Naming and Commemoration Policy

Naming and Commemoration Policy for College of Charleston Buildings, Monuments, Academic Schools, Spaces, Programs, Positions, Permanent Signage, Portraiture or Ornamental Memorials


(Amended at AG Committee Meeting on 1.26.23 and approved by the full BOT on 4.21.23)

1.0 Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define how the College of Charleston manages and approves proposals for the naming of College buildings, monuments, academic schools, spaces, programs or positions, as well as the installation of permanent signage, portraiture or ornamental memorials for informational, educational, historical or honorary designation in honor of a donor, individual, organization or entity.

2.0 To Whom the Policy Applies

This policy applies to the Board of Trustees of the College of Charleston/ University of Charleston, S.C. (the Board), the President, the Chief Advancement Officer, and to any member of the College of Charleston community who engages in management or approval of proposals for the naming of College buildings, monuments, academic schools, spaces, programs or positions as well as the installation of permanent signage, portraiture or ornamental memorials for informational, educational, historical or honorary designation.

3.0 Policy Statement

The College may acknowledge gifts and/or honor an individual or organization by naming a building, monument, academic school, space, program or position or by  the installation, or alteration, of permanent signage, portraiture or ornamental memorials for informational, educational, historical or honorary designation.

Naming opportunities, permanent signage, portraiture and ornamental memorials are ways in which the College acknowledges the generosity of donors and honors those whose service to or affiliation with the College of Charleston enhances the College. It is the responsibility of the President and the Board to nurture, preserve and protect that legacy.

In considering proposals to name a building, monument, academic school, space, program or position as well as the installation of permanent signage, portraiture or ornamental memorials, the President and the Board shall exercise judgment with regard to the individual or entity the proposal is intended to honor as well as the informational, educational, historical designation and evaluate the proposal based on a set of Guiding Principles developed by the Board.

In accordance with state law, the College reserves the right to rename a building, monument, academic school, space, program or position as well as remove installed signage, portraiture or ornamental memorial in the event of unusual or compelling circumstances.

In general, the President and the Board, or those to whom authority to approve naming and the installation of permanent signage or portraiture is delegated, will not approve proposals for naming or signage/portraiture/ornamental memorial installation where, in their judgment, doing so:

1. Is not aligned with the College’s mission:

Founded in 1770, the College of Charleston is a public university grounded in the principles of the liberal arts and committed to developing ethically centered, intellectually versatile and globally fluent citizens who create innovative solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges;

2. Is not aligned with the College’s core values:

  • Integrity: We take accountability for our actions and adhere to the highest ethical standards in all our professional obligations and personal responsibilities. We demonstrate respect for self, others and place.
  • Academic Excellence: We are committed to a dynamic intellectual community, high academic standards, strong academic programs, exceptional teacher-scholars, engaged students and lifelong learners.
  • Liberal Arts Education: We encourage intellectual curiosity and foster each student’s ability to think creatively and analyze, synthesize, apply and communicate knowledge from many sources.
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: We create and nurture a diverse and inclusive community demonstrated through our thoughts, words and actions. We value and respect the unique perspectives, backgrounds and experiences every individual has to offer. 
  • Student Centeredness: We are devoted to nurturing thriving scholar citizens through the intellectual, ethical and social development of each individual
  • Innovation: We act with an entrepreneurial spirit to imagine and implement creative, bold and sustainable solutions in our pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement.
  • Public Mission: We demonstrate social responsibility in meeting the educational and professional needs of our community, our state, our nation and the world.

3. Compromises the academic freedom of the university community; and/or

4. Could inflict damage on the College’s reputation, standing or integrity through association with the proposed name, permanent signage, portraiture or ornamental memorial.

3.1  Naming a College Building or Monument 

Proposals for the naming of a College building or monument associated with a gift must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Advancement Officer (as noted in the College of Charleston Gift Acceptance Policy, 4.2). The proposal must include a description of the building or monument to be named, its current use and any relevant information regarding the history of the facility, together with a description of the name proposed and its significance to the College, including the amount of the gift and the identity of the donor(s).

If the Chief Advancement Officer in accordance with the process outlined in the Gift Acceptance Policy 4.2 supports the proposal, it shall be forwarded to the Office of the President for review by the President and, if approved by the President, inclusion on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees Development, Alumni, Governmental and External Relations Committee (DAGER Committee) to make a recommendation to the full Board for consideration and final approval. If timing or other special considerations merit urgency, the Board may opt to consider the proposal via a specially called meeting.

In the naming of buildings, a distinction should generally be made between the name of the facility and the name of the program housed in the facility. Since programs, centers, institutes, labs and departments may from time-to-time change, grow, move, merge or dissolve, the College will generally distinguish between the name of the facility and the name of the program or programs it houses.

3.2  Naming a College Academic School

Proposals for the naming of a College academic school associated with a gift must be submitted to the Chief Advancement Officer (as noted in the College of Charleston Gift Acceptance Policy, 4.2). The proposal must include a description of the school to be named, together with a description of the name proposed and its significance to the College, including the amount of the gift and the identity of the donor(s).

If the Chief Advancement Officer in accordance with the process outlined in the Gift Acceptance Policy 4.2 supports the proposal, it shall be forwarded to the Office of the President for review by the President and, if approved by the President, inclusion on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees DAGER Committee to make a recommendation to the full Board for consideration and final approval. If timing or other special considerations merit urgency, the Board may opt to consider the proposal via a specially called meeting.

