Transfer Student Resources

If you're a prospective, admitted or current student looking to make your time — and your credits — at the College of Charleston count, then you need to connect with the Office of the Registrar. For current students requesting to take courses at another institution, visit The Hub for details.

Types of Transfer Students 

  • Transfer students with more than 12 hours of earned college-level credit
  • Transfer students with fewer than 12 hours of earned college-level credit
  • Readmit students — have attended the College of Charleston before
  • Second degree students — have already earned one bachelor’s degree
  • Degree completion – adult learners (21+) who want to complete their bachelor's degree

Transfer Credit

Transfer students are a vital part of the College of Charleston student body. As a transfer student, you bring diverse ideas and experiences. We know that the number one question on your mind is, "how many of my credits will transfer." The good news is that we're here to help! You can find valuable information on this website, but also visit the Office of the Registrar for additional guidance.

Other Types of Transfer Credit

There are many ways to earn transfer credit.

Credit by Exam

The College awards credit for Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge International Exams (A Level and AS Level) and many College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) exams, based on the student’s scores. When credit is given, your College of Charleston transcript will show that the credit comes from an exam.

Credit Evaluations

The Registrar's Office will complete a formal evaluation of transfer credit after you are offered admission to the College of Charleston and an official transcript has been received. You may use Degree Works in MyPortal to view an updated list of awarded and pending transfer credit.

Learn more about MyPortal in the admitted students section.

Common Evaluation Abbreviations 

Since grades do not transfer, just credits, your transferred courses are assigned marks of TR, PT or VP.

  • TR = Transferred Course 
  • PT = Pending Transcript. PT is an indicator that the course was in progress at another institution when the official transcript was received. A final, official transcript is required, at which time courses graded “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher will be changed to TR.
  • VP = Visiting Permission. VP is an indicator that a student plans to enroll in the course at another college/university. An official transcript showing the final grade of the course is required, at which time courses graded "C" (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher will be changed to TR.

If no College of Charlseton equivalent course exists, but the credit is accepted, you will see the following marks: 

  • EE = Elective Credit Only. Credit hours count toward the 122 credit hour degree requirement. They do not count toward major, minor or general education requirements. 
  • MM = Major/Minor Course within the department. Credit hours may count toward major or minor elective requirements.

If your course is under evaluation by the department or program faculty designee, or if we need additional information from you, you'll initially see one of the following marks: 

  • UNDE  XXX = Under Evaluation. Course has been sent to the faculty evaluator for review.
  • UNDE  SYL = Needs Syllabus. Student must supply course syllabus before the course may be reviewed.
  • UNDE  COU = Needs Course Description. Student must supply course description before the course may be evaluated.
  • UNDE  REG = Contact Registrar's Office. More information is needed in order to determine if transfer credit can be awarded. Please reach out to the Office of the Registrar to see what is needed.
  • UNDE  DEP = Department Chair Consultation Needed. Student must speak with the department chair for the final course credit decision.

Students with courses evaluated as “Need Course Description” or “Syllabus Required” should e-mail the course description or syllabus to or submit a paper copy to the Registrar's Office. Please include full given name, College of Charleston student ID number and name of institution where course was completed.