Meeting Resolutions

Resolutions and motions for the Board of Trustees meeting are posted here after they are approved.


Archived Resolutions
  • 2024 Resolutions

    July, 2024

    • July 17, 2024 Special Meeting of the BOT: BOT approved a salary adjustment for President Hsu.
    • July 17, 2024 BOT Executive Committee Meeting with the Committee Chairs: no action taken.
    • July 25, 2024 BOT Prep Meeting: no action taken.
    • July 25, 2024 Special Meeting of the Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee:  no action taken.

    June, 2024

    The Board of Trustees approved amending the traditional BOT Meeting Structure to allow for a Vision, Strategy and Priorities Session incorporated into the Thursday BOT Meeting. 

    • The Board of Trustees approved the Buono Endowed Professorship in Commercial Real Estate.
    • The Board of Trustees approved the 205 LLC Proposal.
    • The Board of Trustees approved the Wentworth Parking Garage Swap Proposal.

    April, 2024

    • Motion for the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics and the Renaming of the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences Proposal was approved.
    • Motion for the new Executive Doctorate of Business Administration (EDBA) Program Proposal was approved.
    • The Resolution on “Awarding May Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees” was approved.
    • The Board approved the motion that the FY24 and FY25 Audit Plans be approved.

    January, 2024

    Academic Affairs Committee

    • Two new certificates, (1) Advanced Manufacturing, and (2) Global Leadership, approved.
    • The terminations of the Master of Art in History Program with The Citadel; and the Master of Education in Science and Mathematics Education Program were approved.

    Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee

    • The Resolution on "Graduate Program Tuition" was approved.
    • The Resolution on "Student Housing Fees for Fiscal Year 2024-2025" was approved.
    • The Resolution on the "Wentworth Garage Land Purchase" was approved.

    Development, Alumni, Governmental, & External Relations (DAGER) Committee

    • The two naming opportunities for benches in memory of Amy Takayama-Perez and Pierre Bouvier were approved.
    • May 2024 Commencement Speakers and Honorary Degree Recipients


  • 2023 Resoultions

    November 15, 2023 BOT Meeting:

    • Motion to support the College of Charleston Foundation's efforts in securing the exclusive development rights and property options for the parcels at 99 St. Philip and 106 Coming Streets on behalf of the College.

    October 31, 2023 BOT Meeting:

    • Motion to approve the four historical signs as presented - Civil War Monument, 9 College Way, 63 1/2 Coming Street, and 14 Green Way.
    • Motion to support the Administration's efforts to lease private residential beds for College of Charleston students. The student housing rate and funding for this lease are approved annually as part of the annual operating budget for Residence Life/Housing Auxiliaries adopted in June.

    October 19-20, 2023 BOT Meeting:


    June 5, 2023 Special BOT Meeting:

    • Motion to approve Housing Rates and Resident Inn Contract

    June 12-13, 2023 BOT Meeting:


    April 20-21, 2023 BOT Meeting:

    • Motion to Approve New Academic Program Proposals
    • Chair Hay: The Academic Affairs Committee moves that the new academic program proposals - B.S. in Health Sciences Management and Administration, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), and Executive M.B.A. - be approved as presented.
    • Motion to Approve Employee Bonus Proposal
    • Motion to Approve Housing Fee Changes
    • Motion to Approve Amended Naming Policy
    • Motion to Approve the Bob and Helen Clawson Gift Naming Opportunity
    • Motion to Approve the John Manzi Family Gift Naming Opportunity for a tribute plaque on a campus Charleston Bench

    January 26-27, 2023 BOT Meeting: 

    • Motions from the Academic Affairs Committee
    • Terminations of the M.A., Community Planning, Policy and Design Program; and B.S., Physical Education, Teacher Ed. Concentration Program
    • Creating the "Annual Outstanding Staff and Adjunct Faculty Awards for the School of Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering" (Resolution)
    • Awarding May Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees (Resolution)
    • Motion from the Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee
    • Implementation of School of Health Sciences Course Fees (Resolution)
    • Motion from the Audit and Governance Committee
    • The Amended Naming Policy re: permanent signage, portraiture and ornamental memorials be sent to the Board of Trustees 30 days in advance of the Board of Trustees' vote on the amendment on April 21
    • Motions from the Development, Alumni, Governmental and External Relations Committee
    • The Tuck Morse Baseball Field at Patriot's Point
    • The Billy Silcox Courts at the Turner Tennis Center
    • The Family gift for the Honors College Scholarship
    • The Martin Center Gift Naming Opportunity
    • The Lucille Simmons Whipper Distinguished Professorship
  • 2022 Resolutions

