Housing Accommodations

When a student completes the College of Charleston housing application/contract, they can also begin the process of requesting disability-related accommodations. Disability-related housing accommodations may be requested when a student indicates that there would be a barrier to their equal access. All requests for disability-related housing accommodations are reviewed by the Center for Disability Services (CDS). To connect with us, please review and begin the process below.

  1. Generally, the Center for Disability Services requires documentation of the student’s disability to determine eligibility. Please see our documentation guidelines and obtain this information so you can submit it with your request or as soon as possible. 

  2. Complete our CDS Application.

  3. Have the Request for Housing Accommodation Verification Form completed by your healthcare provider. If you would like to be considered for academic accommodations, have the Disability Verification Form completed by your healthcare provider.

  4. Submit the CDS Application, Disability Verification Form, and Request for Housing Accommodation Verification Form to us via our CDS SecureShare Portal as PDF documents. Alternatively, these items can be emailed to snap@cofc.edufaxed to 843.953.7731 or delivered to the CDS office, Lightsey Center, Suite 104.


Housing accommodation requests must be submitted to CDS and will be reviewed on an annual basis. Requests can be submitted to CDS at any time; however, for best consideration in terms of availability, requests for housing accommodations for the Fall semester (or full academic year) must be submitted by:

  • February 15 for the fall semester for all returning students
  • May 1 for all incoming students

Requests for housing accommodations for the Spring semester must be submitted by November 15.

Requests for accommodations received after the above noted deadlines will be considered on the basis of availability.



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 843.953.1431 or email us at snap@cofc.edu


Incoming or currently enrolled students:  For more information about how to connect with us for housing accommodations visit The Hub.