Advanced Placement Exams

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The Advanced Placement (AP) program of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) is accepted by the College of Charleston. Students who enroll in a class for which they have received AP credit will not receive credit for taking the class, although the grade may be included in their GPA. Students who wish to decline AP credit for a class must download and complete a Decline AP Credit form.  A request to decline AP credit must be submitted prior to taking the class. Credit will not be awarded for individuals sitting for the Advanced Placement exams after graduating from high school.

Advanced Placement Credit - Fall 2025

Please see the chart below for AP score equivalencies:

College Board AP Exam AP Score Credit Hours CofC Credit Awarded
African American Studies 3, 4, 5 3 AAST 200
Art History 3 3 ARTH 101
Art History 4, 5 6 ARTH 101 & ARTH 102
Art Studio: Drawing 3, 4, 5 3 ARTS 1EE
Art Studio: 2D-Design 3, 4, 5 3 ARTS 1EE
Art Studio: 3D-Design 3, 4, 5 3 ARTS 1EE
Biology 3 4 BIOL 111 & BIOL 111L
Biology 4, 5 8 BIOL 111, 111L, 112, 112L
Calculus AB 3, 4, 5 4 MATH 120
Calculus BC 3, 4, 5 8 MATH 120 & MATH 220
Calculus BC (Subscore) 3, 4, 5 4 MATH 120
Chemistry 3 4 CHEM 111 & CHEM 111L
Chemistry 4, 5 8 CHEM 111, 111L, 112, 112L
Chinese Lang & Culture 3 8 CHNS 101 & CHNS 102
Chinese Lang & Culture 4 8 CHNS 201 & CHNS 202
Chinese Lang & Culture 5 8 CHNS 313 & CHNS 314
Comp Government & Poli 3, 4, 5 3 POLI 240
Computer Science (A) 3, 4, 5 4 CSCI 220 & CSCI 220L
Computer Sci Principles 3, 4, 5 3 CSCI 2MM
Economics (Macro) 3, 4, 5 3 ECON 201
Economics (MIcro) 3, 4, 5 3 ECON 200
English Lang & Comp 3 3 ENGL 1EE
English Lang & Comp 4, 5 4 ENGL 110
English Literature & Comp 3 3 ENGL 1EE
English Literature & Comp 4 3 ENGL 190
English Literature & Comp 5 6 ENGL 190 & ENGL 290
Environmental Science 3, 4, 5 3 ENVT 200
European History 3 3 HIST 102
European History 4, 5 6 HIST 101 & HIST 102
French Lang & Culture 3 6 FREN 201 & FREN 202
French Lang & Culture 4, 5 6 FREN 202 & FREN 390
German Lang & Culture 3 6 GRMN 201 & GRMN 202
German Lang & Culture 4, 5 6 GRMN 202 & GRMN 390
Human Geography 3, 4, 5 3 GEOG 101
Italian Lang & Culture 3 6 ITAL 201 & ITAL 202
Italian Lang & Culture 4, 5 6 ITAL 202 & ITAL 390
Japanese Lang & Culture 3 8 JPNS 201 & JPNS 202
Japanese Lang & Culture 4, 5 6 JPNS 313 & JPNS 314
Latin 3 6 LATN 201 & LATN 202
Latin 4, 5 6 LATN 202 & LATN 390
Music Theory 3 3 MUSC 146
Music Theory 4 3 MUSC 147
Music Theory 5 3 MUSC 246
Music Theory (Subscores) 4, 5 1 MUSC 238
Physics I: Algebra-Based 3, 4, 5 4 PHYS 101 & PHYS 101L
Physics II: Algebra-Based 3, 4, 5 4 PHYS 102 & PHYS 102L
Physics C: Electric/Magn 3, 4, 5 4 PHYS 1EE
Physics C: Mechanics 3, 4, 5 4 PHYS 111 & PHYS 111L
Precalculus 3, 4, 5 4 MATH 111
Psychology 3, 4, 5 3 PSYC 103
Spanish Lang & Culture 3, 4 6 SPAN 201 & SPAN 202
Spanish Lang & Culture 5 6 SPAN 202 & SPAN 313
Spanish Lit & Culture 3 6 SPAN 202 & SPAN 275
Spanish Lit & Culture 4 6 SPAN 202 & SPAN 313
Spanish Lit & Culture 5 6 SPAN 202 & SPAN 320
Statistics 3, 4, 5 3 MATH 250
U.S. Govt & Politics 3, 4, 5 3 POLI 101
U.S. History 3 3 HIST 201
U.S. History 4, 5 6 HIST 201 & HIST 202
World History: Modern 3 3 HIST 104
World History: Modern 4, 5 6 HIST 103 & HIST 104