    October 20-21, 2022

    • Motion to Approve Degree Programs and Certificates; BA/BS in Environmental Sustainability Studies, BA in Biochemistry, MAT in Teaching Multilingual Learners, and three Certificates in Musical Theater as presented.
    • Motion to Approve Name Change for School of Sciences and Mathematics to School of Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering ; approve changing the name of the School of Sciences and Mathematics to the School of Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering as presented
    • Motion to Approve Awarding of December Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees (Resolution)

    August 4-5, 2022

    • Motion to Authorize the Administration to request CHE’s approval of PDU Status
    • Motion to Approve the Founders’ Federal Baseball Performance Center Naming Opportunity
    • Motion to Approve the Tuccio Student Success Center Naming Opportunity
    • Motion to Approve Policy on Policies

    June 13-14, 2022

    • Motion to Approve Resolution for Proposed Tuition and Fees, Student Housing Fees, Food Service Fees and Budget for FY 2023
    • Motion to Approve the Tennis Center Capital Project
    • Motion to Approve the Turner Tennis Center Naming Opportunity

    May 25, 2022 Special Meeting

    • Motion to Approve the School of Business Dean Employment Agreement

    May 3, 2022 Special Meeting

    • Motion to Approve the CAO Employment Agreement

    April 5-6, 2022

    • Motion to Approve the Termination of the Historic Preservation MS Program
    • Motion to Approve the Resolution for the Undergraduate Student Orientation Fee Increase
    • Motion to Approve the Baseball Field Turf Project
    • Motion to Approve the TD Arena Display Banner Project
    • Motion to Approve BOT Bylaws noting the Naming Policy/Guiding Principles in Article II Authority and Article VIII The Standing Committee, Section 6, DAGER Committee

    March 14, 2022 Special Meeting

    • Motion to Approve Candidate A as Commencement Speaker and Candidate B, C and D as Honorary Degree Recipients for May 2022 Commencement Ceremonies


    • Motion from the Academic Affairs Committee
    • Awarding of Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees for May 2022 (Resolution)
    • Motion from the Audit and Governance Committee
    • Naming Policy and Guiding Principles
    • Motion from the Development, Alumni, Governmental and External Relations Committee
    • President's recommendation to name the Auditorium (Room 129) in the School of Sciences and Mathematics Building on Calhoun Street for Dean Emeritus Michael J. Auerbach
    • Motion to Approve Naming Policy and Guiding Principles
    • Motion to Approve Awarding of Degrees
    • Motion to Approve New School of Health Sciences
    • Motion to Approve Dean Emeritus Michael J. Auerbach Auditorium, Room 129, Science Center
    • Motion to Approve Candidates A, B, C and D as May and December 2022 Commencement Speakers
  • 2021 Resolutions

    October 29, 2021 Special Meeting

    • Motion to Approve the Employee Bonus Program

    October 21-22, 2021

    • Motion to Approve the Resolution for Awarding of Degrees
    • Motion to Approve BS in Software Engineering, Special Education and Statistics Programs
    • Motion to Approve the Craig Hall Mechanical Renovation
    • Motion to Approve Board Bylaws Amendment for Article IV Faithful and Diligent Service in regard to the Board of Trustees' Oath of Office, Code of Conduct and Statement of Commitment
    • Motion to Approve December Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degrees

    September 29, 2021 Special Meeting

    • Motion to Approve the McConnell Residence Hall Refresh
    • Motion to Approve 107 Wentworth Street Residence Renovation

    August 17, 2021 Emergency Meeting

    • Motion to Approve College of Charleston Face Mask Requirement

    August 5-6, 2021

    • Motion to Approve BS in Management Program
    • Motion to Approve the Hiring of a Candidate for Internal Auditor
    • Motion to Approve College of Charleston Board of Trustees’ Oath of Office, Code of Conduct and Statement of Commitment

    June 14-15, 2021

    • Motion to Approve the Resolution for Proposed Tuition and Fees, Student Housing Fees, Food Service Fees and Budget for FY 2021-2022
    • Motion to Approve the Resolution for the Energy, Water and Waste Water Services Project

    April 8-9, 2021

    • Motion to Approve the Resolution to Approve Revisions to Faculty Recognition Programs
    • Motion to Approve Original Proposed Bylaws Amendments

