Professional Organizations

A listing and description of educational organizations that the Office of Professional Development in Education supports and refers to when developing graduate professional development courses. 

In addition, all goals and objectives are correlated to the C of C Teaching and Learning Standards (InTASC) and the National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Teachers (ISTE)  


Educational Organizations

Read through the list of educational organizations the Office of Professional Development in Education supports and refers to when developing graduate professional development courses.
  • Learning Forward

    "Learning Forward (formerly known as the National Staff Development Council) is the largest non-profit professional association committed to ensuring success for all students through staff development and school improvement."

    Learning Forward website
  • American Association of School Administrators

    "The mission of the American Association of School Administrators is to support and develop effective school system leaders who are dedicated to the highest quality public education for all children."

    AASA website
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

    "ASCD, a community of educators, advocating sound policies and sharing best practices to achieve the success of each learner."

    ASCD website
  • National Education Association

    "The National Education Association (NEA) is the nation's largest professional employee organization and is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 2.7 million members work at every level of education, from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state, as well as in more than 14,000 local communities across the United States."

    NEA website
  • National Association of Elementary School Principles

    "The mission of the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) is to lead in the advocacy and support for elementary and middle level principals and other education leaders in their commitment to all children. NAESP is the strongest unified voice for pre-K-8 leaders across the U.S. and around the world."

    NAESP website
  • The Association for Middle Level Education

    "Since its inception in 1973, National Middle School Association (NMSA) has been a voice for those committed to the educational and developmental needs of young adolescents. NMSA is the only national education association dedicated exclusively to the growth of middle level education."

    AMLE website
  • National Association of Secondary School Principles

    National Association of Secondary School Principals has as its goals to serve as the preeminent national voice for principals, assistant principals, and other school leaders; support principals, assistants, and other school leaders in their work to advance student learning; support the development of the next generation of school leaders; cultivate and strengthen student leaders; maintain sound management and financial practices, procedures, and systems; and support and enhance a responsive system of governance.

    NASSP website