Prevention Education

Our professional staff are trained to engage participants in a purposeful and fun discussion on a variety of topics (listed below). Our workshops can be altered to fit your class or group schedule. Whether you want a quick presentation about our services or a more comprehensive discussion, we are happy to speak with teams, clubs, student leaders, and more.

More information found on The Hub

Available Presentation Topics

  • Bystander Intervention – Can be customized for a specific topic or groups (e.g., Alcohol/Drug Awareness, Hazing, and Sexual Assault Prevention)
  • Party Smart – Can be customized for specific events or holidays (e.g., Safe Spring Break Send Off)
  • Do Not Forget Consent! (Consent and Boundaries)
  • Healthy Relationships 101
  • Swipe Right, or Nah? (Social media impact on relationships)

To Request a Presentation

Please email Sierra Raysor at and include:

  • Type of workshop you are interested in
  • At least 3 potential dates that would work for your class or group.

Please allow 3 business days for workshop confirmation.