The Grice Marine Laboratory

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The Grice Marine Laboratory is a core facility in support of the undergraduate and the graduate teaching programs in the marine sciences at the College of Charleston, and in support of research in marine sciences conducted by faculty members and students. The lab supports teaching and research in evolutionary biology, marine biogeography, cellular and molecular biology, benthic ecology, immunology, microbial ecology, phytoplankton ecology, environmental physiology, fish systematics, and invertebrate zoology and other marine sciences. The laboratory is located at Fort Johnson on James Island, South Carolina. 

The mission of the laboratory is to provide an environment that:

  • Promotes the acquisition and the dissemination of knowledge about marine and coastal organisms, processes, and environments, and marine and coastal environmental concerns and issues.
  • Supports the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Marine Biology.
  • Encourages collaborative interdisciplinary marine research among academic departments as well as with other institutions and marine research facilities, particularly those in the Fort Johnson community.
  • Nurtures undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate learning through formal and informal courses, lecture series, symposia, independent and collaborative research, and postdoctoral appointments and internships.
  • Fosters the intellectual development of marine scholars by providing diverse programs that strive for excellence in research and training.
  • Fulfills an important role in marine science education and research in the Lowcountry.
  • Supports existing and new marine-oriented programs, including interdisciplinary programs, as appropriate to the Laboratory.
  • Maintains a collection of marine biological specimens, curated with disciplinary-standard techniques, for use by faculty and students in research and teaching.