To gain or maintain accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, an institution must comply with the policies and procedures of the Commission, and with the standards contained in the Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement.
The Commission applies the requirements of its Principles to all applicant, candidate, and member institutions, regardless of type of institution (public, private for-profit, or private not-for-profit).
Commonly Referenced Policies
College of Charleston Policies
The College of Charleston establishes policies to ensure academic quality and maintain high standards for educational programs and services.
By adhereing to these principles, the College ensures continuous improvement and compliance with regional and national standards, benefiting both students and faculty.
View College of Charleston Policies -
SACSCOC Policies
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) establishes policies to ensure academic excellence, institutional integrity, and accountability.
These policies cover areas such as institutional mission, governanace, academic porgrams, student support and financial stability.
Colleges must demonstrate compliance with these standards through regular evaluations and reviews to maintain their accredited status.
Some of the most requested accessed SACSCOC policies include the following at sacscoc.org:
- Accreditation Procedures
- Advertising, Student Recruitment, and Representation of Accredited Status
- Agreements Involving Joint and Dual Academic Awards
- Credit Hours
- Distance and Correspondence Education
- Institutional Obligations for Public Disclosure
- Mission Statement of the Commission
- Substantive Change
- Complaint Procedures Against the Commission or its Accredited Institutions
SC Commission on Higher Education Policies
The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education partners with the institutions to deliver an effective statewide higher education system.
The CHE acts both as an oversight entity on behalf of the General Assembly, and an advocate for the citizens of South Carolina as they seek opportunities to improve their lives, and those of their families, through higher education.Some of the most requested accessed CHE policies include the following at che.sc.gov:
- Dual Enrollment Policy (pdf)
- Mission Statement Policy (pdf)
- Policies and Procedures for New Academic Program Approval and Program Termination (pdf)
- Program Productivity (pdf)
- Transfer & Articulation Action Plan (pdf)
- Procedures for Handling Complaints (pdf)