3.3 Naming a College Space, Program or Position 

Proposals for the naming of a College space (including, but not limited to, fields, terraces, greens and courtyards), program (including, but not limited to, centers, departments, institutes, labs, scholarships, fellowships, lectures, societies and awards) or position (including, but not limited to, deanships, professorships and coaches) associated with a gift must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Advancement Officer (as noted in the College of Charleston Gift Acceptance Policy, 4.2). The proposal must include a description of the space, program or position to be named, its current use and any relevant information regarding its history, together with a description of the name proposed and its significance to the College, including the amount of the gift and the identity of the donor(s).

As outlined in the College of Charleston Gift Acceptance Policy, if the Chief Advancement Officer supports the proposal, it shall be forwarded to the President for review and approval.

3.4  Duration of Naming

Naming for an honoree or a donor is generally granted for the useful life of the entity. The College may deem the naming period concluded in certain circumstances, including, but not limited to:

  • If the purpose for which the named entity is or needs to be significantly altered or is no longer needed/ceases to exist.
  • If a physical entity is replaced, significantly renovated or no longer habitable/usable.
  • The period of time of the naming specified in the gift agreement has expired.

The appropriate College representative will make all reasonable efforts to inform in advance the original donors or honorees when the naming period is deemed concluded. The College may provide alternate recognition as may be appropriate in recognition of the original gift or honor.

3.5  Right to Rename a College Building, Monument, Academic School, Space, Program or Position

In consideration of a renaming proposal, the sole responsibility rests with the Board of Trustees who will use the Guiding Principles in making any such determination.

In the case of the renaming of a building or monument for which the South Carolina Heritage Act (ACT 292 from Year 2000, SC Code Section 2. Section 10- 1-165) applies, the Board will make the recommendation to the South Carolina General Assembly in accordance with the Heritage Act.

The appropriate College representative will make all reasonable efforts to inform in advance the original donors or honorees (and/or families or designated estate representative) when the naming period is deemed concluded. The College may provide alternate recognition as appropriate for the original gift or honor.

3.6  Other Considerations for Naming or Commemoration

With regard to naming proposals associated with a gift, any special circumstances or request for exceptions to this policy must be referred to the Chief Advancement Officer who will recommend the course of action, which will include consultation with the President and/or the Board.

The College will generally not name a building, academic school, monument, space, program or position in honor of a current faculty, staff member or administrator. Such naming proposals may be approved to take effect upon the retirement of the individual faculty, staff member or administrator. 

3.7  Honorific Namings

From time to time the College may consider proposals to name a building, academic school, monument, space, program, or position in honor of an individual not associated with a gift. Such proposals shall be considered and approved under this policy subject to the principles in Section 3.0 and the processes described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, except that the Office of the President shall be substituted for the Office of the Chief Advancement Officer.


3.8 Installation, or Alteration, of permanent signage, portraiture or ornamental memorial

Proposals for the installation, or alteration, of permanent signage, portraiture or ornamental memorial must be submitted to the Office of the President. The proposal must include a description of the permanent signage, portrait or ornamental memorial to be installed, or altered, the location of the requested installation, or alteration, and any relevant information regarding the providence of signage, portrait or ornamental memorial, together with a wording/dimensions of the proposed signage, portrait or ornamental memorial and its significance to the College.

If approved by the President, the proposal will be included on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees Development, Alumni, Governmental and External Relations Committee (DAGER Committee) to make a recommendation to the full Board for consideration and final approval. If timing or other special considerations merit urgency, the Board may opt to consider the proposal via a specially called meeting.

3.9    Duration of Installation of the Signage, Portrait or Ornamental Memorial

The installed signage, portrait or ornamental memorial generally may remain in place in perpetuity; however, it is within the discretion of the Board as to the duration of any memorial. The College may deem the installation, or alteration, period concluded in certain circumstances, including, but not limited to:

  • If the purpose for which the signage, portrait or ornamental memorial was installed is or needs to be significantly altered or is no longer needed/ceases to
  • If a physical entity upon which the signage, portrait or ornamental memorial has been installed is significantly renovated, repurposed or no longer habitable/usable.

The appropriate College representative will make all reasonable efforts to inform in advance the original signage, portrait or ornamental memorial requestor when the installation period is deemed concluded. The College may provide alternate recognition as may be appropriate in recognition of the original informational, historical, honorary or memorial designation.

3.10  Other Considerations for the Installation of Permanent Signage, Portraiture  

or Ornamental Memorials

The College will generally not install permanent signage, portraiture or ornamental memorial in honor of a current faculty, staff member or administrator. Such proposals may be submitted if the proposal is to take effect upon the retirement of the individual faculty, staff member or administrator.

4.0 Definition of Gift

A gift, or contribution, has the same meaning as a gift, or contribution, pursuant to the College’s Gift Acceptance Policy. 

5.0 Responsibilities

All individuals to whom this policy applies are responsible for becoming familiar with and following this policy. College supervisors are responsible for promoting the understanding of this policy and for taking appropriate steps to help ensure compliance. Senior officers are responsible for the development of appropriate practices and protocols to ensure compliance.

6.0 Related Policies and Statutes:

  • Gift Acceptance Policy
  • South Carolina Heritage Act According to SC Code SECTION 10-1-165. Protection of certain monuments and memorials. “No street, bridge, structure, park, preserve, reserve, or other public area of the State or any of its political subdivisions dedicated in memory of or named for any historic figure or historic event may be renamed or ”
  • The Board of Trustees reviewed the naming policies from numerous institutions of higher learning. The rationale and philosophies behind Brown University’s naming policy, in particular, provided an appropriate and thoughtful framework, upon which the College of Charleston’s naming policy was developed.