Honors College Faculty & Staff
Honors College leadership has decades of experience at the forefront of higher education. Honors Faculty Fellows provide personalized mentorship based on years of expert knowledge. And our staff create a feeling of purpose and belonging for all Honors students.
Together, we all contribute something unique to support the Honors community.

The Honors College Team
Here to support you throughout your time at the College.
Who You'll Work With
Honors College Leadership
Beth Meyer-Bernstein, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
meyerbernsteine@cofc.eduBryan Ganaway, Ph.D.
Associate Dean
Honors Faculty Fellow
Director of Academic Advising
Director of the International Scholars Program
ganawayb@cofc.edu -
Honors College Faculty
Jenna Abetz, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Associate Professor of Communication
abetzjs@cofc.eduLancie Affonso '96 (M.S. '08), M.I.B.S.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Director of the Honors Entrepreneurship Living-Learning Community
Instructor, Department of Management and Marketing
Instructor, Department of Computer Science
affonsol@cofc.eduJosé Chávarry, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of Spanish
chavarryjr@cofc.eduDavid Dulceany, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish
dulceanyrd@cofc.eduChad Galuska, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Professor and Associate Chair of Psychology
galuskac@cofc.eduTodd Grantham, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Professor of Philosophy
granthamt@cofc.eduMichael Giuliano, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
giulianomw@cofc.eduSharonah Frederick, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Instructor of Spanish
fredricks@cofc.eduChris Freeman, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
freemancj@cofc.eduHao-Chen Liu, Ph.D.
Director of the Honors Program in Business
Associate Professor of Finance
liuh@cofc.eduGabrielle Principe, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Professor of Psychology
principeg@cofc.eduBarry Stiefel, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Professor of Art and Architectural History
stiefelb@cofc.eduBeth Sundstrom, Ph.D.
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Professor of Communication
sundstrombl@cofc.edu -
Honors College Staff
Bridget Alaniva
Associate Director of Honors College Admissions
alanivab@cofc.eduSydney Conrad
Assistant Director of Student Engagement
conrads@cofc.eduCristy Landis, MFA
Honors Advising Fellow
Assistant Director of Student Success
landisc@cofc.eduMary Moser '92 B.A.
Office Manager and Executive Assistant to the Dean
moserm@cofc.eduSalvatore Musumeci, Ph.D.
Director of the ARCH Scholars Program
musumecis@cofc.eduBrooke Falk Permenter ’06, Ph.D.
Honors Faculty Fellow
Director of Student Engagement
Adjunct Lecturer
falkb@cofc.eduNick Plasmati M.F.A. '18
Director of Marketing, Communications, and Scholarships
plasmatinc@cofc.edu -
John J. Culhane, J.D