Sharonah Esther Fredrick
Instructor of Spanish | Honors College Lecturer and Advisor
Post-Doctoral Research: University of Florida (UF) at Gainesville (Piracy in the Caribbean and Pacific, 16th-19th centuries)
PhD: State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook (Hispanic Languages & Literatures)
TEFL certificate: International Institute of Teacher Training (ITTO), Guadalajara, Mexico (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)
MA: Tel Aviv University, Israel (Medieval and Early Modern History, Latin America and Spain)
BA: State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo (Anthropology and Foreign Languages)
Research Interests
Mayan, Andean, and Southwestern Native Cosmology and Strategies of Resistance
Indigenous, Afro-Latino, and Luso- Hispanic Medicine in Colonial Chronicles
Changing Conceptions of Cartography in the Indigenous and Colonial Americas
Celtic Religion and Parallels with Native American Cosmology
Shakespeare in Latin American Theater
Images of the Native American in Early Modern Spanish Theater
Interface Between Shamanism and Medicine in Colonial Mayan and Andean Areas
Gender, Piracy and Outlaw Culture in the Caribbean and Spanish/Portuguese Pacific
Teacher and Student Training in Language Teaching (Spanish and Portuguese)
Judeo-Spanish History in the New World, Spain and England (1492-1789)
Book: An Unholy Rebellion, Killing the Gods. University of Nebraska Press, August 2024. https://unpblog.com/2024/08/09/from-the-desk-of-sharonah-e-fredrick-an-unholy-rebellion-killing-the-gods/
Book: Killing the Deities: Resistance in Mayans and Andean Colonial Epics-A Comparative Study of the Popul Vuh and the Huarochiri Manuscript. University of Nebraska Press. Date of Publication: (forthcoming) May 2024.
“Native American Shamanism in the Colonial Americas,” in Routledge Resources Online-Encyclopedia of the World Renaissance (RRO-TRW), April 2023.
“Piracy as Resistance in Early Modern Caribbean and Pacific,” in Routledge Resources Online-Encyclopedia of the World Renaissance (RRO-TRW), April 2023.
“Mayan and Andean Medicine and Urban Space in the Colonial Spanish Americas,” in Renaissance & Reformation (R&R) Journal of U Toronto, 44.2, December 2021.
Book Chapter: “Legend of the Xtabay-Mayan Feminine Cosmology and Spanish Literary Expression,” in BREPOLS series 2015 Commemorative Acts of Medieval and Renaissance Studies-Marginalized Groups November 2021.
“Evolving Images in Jewish Latin American Cinema”, in Spanish and Latin American Cinema, vol. 16.3 November 2019.
“Jorge Terukina Yamauchi’s Analysis of El imperio de la virtud de Bernardo Balbuena y el discurso barroco novohispano,” book review in Renaissance Quarterly (RQ) 71.3, Oct-Dec 2018.
“La Celestina y el colapso del mundo judío de Sefarad: albores ominosos del supuesto Renacimiento,” in Revista Raices, ed. XXXII, nu. 116, Madrid, Fall 2018.
"Filo-hebraísmo y anti-semitismo: Cabezas de Jano del barroco quevediano”, in Revista Caderna de Estudos Judaicos da Universidade de São Paulo (nu.15), January 2018. https://www.revistas.usp.br/cllh
“Deconstructing Lilith: Sephardic Judaic narratives of Lilith in Spain and the Americas,” in BREPOLS- 2012 Commemorative Acts of Medieval and Renaissance Studies-Eroticism, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1484/M.ASMAR-EB.5.111056
“El Wanka y la Mirada de Cornejo Polar-Venganza Oral de lo Escrito.” (Quechua-language drama and Cornejo Polar’s Gaze-Spoken Revenge of the Written Word) in Europe/America: Circulación y Transferencias Culturales. Academia Nacional de la Historia Argentina & CONICET, 2016. http://europamerica.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/EuropAmerica_circulacion-y-transferencias-culturales.pdf
Honors and Awards
2023: College of Charleston/LCWA: Languages and Culture Distinguished Research Award for all costs associated with indexing, research, and final publication of my book/manuscript: An Unholy Rebellion-Killing the Gods (University of Nebraska Press, May 2024)
2023: College of Charleston/Dep. of Hispanic Studies: Course award grant for creation and design of HISP 251: Sustainability, Health and the Fair-Trade Movement in Latin America and Portuguese Africa-Bringing Together Profits, Environment and Social Justice
2019: Renaissance Society of America: Diversity Award for proposal: Colonial Cities and the Seasons: Disease and Geography; March 2019 Toronto RSA Conference
2019: SUNY at Buffalo, Gender Institute-Faculty Research Award: Research grant travel to Peru and Caribbean to investigate the presence of women in pirate communities of the 16th-18th centuries; portrayals of femininity and military strength in buccaneering expeditions http://www.buffalo.edu/genderin/opportunities.html
2018: University of Florida, Latin American and Caribbean Collection/Judaica Collection/George Smathers Libraries: Winner of post-doctoral scholarship on the presence of Sephardic Jews, Conversos and refugees in pirate communities of the Early Modern Caribbean and Pacific Latin America http://cms.uflib.ufl.edu/Portals/Judaica/Jews-in-Americas-web.pdf
2018: SUNY at Buffalo, Experiential Learning Network-Course Infusion Funds for Medical Spanish Course: Grant to give students the chance to learn early medical book-making techniques, for indigenous and colonial-era medicine, in Central America (Mayan region)