Cohort Programs
What is a cohort?
Graduate academic cohorts are groupings of courses for educators interested in gaining additional skills and knowledge in a specific area. Upon completion of courses, teachers may apply to the state to have endorsements or certifications added to their teaching licenses. Cohorts are designed to assist districts with areas of critical need. Cohorts typically range from 12 to 22 students with graduate-level, catalog courses which may be used in College of Charleston master's degree programs or can be transferred to other colleges. The number of courses for each cohort varies depending on the type that is being completed. Courses can be delivered online, in-person, or hybrid during fall, spring, and/or summer terms.
Available Cohorts
Special Education
The Special Education Cohort consists of six courses that are approved through the SCDE to meet partial requirements for adding a Special Education Learning Disabilities certification. In addition to coursework a minimum qualifying score(s) on the content area examination(s) is required by the State Board of Education (PRAXIS ).
SC Department of Edcation College of Charleston Catalog Certification and Endorsement
Type with Required Course TitlesCourse Titles Special Education
CertificationSpecial Education
Certification-Required Course
for CertificationIntroduction to Exceptional
Learners/Special Education
3 semester hoursEDFS 501: Introduction to
the Exceptional ChildCharacteristics of Learning Disabilities
3 semester hoursEDFS 520: Characteristics of Students
with Learning DisabilitiesTeaching Reading in General
or Special Education
3 semester hoursEDFS 525: Literacy Development
and Intervention for
Students with DisabilitiesMethods/Procedures for
Learning Disabilities
3 semester hoursEDFS 528: Educational Procedures
for Students with Learning DisabilitiesAssessment of Exceptional Learners
3 semester hoursEDFS 537: Educational Assessment
for Students with DisabilitiesBehavior Management
3 semester hoursEDFS 550: Classroom
and Behavior ManagementTotal 18 hours of cousework Practicum in Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities (3 semester hours).
The practicum may be waived with documentation of one year of
successful experience teaching students with learning disabilities. -
Multilingual Learner Certification
Multilingual Learner Cohort consists of five courses that are approved through the SCDE to meet partial requirements for adding a Multilingual Learner certification. The program that includes Principles and Strategies for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages as well as Linguistics and Assessment courses. In addition to coursework a minimum qualifying score(s) on the content area examination(s) is required by the State Board of Education (PRAXIS ).
SC Department of Education C of C Catalog Certification and Endorsement
Type with Required Course titlesCourse Titles Multilingual Learning Principals and Strategies for T
eaching ESOL to PK-12 LearnersEDFS 670 - Principles and Strategies
for Teaching English to
Speakers of Other
Languages (ESOL) (K-12)*Linguistics EDFS 674 EDFS 674
Linguistics for ESOL TeachersTeaching Read and Writing
to Limited English
Proficient (LEP) LearnersEDFS 671 EDFS 671: Teaching
Reading and Writing to K-12
English Speakers of
Other Languages (ESOL)Two of the following Elective Courses: Testing/Assessment for
Language Minority LearnersEDFS 673 Assessing Student
Performance ORESOL Curriculum Design
and Materials DevelopmentTeaching English through
the Content AreasLALE 601 Applied Linguistics (3) Bilingual Special Education Second Language Acquisition
for Teachers of PK-12 LearnersEnglish Grammar/Structure Cultural Diversity in Education EDFS 672 Cultural Diversity
in Education*Practicum in the Instruction of ESOL to
Elementary and Secondary Learners:
The practicum may be waived based on documentation of one
year of successful experience teaching ESOLEndorsement only
Multilingual Learners (ESOL))
Guidelines and Requirements for Adding Certification Fields and Endorsements
The coursework and training related to this optional certification endorsement are intended to enhance an educator’s skills and knowledge to prepare the individual to work with students whose primary language is not English.
Requirements to add the ESOL Endorsement by Coursework
- Bachelor’s degree or higher;
- Initial, Professional, or Alternative Route certificate at the early childhood, elementary, middle, secondary, or PK–12 level;
- Completion of all required coursework with an equivalent of a grade of “C” or better.
