Impact X

Our New Venture Modeling course is known as Impact X. It aligns with the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a holistic framework for achieving sustainable development for all. In this program, you lead change by a forming startup that makes a profit, while solving social and/or environmental problems as identified by the SDGs.

What to Expect

You'll be cross-trained (think Navy SEAL training!) in creative design, business and technology so that you have the tools to form sustainability-focused startups. No prior technical skills or teams are required and diverse backgrounds are encouraged.

In these classes, you will:

  • Lead change by forming startups that make a profit, while solving social and/or environmental problems as identified by the SDGs
  • Practice pitching in both casual and professional environments
  • Learn to use and leverage the technologies that spawned innovations such as Instagram, Uber and Spotify
  • Move from passive learning to consequential, active learning
  • Be mentored by successful business leaders such as Stuart Williams, our Social and Environmental Entrepreneur-in-residence 

I loved this class! The instructor is phenomenal, it is very intellectually challenging, and makes you think on the next level.

—Previous ImpactX student


You will have mentors to listen, advise and reflect with your team during the course of the project. While they are not there to solve problems themselves, they guide and advise you through their active engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Impact X is one of our most popular courses. Here are some commonly asked questions about the experience.