The theatre is for everyone!
Anyone can declare a theatre major. You’ll gain skills in adaptability, collaboration, problem solving, communication, time management, analysis, creativity and social awareness. These skills will transfer to any career – inside and outside the arts.
The theatre major is designed to develop theatre practitioners of the future. You’ll study everything from acting to design, from directing to playwriting. You’ll encounter ideas, theories and techniques that will help you achieve excellence in your profession.
You can choose to study Theatre (B.A.) or select one of the focus areas.
- Performance Concentration, B.A.
- Costume Design and Technologies Concentration, B.A.
- Scenic/Lighting Design and Technologies Concentration, B.A.
- Theatre for Youth Concentration, B.A.
- Theatre Studies, B.A.
You can also minor in Theatre
We often bring in visiting actors, writers and directors for you to work with.
You’ll have the opportunity to study abroad or take faculty-supervised trips abroad.
You’ll also compete in events sponsored by the Southeastern Theatre Conference, the Association for Theatre in Higher Education and the Kennedy Center/American College Theatre Festival.
This program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre.
Accelerated Program
Earn your Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in Theatre Education.
In this program, you’ll be prepared to enter the workforce as a certified K-12 theatre teacher. You can take up to 12 credits of graduate-level coursework as an undergraduate student, and the credits can count toward both degrees.
Same time and money while gaining the skills and pay increase that comes with earning an M.A.T.
If you’re interested in this program, meet with the program director early. You should apply to this program by the end of your third year (junior year). You’ll need to work with the program director to enroll in the proper courses during your senior year.
Contact Laure Turner for more information.

Fashioning a Business
He's an example of peer-mentoring and experiential learning at its best. Read more about how theatre major Brandon Alston combined his creative talent with an entrepreneurial mindset.
Read & Listen to Brandon's Story