Requesting Accommodations

In a higher education setting, reasonable accommodations are modifications or adjustments in the academic environment that provide a qualified student with a disability equal access to the university’s programs, courses, services and activities. Providing accommodations does not compromise the essential elements of a course or program or weaken academic standards. Accommodations simply provide an alternative way to accomplish the requirements by eliminating or reducing disability-related barriers and providing a level playing field. 

Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis through an interactive process involving CDS, students, faculty and staff. In reviewing an accommodation requested by the student or recommended by an evaluator, CDS may need to consult with faculty and/or may find that the accommodation is not appropriate given the requirements of a course or program. This may include an accommodation that was previously received in high school or at another college. CDS may propose an alternative accommodation that would be effective, but which neither the student nor the evaluator has requested.

Important points to remember about your accommodations:

  • It is your responsibility to let your CDS Administrator know as soon as possible if you experience any difficulties with either accessing your accommodations or if you think your accommodations need to be revised.

  • Professors should not provide accommodations on the basis of a disability if you are not registered with CDS.

  • Professors will begin to provide you with your accommodations from the time they receive your CDS Professor Notification Letter (PNL). Accommodations are NOT retroactive.

  • The purpose of an accommodation is to ensure access rather than success. Professors are not expected to modify or waive the essential requirements of a course or program.

  • The process of requesting and receiving accommodations is meant to be interactive. All people involved — the professor, the student and the CDS staff — have a shared responsibility to make sure the process works. You are expected to take an active role and advocate for yourself in a professional way. CDS is available to assist both you and your professor in implementing accommodations as they relate to specific course or program requirements.

Types of Accommodations


Housing Accommodations 

Emotional Support Animal Request 

Temporary Conditions