, as well as specialized case types, on an annual basis. New Board members are required to observe a minimum of two hearings before participating as a voting member​.

  • Programming

    Members will have the opportunity to participate in programming related to the Code of Conduct and Honor Code including tabling events, roundtables, and presentations​.

  • Time Commitment

    Members participate as their schedules allow and are encouraged to do so as often as time permits. While there is no required time commitment, annual reviews of member participation are conducted to ensure that continued membership meets the current needs of the Board.​