Policy List

  1. Board of Trustees
  2. Business, Financial and Accounting
  3. Communications, Marketing and Branding
  4. Development and Fundraising
  5. [Reserved]
  6. Facility and Event Management
  7. Faculty and Unclassified Administrators
  8. Health, Safety and Law Enforcement
  9. Human Resources/Equal Opportunity Programs
  10. Information Technology
  11. Access to and Retention of Records
  12. Student
  13. Handbooks


  1. Board of Trustees

    1.1 By-Laws of the College of Charleston Board of Trustees

    1.2 Policy on Policies

  2. Business, Financial and Accounting

    2.1 Auxiliary Enterprises

    2.1.2 Campus Solicitation and Vendor Policy

    2.1.3 Campus Solicitation by Non-College Customers

    2.2 Budgeting and Accounting

    2.2.1 Scholarships, Fellowships, Stipends, Prizes, Awards

    2.2.2 Code of Conduct for the Administration of Title IV, HEA Loan Programs Regular Disbursements Student - Group Travel Payments to Vendors for Catering Moving Expenses Gifts, Flowers, Parties and Other Benefits Prepaid Expenses Cash Receipts Policy Credit/Debit Card Policy Change Fund Policy Institutional Tuition and Fees Refund Policy

    2.3 Contracting, Purchasing, Payables, Receivables Authority to Contract Tax Payer Identification Petty Cash Reimbursements Policy

    2.4 Payroll

    2.4.1 Payroll and Leave Policy Changes

    2.5 Travel

    2.5.1 Travel--General

    2.6 Property Management and Accountability

    2.6.1 Inventory Control Procedures for Accounting of College Property

    2.7 Loan Administration

    2.8 Vehicle Use

    2.8.1 Vehicle Use Policy Vehicle Use Policy Supplement

  3. Communications, Marketing and Branding

    3.1 Advertising

    3.1.1 Advertising Placement and Payment

    3.2 Brand Manual, Visual Identity and Style Guide

    3.2.1 Brand Manual, Visual Identity and Style Guide Policy

    3.2.2 Social Media Policies and Guidelines

    3.3 College Marks, Logos and Indicias

    3.3.1 Use of the College of Charleston Wordmark

    3.3.2 Use of the College of Charleston Seal

    3.3.3 Other Logos, Marks or Graphics

    3.4 College Business System

    3.4.1 Business Cards

    3.4.2 Letterhead and Envelopes

    3.5 Events

    3.5.1 Political Candidates, Parties and Campaigns

    3.6 Licensing

    3.6.1 Licensing of Merchandise for Sale

    3.7 Communications and Media Relations Policies

    3.7.1 Media Relations: Press Releases, Public Statements, Communicating with the Media, Opinion Essays and Letters to the Editor 

    3.7.4 Digital Signage Policy

    3.8 Photography and Filming

    3.8.1 Photography and Filming on Campus

    3.8.2 Commercial Use of Images

    3.8.3 Copyrighted Photography

    3.9 Signage

    3.9.1 Building Signage

    3.9.2 Vehicle and Non-Building Signage

    3.9.3 Signage: Banners, Signs and Posted Material

  4. Development and Fundraising

    4.1 Expense Reimbursement Policy

    4.2 Gift Acceptance Policy

  5. [Reserved]

    5.1 FOIA Request

  6. Facility and Event Management

    6.1 Access to and Use of Facilities

    6.1.2 Amplified Sound Policy

    6.1.3 Policy on Pets on Campus

    6.1.5 Tobacco-Free Campus

    6.1.6 Tailgate Policy

    6.1.7 Weddings and College Venues

    6.1.8 Service and Assistance Animal Policy

    6.3 Event Management (including Vendors)

    6.3.1 Alcohol Use on Campus or During College Sponsored Events

  7. Faculty and Unclassified Administrators

    7.1 Appointments, Terms and Records of Faculty and Unclassified Administrators

    7.1.1 College Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policies (FAM V.A)

    7.1.2 Contracts of Untenured Faculty and Unclassified Academic Administrators (FAM V.B)

    7.1.3 Reduction in Force for Faculty and Unclassified Administrators (FAM VII.D)

    7.1.4 Probationary Appointments for Tenure-track Faculty (FAM V.D)

    7.1.5 Courtesy Faculty Appointments (FAM III.E)

    7.1.6 Emeriti Faculty Appointments (FAM III.F)

    7.1.7 [Reserved for future use]

    7.1.8 Faculty and Unclassified Administrator Records (FAM V.C)

    7.1.9 Terms of Faculty Employment and Workload (FAM V.F)

    7.1.10 Outside Employment of Faculty (FAM V.G)

    7.1.11 Modification of Duties (FAM V.J)

    7.2 Evaluation and Termination of Unclassified Administrators

    7.2.1 Evaluation of Unclassified Administrators (first part of FAM V.E)

    7.2.2 Dismissal of Unclassified Administrators (second paragraph/section of FAM V.E)

    7.2.3 Grievance Procedures for Unclassified Administrators and Faculty Members Grieving Matters related to Administrative Appointments (third part of FAM V.E)

