First-Year Students
Find your home away from home.
Housing is guaranteed for incoming first-year students who complete their housing application by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on May 1, 2025. After May 1, students may add their name to a housing application wait list through the MyHousing/Dining portal.
The 2025-2026 Housing Contract will be linked here by February 1. You may review the 2024-2025 Housing Contract for reference. You will sign the Housing Contract during the housing application process. Housing contracts are binding for the entire academic year (both fall and spring semesters).
application process
Complete Your Housing Application
Before you can access the housing application, you need to pay the $400 College of Charleston enrollment deposit.
The housing application (for both fall and spring semesters) opens February 1 at 9:00 a.m. If you just paid your enrollment deposit, you'll be able to take these next steps within 12 hours after making your deposit.
To apply:
- Log into MyPortal and click the MyHousing/Dining tile. (Make sure you use your alphabetical username - not the original username with numbers.)
- In the MyHousing/Dining portal, click the Apply for Housing/Meal Plan button.
- Pay the $50 housing application fee.
- Complete your housing application. Designate your housing emergency contact, answer profile questions, select a meal plan and electronically sign your housing contract. You will also search for roommates (optional) and learn about renters insurance.
- For students under the age of 18, your parent or guardian will also be required to electronically sign the housing contract.
If you are trying to access the portal and see a message that says, “Service is temporarily unavailable. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The system is experiencing higher than expected usage. Please try again later.” this means that the portal has reached the max number of users it can handle at one time. Please wait a few minutes and then refresh your browser. This might take some time, especially right when the housing opens.
Find a Roommate
One of the first connections college students make is with their roommate. It’s natural to feel nervous about sharing a room with someone new! Campus Housing is here to help with a state-of-the-art system where you can search for roommates and message them directly.
To find a roommate, first complete your housing application. Then, return to the MyHousing/Dining portal and click on the Roommate Search page to search for potential roommates. Keep in mind that only students who have completed their housing application will show up in the search function, so you might not see as many results early on.
Remember, you are not required to pre-select a roommate, but the College does not match you with one. If you do not form a roommate group ahead of room selection, your roommate will be whomever you select into a room with.
The importance of profile questions – and honest answers
Within the housing application, you were asked several profile questions that our system can use to suggest a roommate for you. It is important that you fill out these answers honestly. Family members will not be the ones living in your new room!
The questions cover areas like sharing items, cleanliness, bedtimes, noise, and the relationship you’d like with your future roommate. Answer these questions based on who you are today, not who you think you will become in college. Trust us, if your room is a mess now, that won’t change with your busy college schedule. Just be honest since this will help you avoid future conflict!
Form a Roommate Group
Have you found your future roommate? Form a roommate group April 1 - May 15.
Once you find someone you want to live with, you’ll create a roommate group in your housing application. To select one another, both students need to have completed the housing application.
Roommate groups can be two to eight people. You can form a roommate group between April 1 and May 15. After then, no one can be added to or removed from a group and any students not in a group will select spaces individually.
Use the Add to Group button from the Roommate Selection page to form a roommate group.
Reminder: You must complete your housing application by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on May 1, 2025. But, you may return to your completed application to search for a roommate and form a group until May 15.
Select Your Room
Other schools assign students to rooms. But, at the College of Charleston, YOU get to select your own residence hall and room. Room selection for first-year students takes place in June.
In June, you will select your room based on the date you completed your housing application – please complete your application as soon as possible! If you are in a roommate group, your date/time will be based on the earliest completed application date in your group.
Please read all email from Campus Housing carefully for details about your specific date and time to start room selection, as well as other important instructions and deadlines. You may also review the basic steps of room selection to get ready for this exciting day!
Honors College Selection
- Honors College students who wish to live in Berry Hall select first. (If you are in a roommate group with fewer than 50% Honors students, you will select in the next phase.)
- Honors ELLC students are assigned rooms and do not participate in the room-selection process.
Selecting a Private Bedroom
There are an extremely limited number of private bedrooms available on campus. Students who want to try to select a private bedroom should not join a roommate group.
Students who are not in a roommate group can select a private bedroom if one is available. If a private room is not available, you will live with whomever else selects into your same room during room selection.
Find Your Best Roommate
Get Ready for Room Selection
Summary of Important Dates
Please review the previous sections for detailed information regarding these deadlines.
February 1 housing application opens
April 1 roommate group formation opens
May 1 deadline for guaranteed housing - 11:59 p.m. Eastern time
May 15 deadline for roommate selection/changes
June room selection begins
If you no longer wish to live on campus, you may cancel your housing application. Click the Cancel Application button on the homepage of the MyHousing/Dining portal. Cancellation penalties, outlined below, will apply to the student eBill based on the date of cancellation.
February 1 – June 30: $200
July 1 – July 31: $500
August 1 – August 15: $1,000