General Education
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
What will students know, be able to do or be able to demonstrate after completing the program?
CRITICAL THINKING: Students will be critical thinkers.
Student Learning Outcome: Students conduct or provide analyses or interpretations to substantiate claimsSpecifically, students...
- identify or frame a claim or assumption requiring evidence or support.
- use appropriate evidence to support an analysis.
- reach a warranted conclusion
GLOBAL AND/OR CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE: Students will have a global and/or cultural perspective.
Student Learning Outcome (HUMANITIES): Students demonstrate, analyze or interpret how ideas are represented or valued in various perspectives or expressions of human culture.Specifically, students...
- identify or frame a perspective or expression of human culture.
- analyze how the perspective or expression is represented, interpreted, or valued.
- describe the significance of the perspective or expression of human culture.
Student Learning Outcome (FOREIGN LANGUAGES): Students demonstrate, analyze or interpret how ideas are represented or valued in various perspectives or expressions of human culture.
Specifically, students...
- use an authentic source in its original language to identify global perspective, products, or practices.
- describe the perspective, product or practice in terms of its cultural or historical context.
- through contrast and comparison, analyze perspectives, products or practices from other countries aiming to enhance cultural competence and foster cross-cultural understanding.
Student Learning Outcome (HISTORY): Students demonstrate, analyze or interpret how ideas are represented or valued in various perspectives or expressions of human culture.
Specifically, students...
- demonstrate knowledge of history and awareness of the historical experience.
- situate primary historical records in their contexts.
- use sources to construct historical arguments.
PROBLEM SOLVING: Students will be problem solvers.
Student Learning Outcome: Students apply appropriate methods to obtain conclusions.Specifically, students...
- clearly identify or define a problem.
- employ an appropriate analysis or procedure.
- draw a valid or well-supported conclusion.
WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Students will have professional written communication skills.
Student Learning Outcome: Students write effectively for intended audiences.Specifically, students...
- use logical connections to write in a clear and organized style.
- effectively establish a thesis, message, or main point.
- use appropriate and accurate language for the intended audience and genre.