See It, Report It, Keep Talking to Us

In an Anonymous Platform

Resources for reporting on-campus incidents
Anonymous Reporting via RealResponse

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the answers to some commonly-asked questions about Real Response.
  • What is RealResponse?

    An anonymous, two-way, texting tool to report misconduct or to seek help and resources.

  • What can be reported?

    Any issues or concerns within the College of Charleston community that you experience or observe. These behaviors can include harassment, sexual misconduct, safety concerns, bullying, discrimination, regarding any type of misconduct or policy violation.

  • What to include in an Anonymous Report?

    Provide the following details:

    • What happened
    • When the situation happened
    • Where the situation happened
    • Who did it happen to

  • How does it work?
    RealResponse allows you to submit reports without revealing your identity.

    By submitting a RealResponse text, you can communicate with a staff member without sharing your personal information. These two-way conversations occur through text, creating a safe space and reducing barriers to communication. This allows you to remain anonymous while staying in touch with administrative staff who can help address your concern(s).

    Here are the steps for submitting an Anonymous Report:
    1. Send a text to +1 231-462-5922 or scan the QR code below
    2. An automated response will be sent once the message is received to confirm that your report has been submitted.
    3. You will receive a text back from a college administrator on the backside of RealResponse to acknowledge your report and ask questions if additional information or clarification is needed.
    4. A case will be created through the appropriate office on campus (Office of the Dean of Students, Student Conduct, Title IX, etc.)
    5. Someone will reach out directly providing follow up to those mentioned in the report.

    QR code for RealResponse Text Tool






  • Why anonymous reporting?

    Building trust regarding sensitive issues takes time, and we want our community to embrace the importance of creating a culture of reporting concerns and these reports are more likely to come when there is no fear of retaliation. Having a safe, versatile and confidential way to elevate voices will only supplement any existing reporting avenues at the College.

  • What can I expect as a follow-up response?

    You will receive an automated response acknowledging receiptAdministrators will also receive an alert and be able to communicate back to you via an encrypted platform to continue communication as needed, such as providing updates or reaching back out to you for more information.

  • How does confidentiality work?

    RealResponse does not display any identifiable information to administrators nor is it sharedAll traffic going over the network is encrypted using secure protocolsRealResponse anonymizes the phone number of anyone sending information keeping identities and associated data protected.

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Emergency Response Resources

Please note that these forms are not intended for emergency use. For emergencies, please contact the College’s Department of Public Safety:

  • Emergency Phone Number: Dial 911
  • Non-Emergency Phone Number: 843-953-5609
  • Location: 89 St. Philip Street, Charleston, SC 29424
  • Campus Map

Other Resources

In addition to RealResponse, the College of Charleston has several reporting options and resources including: