Public Safety Personnel

Public Safety personnel are the backbone of on-campus safety at the College of Charleston.

The Department of Public Safety is comprised of dedicated officers, employees, and volunteers who are well prepared for the challenges of policing an urban campus. All officers are sworn law enforcement officers, certified by the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy as South Carolina Group I state constables, and as such have full power of arrest. In addition, they receive all state-mandated training in order to remain certified by the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy.

Please click here for the Public Safety organizational chart.

The Department of Public Safety is organized into four units:

  • Patrol Operations
  • Support Services
  • Communications
  • Fire and EMS

Patrol Operations

The College of Charleston campus and surrounding areas are patrolled twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week by certified law enforcement officers. Patrol officer assignments each day are divided into two twelve-hour shifts, each shift supervised by a sergeant. Patrol is conducted on foot, on bicycles, and in vehicles. The high visibility and mobility of these officers is an integral part of our community policing efforts. Beyond enforcing local and state laws, these officers are available to take information, file incident reports, conduct preliminary investigations, assist with automobile lockouts and jump starts, secure and unlock buildings, provide security at sports and social functions, provide security escorts, and assist local law enforcement jurisdictions.  

The Operations Captain serves as the overall supervisor of the Patrol Operations unit.

Support Services

All criminal offenses and suspicious incidents occurring on the College of Charleston campus are sent to the investigators of the Support Services unit.  Investigators within this unit identify, collect and preserve physical evidence, prepare warrants, work in concert with other law enforcement agencies, prepare for and attend grand jury presentations, apprehend/arrest perpetrators and maintain ongoing case files until disposition has occurred.

Support Services unit personnel also serve as inventory and materials quartermaster for all necessary law enforcement supply needs, including uniforms, firearms, and vehicles.  Additionally, the Support Services unit is responsible for training, compliance, and accreditation.

The Support Services unit also houses the Security Technology Services unit.  This unit is headed by the  Information Technology Liasion and is responsible for the integration of all IT and technology systems used by the Department of Public Safety.  These technologies include security and surveillance cameras, body worn cameras, computers and networking, mobile patrol technologies, radio equipment, etc.

The Special Services Captain serves as the overall supervisor of the Support Services unit.


The Communications Center (dispatch) is staffed by National Crime Information Center (NCIC) certified telecommunicators. A n 800mhz Campus Police Communications System allows continuous contact with all officers as well as all local law enforcement agencies.  A computer aided dispatch (CAD) system allows our telecommunicators to track the location of all officers on patrol, immediately assign case numbers and input initial time/location information essential for initiating and processing incident reports. Our Communications Center operates 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. 

The Communications Center is staffed with communications specialists (dispatchers) who are supervised by a Dispatch Supervisor.

Fire and EMS

At the College of Charleston, the safety and well-being of our campus community are paramount.  The Fire and EMS unit is a crucial part of our commitment to ensuring a safe environment for all students, faculty, and staff.  This unit includes an on-staff Fire Marshal and a dedicated team of student EMS volunteers who are trained to respond swiftly and effectively to emergencies.  Our Fire Marshal oversees fire safety protocols, conducts regular inspections and drills, and ensures compliance with all fire safety regulations. The student EMS volunteers are certified first responders, providing immediate medical care during campus emergencies and supporting local emergency services as needed.

The resident Fire Marshal serves as the overall supervisor for the Fire and EMS unit.