    7.3 Evaluation of Faculty

    7.3.1 Third-year Review, Tenure and Promotion of Instructional Faculty (FAM VI.A)

    7.3.2 Promotion of Instructors (FAM VI.B)

    7.3.3 Third-year Review, Tenure and Promotion of Library Faculty (FAM VI.C)

    7.3.4 Procedures for Third-year Evaluation, Tenure and Promotion of Instructional and Library Faculty (FAM VI.D)

    7.3.5 Annual Evaluation of Instructional and Library Faculty (FAM VI.E)

    7.3.6 Merit Categories and Salary Increases (FAM VI.F)

    7.3.7 Tenure Clock Modifications (FAM VI.G)

    7.3.8 Post Tenure Review (FAM VI.H)

    7.4 Conduct of Faculty and Administrators

    7.4.2 Code of Professional Conduct and Statement of Professional Ethics (FAM IV.B)

    7.4.3 Statement of Academic Freedom (FAM IV.C)

    7.4.4 Faculty Responsibilities to Students, including Religious Accommodation (FAM VIII.A)

    7.4.6 Consensual Relations Policy (FAM IV.D)

    7.4.7 [Reserved for future use]

    7.4.8 Policy for Misconduct in Research and Scholarship (FAM VII.E)

    7.4.9 Procedures for Misconduct in Research and Scholarship (FAM VII.F)

    7.4.10 Nepotism (FAM V.H)

    7.5 Faculty Discipline, Misconduct, and Termination

    7.5.1 Policy Governing Termination (FAM VII.A)

    7.6 Selected Administrative Policies for Faculty and Other Employees

    7.6.1 Faculty Leave Policies Sick Leave (FAM X.A.1) Leave of Absence (FAM X.A.2) Family and Medical Leave (FAM X.A.3) Annual Leave (FAM X.A.4) Leave with Pay (FAM X.A.5) Sabbatical Leave (FAM X.A.6)

    7.6.2 Research and Development (FAM X.B)

    7.6.3 Policy Affecting Travel and Entertainment (FAM X.C)

    7.6.4 Reimbursement for Approved Expenditures by Faculty Members and Administrators (FAM X.D)

    7.6.5 Purchases by Faculty and Staff (FAM X.E)

    7.6.6 Legal Assistance (FAM X.F)

    7.6.8 Substantive Change

    7.6.9 Course Numbering

    7.6.10 Course Syllabi

    7.7 Office of Research and Grants Administration

    7.7.1 Receipt and Administration of External Funds – Defining Sponsored Projects and Charitable Giving

    7.7.2 Protection of Human Research Participants

    7.7.3 Policy on Care and Use of Vertebrate Animals in Research and Instruction

    7.7.4 Institutional Review Board (IRB) Governance

    7.7.5 Financial Interest (Conflict of Interest) Disclosure Policy for Sponsored Projects and Research

    7.7.6 External Request to Recruit Research Participants

    7.7.7 Application for, Receipt of, and Administration of Sponsored Project Funds

    7.8 Academic Administration

    7.8.1 Policy on Creation, Reorganization, and Elimination of Academic Units

    7.8.2 Policy on Creation of Academic Schools

    7.8.3 Policy on Creation of Academic Departments

    7.8.4 Policy on Senior Administrator Returning to a Faculty Position

  8. Health, Safety and Law Enforcement

    8.1 Public Safety

    8.1.1 Bias Based Profiling

    8.1.2 Hate Crime Reporting

    8.1.3 Crime Prevention and Community Relations

    8.1.4 Barring Notice

    8.1.5 Admitting Applicants for Enrollment with a Criminal or Disciplinary History

    8.1.6 Access Control

    8.1.7 Emergency Notifications Policy

    8.3 Environmental Health and Safety

    8.3.1 Chemical Hygiene Plan

    8.4 Preventive Health and Safety

    8.4.1 Immunization Compliance Policy

    8.5 Transportation Safety

    8.5.1 Bicycle Operation and Parking

    8.5.2 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)

  9. Human Resources/Equal Opportunity Programs

    9.1 Personnel

    9.1.2 Employee Code of Conduct

    9.1.3 Workplace Violence Policy

    9.1.4 Compensation Policy – Classified Employees

    9.1.5 Dual Employment Policy and Procedure

    9.1.6 Employee Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy Policy on Alcohol and Illicit Drug Testing Operating Procedures to Implement the College of Charleston Policy on Alcohol and Illicit Drug Testing

