Emotional Support Animal Request

Incoming first-year and transfer students entering in summer or fall 2025:  We are in the process of transitioning to a new student management system called Accommodate. Within Accommodate, a student will complete and submit an application and have the opportunity to upload disability documentation. Please DO NOT apply through the process below. Return to this page on April 21 to submit an application and upload documentation.

Please contact us at snap@cofc.edu if you have questions.


College of Charleston is committed to allowing students with mental health/psychological disabilities the use of an approved emotional support animal (ESA), as appropriate, in campus housing to facilitate their full benefit of the residential experience. For students living on campus, the Fair Housing Act (FHA) provides that emotional support animals may be considered a reasonable accommodation in campus housing. Please review our College of Charleston Service and Assistance Animal Policy before proceeding with your request. 


Housing accommodation requests must be submitted to CDS and will be reviewed on an annual basis. Requests can be submitted to CDS at any time; however, for best consideration in terms of availability, requests for housing accommodations for the Fall semester (or full academic year) must be submitted by:

  • February 15 for the fall semester for all returning students
  • May 1 for all incoming students

Requests for housing accommodations for the Spring semester must be submitted by November 15.

Requests for accommodations received after the above noted deadlines will be considered on the basis of availability.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 843.953.1431 or email us at snap@cofc.edu 

Students with a disability-related need for an emotional support animal should follow the process listed below to begin their request.

Additional Information

Students will generally only be approved for one ESA. Evaluating an ESA request takes time. Decisions regarding an ESA request can only be reached after appropriate documentation for the disability has been received and evaluated and a meeting/interview with the student has taken place. Students should allow at least two weeks to complete this process once they have met with a CDS staff member and should not obtain any animal until final approval is given.

For more information about how to connect with CDS for an ESA request, please see below FAQ's. Also, for incoming or currently enrolled students, please visit The Hub.

Process for an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Request

Process for an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) request
  • Step 1: Begin obtaining documentation

    Students should begin the process of obtaining documentation of their disability from their current mental health care provider. Use of the Request for Emotional Support Animal in College Housing Verification Form may assist you in gathering documentation.

    Students should also have their provider complete our Disability Verification Form, if seeking academic accommodations.

    NOTE: Letters purchased online and online ESA certifications typically do not provide the information needed by CDS to deem an ESA accommodation request reasonable. 

  • Step 2: Complete the CDS Application

    Complete our CDS Application. Documentation (as described above in Step 1) and the CDS Application should be uploaded through our CDS SecureShare Portal as PDF documents. Alternatively, it can be emailed to snap@cofc.edu, faxed to 843.953.1431, or delivered to the CDS office, Lightsey Center, Suite 104.

    To access the CDS Application and our CDS SecureShare Portal, incoming and currently enrolled students, please visit The Hub.

  • Step 3: CDS reviews the information

    CDS will review the information and follow-up with the student. The meeting may be asked to provide additional information and/or will be asked to schedule a meeting to discuss the request. Please allow 7-10 business days for CDS review; however, this timeline may vary.

  • Step 4: If initial approval is granted, CDS contacts Campus Housing

    After CDS staff meets with the student, an initial approval may be given for the student to have an ESA. If initial approval is given, the student will then be asked to provide information needed to have the specific animal approved for on-campus living. Updated vet records will need to be submitted by the student to CDS. 

    Note: Consideration may be given to how the animal could impact the style and size of the living space.

    Requests for unique animals, such as those not commonly kept in households, may require additional documentation which demonstrates a disability-related therapeutic need for the special animal or the specific type of animal. Animals with a potential risk of zoonosis may not be approved.

  • Step 5: CDS informs Campus Housing and Residence Life of approval

    CDS will inform Campus Housing and Residence Life via email once the request for an ESA and the specific ESA is given approval.

  • Step 6: Approved ESA may enter College housing

    A student may bring the approved ESA into College housing only after the student has been approved to have an ESA by CDS, and the specific animal has been approved by CDS (updated vet records received and reviewed by CDS; student has met with CDS staff member).