Support our Productions

For decades, the Department of Theatre and Dance has been at the center of bringing quality performances to the Charleston community as part of the Artistic Heartbeat of Charleston, while providing invaluable training for our students to prepare them for careers in the arts.

Season Sponsor Levels 

Our students, faculty and staff work hard to each production season – behind the scenes, on the stage and even online. Our main priority is, of course, our students, and we hope you will join our season sponsors in making a tax-deductible contribution to preserve the student experience tied to our shows.

Make a donation. 

Patron $1-$99
Fan $100-$249
Director $250-$499
Star $500-$749
Advocate $750-$999
Producer $1000+

Impact Sponsor Levels 

Impact Sponsors have a direct financial and personal impact on individual students with whom you’ll be connected. You will be honored at special events, receive recognition in the season programs and other department reports and receive updates from your student. To become an Impact Donor, please contact our office via email or at 843.953.6306.

At this level your donation will go directly toward the recruitment of a future star for one of our programs. For each $2500 Benefactor donation, a new student will be recruited for the academic year and will receive scholarship money for their first year at the College.

For each $750 Guardian donation, we will link you with a student excelling in one of the areas within our programs. The student will receive our "Clarence Award" named for the Guardian Angel in It's a Wonderful Life. Through this connection with a theatre or dance student, you will receive invitations to special events and additional recognition in programs in which your student is involved.