Terms of Office

Board of Trustees Congressional District Map


Renee Buyck Romberger, Chair
Steve D. Swanson, Vice Chair
Ricci Land Welch, Secretary

Term Ending June 30, 2026


City, SC


District Seat

Elizabeth Middleton Burke (Beth)*

Mt. Pleasant, SC

1st District

(Seat 1)

Derrick L. Williams

Columbia, SC

2nd District

(Seat 3)

Shawn M. Holland*

Anderson, SC

3rd District

(Seat 5)

Matthew C. Klein

Greenville, SC

4th District

(Seat 7)

Henry A. Futch, Jr. (Hank)*

Rock Hill, SC

5th District

(Seat 9)

Darryl J. Fyall

Columbia, SC

6th District

(Seat 11)

Henrietta U. Golding

Myrtle Beach, SC

7th District

(Seat 13)

Renée B. Romberger

Charleston, SC


(Seat 15)

Steve Swanson*

Charleston, SC


(Seat 17)

Neysa Williams*

Mt. Pleasant, SC

Alumni Association

(Seat 19)

(*New Member-elected May 2, 2018

Board Member - Neysa Williams was elected as the Alumni Association Trustee for the term beginning July 1, 2022 and expiring June 30, 2026 – replaced Chuck Baker.) 

Term Ending June 30, 2024


City, SC


District Seat

Andrew A. Gianoukos

Charleston, SC

1st District

(Seat 2)

Brian J. Stern

Columbia, SC

2nd District

(Seat 4)

Craig C. Thornton

Anderson, SC

3rd District

(Seat 6)


Greenville, SC

4th District

(Seat 8)

R. McLaurin Burch

Camden, SC

5th District

(Seat 10)

Ricci Land Welch

Manning, SC

6th District

(Seat 12)

Penelope S. Rosner

Myrtle Beach, SC

7th District

(Seat 14)

David M. Hay

Charleston, SC


(Seat 16)


Previous Terms

Term Ending June 30, 2022*


City, SC


District Seat

Elizabeth Middleton Burke (Beth)*

Mt. Pleasant, SC

1st District

(Seat 1)

John H. Busch

Lexington, SC

2nd District

(Seat 3)

Shawn M. Holland*

Anderson, SC

3rd District

(Seat 5)

John B. Wood, Jr.

Greenville, SC

4th District

(Seat 7)

Henry A. Futch, Jr. (Hank)*

Rock Hill, SC

5th District

(Seat 9)

Demetria Noisette Clemons

Columbia, SC

6th District

(Seat 11)

Henrietta U. Golding

Myrtle Beach, SC

7th District

(Seat 13)

Randolph R. Lowell

Charleston, SC


(Seat 15)

Steve Swanson*

Charleston, SC


(Seat 17)

Chuck Baker

Mt. Pleasant, SC

Alumni Association

(Seat 19)

(*New Member-elected May 2, 2018) 


Term Ending June 30, 2020


City, SC


District Seat

L. Cherry Daniel

Charleston, SC

1st District

(Seat 2)

Brian J. Stern*

Columbia, SC

2nd District

(Seat 4)

Craig C. Thornton**

Anderson, SC

3rd District

(Seat 6)

Renee B. Romberger

Greenville, SC

4th District

(Seat 8)

R. McLaurin Burch 

Camden, SC

5th District

(Seat 10)

Ricci Land Welch

Manning, SC

6th District

(Seat 12)

Penelope S. Rosner*

Myrtle Beach, SC

7th District

(Seat 14)

David M. Hay

Charleston, SC


(Seat 16)

(*New Member - re-elected April 27, 2016)

(**New Member - elected April 5, 2017 - replaced Eddie Thomas)

Term (co-terminous with the Governor) 


City, SC


District Seat

August G. Swarat II (replaced Jeff Schilz effective February 18, 2018)

Columbia, SC

Governor’s Appointee

(Seat 18)

Toya Pound (replaced Sam Stafford III effective March 10, 2011)

Daniel Island, SC

Governor’s Designee

(Seat 20)


*(NOTE: Terms ending in 2022 were extended to 2023 because Board Candidate Elections were delayed due to the redistricting of congressional districts issue. Elections were held on April 17, 2024 and their terms were effective that day.)

  • John Busch, Demetria Clemons and John Wood did not run for re-election.
  • Derrick L. Williams replaced John H. Busch.
  • Matthew C. Klein replaced John Wood.
  • Darryl J. Fyall replaced Demetria Clemons.
  • Renée B. Romberger replaced Randy Lowell who resigned effective 7/1/22.