Administrative Review

I. IACUC Operations

C. Protocol Submission & Review Process

1. Administrative Review

Review of minor modifications to previously approved protocols and the annual review portion of post-approval monitoring may qualify for administrative review by IACUC staff.  Any concerns or questions raised by the IACUC staff will result in referral to Designated Member Review (DMR) or Full Committee Review (FCR) as appropriate.

Change in Personnel – the IACUC staff may approve deletion, addition or modification of duties for College of Charleston personnel other than the Principal Investigator.   Any changes related to non-College of Charleston personnel will be reviewed by DMR or FCR as appropriate.

Change in Funding Source – the IACUC staff may approve deletion or addition of funding sources.

Change in Title – the IACUC staff may approve title changes, provided that there is no change in objectives or modification of methods or procedures.

*Annual Renewal – the IACUC staff may approve the annual review portion of post-approval monitoring, provided that no USDA‐covered species are included on the protocol and there have been no adverse events within the last year.

Reference - College of Charleston Animal Welfare Assurance, Section III D 7

Approved: August 25, 2017