
Due to the limited number of parking spaces available on the College of Charleston campus, all guests of the College should park in a parking garage or in metered parking spots. Any guest considering parking in one of our surface lots should read the posted signs very carefully, as most of our lots are 24/7 permit-only and are subject to citations.

Three public parking garages are located on or near campus. Please review all posted rates/fees at the garage entrance:

  • George Garage (GG) at 34 St. Philip Street (between George and Liberty streets)
  • St. Philip Street Garage (PG) at 89 St. Philip Street (between Calhoun and Vanderhorst streets)
  • Marion Square Garage at 399 King Street, next to the Francis Marion Hotel

To locate GG and PG, please refer to our campus parking map.


Guest Garage Passes for Hosting Departments

Guest garage passes are available to hosting departments that wish to pay for their guests' parking. Please submit a Guest Parking Pass Request Form at least 72 hours in advance of when you need the pass(es). You can always contact Campus Services HQ if you have any questions.