- Required Courses
3 semester hours
This course must be designed to improve the educator’s understanding of students with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The course should focus on cultural and linguistic diversity and identity with emphasis on the following topics: culturally responsive learning environment, cultural bias, socio-economic diversity, and the home-school connection.
Principles and Strategies for Teaching ESOL PK–12 Learners3 semester hours
The course must include information on identifying ESOL students, preparing effective teachers of English language learners, using appropriate instructional and assessment strategies aligned with PK–12 English language proficiency standards, and understanding relevant laws and policies related to services and instruction provided to English language learners.
Practicum in ESOLFifteen (15) hours of practicum hours are required. The practicum hours must include experiences working directly with students whose primary language is not English and may be embedded in the coursework listed above.
Project-Based Learning
The Project-Based Learning (PBL) Cohort consists of three courses which include Introduction to PBL, Applications of PBL in Curriculum and Instruction as well as a Practicum in PBL. Upon completion of the approved courses, participants can petition the state to add the Project Based Learning endorsement to their certificate.
in leu of coursework, a waiver and certification endorsement in Project-based Learning granted for completion of a comprehensive, extended sequence of professional learning opportunities approved by the SCDE.
SC Department of Edcation College of Charleston Catalog Certification and Endorsement
Type with Required Course TitlesCourse Titles PBL State Endorsement Requirements Introduction to PBL MTLA 671:Introduction to PBL Applications of PBL in
Curriculum and InstructionMTLA 672: Applications of PBL in
Curriculum and InstructionPracticum in PBL MTLA 674:Practicum in PBL Total 9 hours of cousework -
Teacher Leader Endorsement
The Teacher Leader Endorsement cohort consisits of three SCDE approved courses to help meet the requirements for gaining the Teacher Leader endorsement. In addition to 9 credit hours of coursework there is also 36 practicum hours that are required. These hours can be embeded within the 3 approved course offerings. Upon completion of the approved courses and practicum, participants can petition the state to add the Teacher Leader endorsement to their certificate.
SC Department of Edcation College of Charleston Catalog Certification and Endorsement
Type with Required Course TitlesCourse Titles
Teacher Leadership Endorsement
Professional Leadership in
MentoringMTLA 606: Teacher as Member of the
Professional Community
or EDFS 630 Introduction to
Education SupervisionCurriculum and Introduction MTLA 668: Curriculum: Foundations,
Principles, Issues, and Applications
or EDEE 667 Curriculum Theory and ApplicationsAssessments and Data Analysis EDEE 610: Integrating Assessment
and Instruction or
EDEE 615: Assessment in Student LearningPracticum in Teacher Leadership The 36 hours will be
embedded across courses.Total 9 hours of cousework with 36 hours
embedded across courses -
Teaching Children of Poverty
The Teaching Children of Poverty endorsement consisits of successful completion of 2 course - Class, Race, and Gender in Education and Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Education or Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners in P-12 Schools and Classrooms (Please see below for alternative approved courses). Upon successful completion of coursework, participants can petition the state for adding Teaching Children of Poverty Endorsement to their certificate.
SC Department of Edcation College of Charleston Catalog Certification and Endorsement
Type with Required Course TitlesCourse Titles
Teaching Children of Poverty
Living in Poverty MTLA 601: Class, Race,
and Gender in EducationOne of the following:
* Language, Literacy and Poverty
OR *Teaching and Assessing Children of Poverty
OR *Home, Community and Classroom
Partnerships in High Poverty AreasOne of the following:
EDFS 672: Linguistic and Cultural
Diversity in Education
OR MTLA 711: Meeting the Needs of
Diverse Learners in P-12 Schools and ClassroomsTotal 6 hours
Cost Per Credit Hour
The cost of College of Charleston Cohort Courses per credit hour:
- $574 (without discount)
- $358.75 (within cohort)