
Non-degree admission includes a number of options based on your student type and your educational goals.

Apply as non-degree student if wish to enroll in undergraduate courses but do not intend to seek a degree:

  • Visiting Students
  • Dual Enrolled High School Students
  • Certificate Program Students
  • 60+ Students

To begin your application:

  • Apply online and choose the non-degree application.
  • Provide proof of lawful presence.
    • If you are applying as a 60+ student, we recommend that you upload your driver's license to the application before submitting it. 
  • If you are applying as a dual enrolled student, you must complete the dual enrollment permission form in addition to your application. 
  • We may request that you submit transcripts (unofficial or official) to enroll in courses with prerequisites. Transcripts should be sent to the appropriate academic department.
  • Students who do not meet our degree-seeking requirements may not be eligible for non-degree admission.

A non-degree student may formally transfer into a College of Charleston degree program after completion of 15 - 30 hours of coursework with a minimum 2.6 GPA. At that time, official transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended must be submitted if they are not currently on file.

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Additional Information

If you are a visiting student from another institution, a high-school student interested in dual enrollment or if you are a South Carolina resident who is 60+ here is some additional information about applying as a non-degree student.
  • Visiting Students

    If you are earning a degree from another institution but want to take courses at the College of Charleston, you can apply as non-degree application and submit the visiting student application. As a visiting student you may take classes for up to two semesters (fall and spring) within an academic year.

    If you wish to remain at the College of Charleston after a year you must formally apply and be admitted as a transfer student in order to continue taking classes.
  • Dual Enrollment High School Students

    Local high school juniors and seniors with strong academics may take college-level courses at the College and receive college credit for their coursework.

    • Apply as a non-degree student and submit the dual enrollment application.
    • IMPORTANT: Complete the dual enrollment permission form. Missing permission forms will result in delays in your admission process. Please submit the enrollment permission form at the time you submit your application. (Teacher Cadet students do not require an enrollment permission form).  

    Academic departments approve the acceptance of dual enrolled students on a space-available basis.

    Since these courses carry full college credit, dual enrolled students are subject to all academic and student regulations of the College of Charleston. 

    After you are accepted you will receive:

    • your College of Charleston ID number (CWID), which you will need to access our student portal, MyPortal.
    • detailed instructions to access MyPortal and register for your classes

    Please contact Mat Garrison ( for more information about dual enrollment. The fee is $450 per student per course.


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  • Certificates

    If you want to enroll in one of our undergraduate certificate programs, but do not want to complete an undergraduate degree, please complete the undergraduate application and select "Non-Degree" as your application type. 

  • 60+ Tuition Exempt Program

    If you are 60+ and a resident of South Carolina, you can enroll in classes at the College of Charleston! Each semester we welcome about 400 60+ students to campus.

    Students ages 60+ who are legal residents of South Carolina may take courses tuition-free on a space-available basis. 60+ students must present proof of age, and be academically eligible to enroll.

    Tuition is free, however there is a $50 registration fee. You are also responsible for purchasing books or paying additional course fees (like lab fees and studio art fees), where applicable.

    Learn More on applying as 60+