Molecular Core Facility

The Molecular Core Facility (MCF) at Grice Marine Lab offers molecular services to College of Charleston researchers as well as to researchers at other local institutions. We are available to provide research support through troubleshooting, optimization, data generation, and data analysis.

Molecular Core Facility

Click to expand for more information:
  • Location and Hours

    The Molecular Core Facility is located in room 210 on the second floor of the Grice Marine Laboratory.

    The Molecular Core Facility is open from 9:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.

    Please contact the MCF Lab Manager with any questions regarding holiday hours or to request after-hours access.

  • Services

    The MCF is here to support the needs of our scientific community and provides the following services:

    • Library preparation for next generation sequencing
    • Assistance with preparing samples for Sanger sequencing
    • Assistance in interpreting sequencing results
    • Collaboration in the design of molecular biology projects
    • Design of primers for PCR, DNA sequencing, and qPCR
  • Equipment

    Available Equipment Includes:
    • Bioanalyzer 2100                    
    • Thermocyclers                        
    • Electrophoresis workstation
    • Pippin Prep                              
    • Vacuum Concentrator              
    • PCR Purifier Enclosure/Hood                 
    • Microcentrifuge                        
    • VersaDoc Imaging System

  • Fees

    Fees for Services per Sample

    PCR using Promega  GoTag$0.25*
    7-well 1% agarose gel electrophoresis with ladder$2
    USB ExoSAP-IT PCR Purification$1.50
    Qiagen QIAquick Gel Extraction$3
    Library PreparationContact the MCF Lab Manager

    * researcher must provide optimized protocol and supply DNA template, PCR reagents and primers.

    ** researcher must provide sequencing primer(s) and a 96-well plate with lids.

  • Payment

    College of Charleston Users

    For all CofC users, an Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT) can be completed and submitted to the lab manager and the controller’s office.

    External Users

    External users will receive a bill each month that should be paid within two weeks.

    Payments should be made by institutional check and returned to:

    The College of Charleston
    Treasurer’s Office
    66 George Street
    Charleston, SC 29424

    Please make the check payable to the College of Charleston and reference account # 350122.

  • Contact information

    Kristina Hill-Spanik
    Manager of the Molecular Core Facility
    Grice Marine Lab - Room 210
    College of Charleston
    Phone: 843.953.9193
    Fax: 843.953.9199