    9.1.7 Alien Tax Status

    9.1.8 Employee Performance Management System (EPMS)

    9.1.9 Ethics Policy

    9.1.10 Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment and Abuse

    9.1.11 Reasonable Accommodation and Equal Access Policy

    9.1.12 Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 and E-Verify Policy

    9.1.13 Intellectual Property

    9.1.14 Protection of Minors

    9.2 Personnel

    9.2.1 Background Checks

    9.2.2 Reduction in Force Policy

    9.2.3 Temporary Employment Policy/Procedure

    9.3 Benefits

    9.3.1 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

    9.3.2 Telecommuting Policy

    9.3.3 Hours of Work Policy

    9.3.4 Law Enforcement Hours of Work Policy

    9.3.5 Modification of Duties for New Faculty Parents

    9.3.8 Lactation Policy

    9.3.9 Leave Transfer Pool Program

    9.3.10 Employee Tuition Assistance Program

    9.3.11 Paid Parental Leave

    9.4 Employee Grievances

    9.4.1 Staff Grievance Policy and Procedure

    9.5 Title IX

    9.5.1 Interim Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedure

  10. Information Technology

    10.0 Employee Security Awareness Training

    10.6 Wireless Network Policy

    10.9 Network File Storage Policy

    10.11 DNS (Domain Name System) Standards within the cofc.edu Domain

    10.14 Electronic Communications Usage Policy

    10.16 Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

    Appendix A: Sample Annual Notice

    Appendix B: Frequently Asked Questions

    Appendix C: Summary of Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws

    Appendix D and E: Periodic Review of Policy Effectiveness and Legal Alternatives for Downloading or Otherwise Acquiring Copyrighted Material

    10.17 Mobile Websites and Mobile Applications

    10.19 Data Loss Prevention Policy

    10.20 Acceptable Use of Information Technology

  11. Access to and Retention of Records

    11.1 Privacy Policy

    11.3 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Annual Notice to Students

    11.4 Retention and Destruction of Records

    11.4.3 Department Specific Schedules of Broad Applicability Course Evaluations Cougar Card Agreement Risk Management Insurance Claims Student Employment Personnel Files Placement Tests and Attendance Data (Center for Student Learning) Students’ Graded Exams, Papers and Homework Research Compliance and Protocols Contract Release File (Residence Life and Housing) Students Court Subpoenas (Summer Sessions) Legal Residency Office

    11.5 Electronic Transactions

    11.5.1 Electronic, Including Digital, Signature

  12. Student

    12.1 Academic

    12.1.5 Assignment of Credit Hours

    12.1.6 Policy for Applicants for Undergraduate Admission

    12.1.7 Policy for Applicants for Graduate Admission

    12.1.8 Advertising, Student Recruitment, and Representation of Accredited Status

    12.1.9 Military Service Leave of Absence Policy

    12.2 Housing

    12.2.2 Missing Students – Residential Students Only

    12.2.3 Vendor Access to Residence Halls

    12.3 Student Activities Hazing Off-Campus Events

    12.4 Student Conduct

    12.4.1 Honor Code

    12.4.2 Student Code of Conduct

    12.4.3 Student Life Alcohol Policy

    12.4.4 Good Samaritan Policy (Medical Amnesty Policy)

    12.4.5 Student Life Drug Policy

    12.4.7 Parental Notification Policy

    12.4.8 Off-campus Jurisdiction

    12.5 Student Services

    12.5.1 Career Center Listing Employment and Internship Opportunities

    12.5.2 Center for Disability Services Rights of Students with Disabilities

    12.5.3 Students of Concern Committee and Involuntary Withdrawals Statement of Policy

    12.5.5 Religious Volunteer Policy

    12.6 Student Rights

    12.6.1 Student Grievance/Complaint Policy and Procedures

    12.6.2 English Fluency Policy

    12.6.3 Rights of Students under FERPA - see Access to and Retention of Records: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Annual Notice to Students

    12.6.4 Free Speech, Expression, and Assembly of Students, Faculty and Staff

  13. Handbooks

    The following links are provided for convenience of the user. The Campus Wide Policy Formation Procedures do not apply to documents contained in these handbooks unless those documents also appear elsewhere in this listing.

    13.1 Student Handbook

    13.2 Sports Club Handbook

    13.3 Employee Manual

    13.4 Guide for Student Organizations

    13.6 Guide to Residence Living (link is under Residence Life-- Policies and Procedures)

    13.7 Faculty/Administration Manual

    13.8 Undergraduate Catalog

    13.9 Graduate Catalog

    13.10 Study Abroad Program Director's Handbook

    13.11 Brand Manual, Visual Identity and Style Guide

    13.13 Procurement Services and Supply Procedures Manual

    13.14 Purchasing Card Manual

    13.15 Annual Security and Fire Reports