    March 25, 2021 - BOT Emergency Meeting

    Resolution(s): None


    Approved Coach Pat Kelsey's Employment Agreement

    March 24, 2021 - BOT Special Meeting

    Resolution(s): None


    • Approved terms of Matt Roberts' Employment Renewal Agreement

    March 12, 2021 - BFF, DAGER and BOT Special Meetings

    Resolution(s): None


    • Authorized the Administration to negotiate and grant the easement on College Property for 23 Bond LLC based on the terms as presented. (BFF Committee)
    • Accepted recent philanthropic commitment from the Beemok Family Foundation (DAGER Committee)

    January 28-29, 2021 - BOT Meeting


    • Approved Awarding of May Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees


    • Approved the College’s Negotiation of 26 Coming Street Lease
    • Approved the proposed Bylaws Amendments (30 days’ prior notice) be presented to the Board for consideration at the April Board of Trustees meeting. (Audit & Governance Committee)
    • Approved Candidates A, B, and C be invited to serve as Commencement Speakers and receive honorary degrees during May 2021 Commencement.

    January 6, 2021 - Special BOT Meeting

    Resolution(s): None
  • 2020 Resolutions

    December 18, 2020 - BFF Special Meeting/BOT Special Meeting

    • Resolution(s): Approved Series 2021A Authorizing Resolution
    • Approved Series 2021A Petition
    • Approved Series 2021A Bond Resolution
    • Motion(s): None

    October 15-16, 2020 - BOT Meeting


    • Approved Awarding of Degrees
    • Approved Proposal for Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Environmental
    • Geosciences (Academic Affairs Committee)


    • Approved programmatic namings in recognition of the EastWest Institute philanthropic commitment: (1) John Edwin Mroz Global Leadership Institute, (2) EWI Distinguished Visiting Fellows Program, and (3) EWI History Project
    • (DAGER Committee)

    September 29, 2020 - BFF Special Meeting/BOT Special Meeting


    • Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021


    • Approved Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) (Audit & Governance Committee)

    September 3, 2020 - BOT Special Meeting

    Resolutions: None
    Motions: None

    August 6, 2020 - BOT Meeting

    Resolutions: None


    • Approved Board Bylaws Amendment replacing the old Mission Statement in the current Board of Trustees Bylaws with the new Strategic Plan Board of Trustees approved Mission Statement (Audit & Governance Committee)

    July 28, 2020 - BOT Special Meeting

    Resolutions: None

    Motions: None

    June 25, 2020 - BOT Special Meeting

    Resolutions: None

    Motions: None

    June 9, 2020 - BFF Committee Meeting/BOT Meeting


    • Approved Budget Adjustments for period ending May 31, 2020
    • Approved Three-Month Continuing Budget Resolution on Tuition & Fees, Student Housing Fees, Food Service Fees & Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021

    Motion(s): None

    May 19, 2020 – Budget Workshop

    Resolutions: None

    Motions: None

    May 7, 2020 - BOT Meeting


    • Approved Naming of Anthony J. Meyer ’49 Alumni Welcome Center at Towell Library
    • Approved termination of four academic programs: (1) International Comparative Literature Concentration, B.A./A.B. International Studies; (2) M.A.T. Middle Grades Education, (3) Information Systems Graduate Certificate; and (4) Special Education Post-Masters Certificate, excluding dissolution of the School of Professional Studies.

    (Academic Affairs Committee)

    • Approved dissolution of the School of Professional Studies (Academic Affairs Committee)
    • Approved the new Strategic Plan

    April 10, 2020 - Executive Committee Special Meeting

    Resolutions: None

    March 27, 2020 - Executive Committee Special Meeting

    Resolutions: None

    March 20, 2020 - BOT Special Meeting/Strategic Planning Workshop

    Resolutions: None


    • Approved President Hsu's recommended contract terms for Dr. Suzanne Austin.

    March 19, 2020 - BOT Emergency Meeting

    Resolutions: None

    Motions: None

    February 10, 2020 - BOT Special Meeting

    Resolutions: None

    Motions: None

    January 23-24, 2020 - BOT Meeting


    • Budget Adjustments through December 31, 2019
    • Awarding of Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees During May Commencement


    • DAGER Committee approved a motion authorizing the President to continue to negotiate an agreement to name the CofC School of Business. There was no motion for approval by the full Board of Trustees.

    January 15, 2020 - Executive Committee Meeting

    Resolutions: None

    Motions: None