About the Career Center

The College of Charleston Career Center is located in the Harry M. Lightsey Center | Suite 216. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. P | 843.953.5692 E | careercenter@cofc.edu

The mission of the Career Center is to educate, develop and assist students to prepare for and successfully meet the challenges of an ever-changing world of work. This mission is accomplished through a centralized and comprehensive Center serving the entire campus and meeting the career and educational needs of all students from entering freshmen through graduate students and recent alumni.

The Career Center has fully switched to Handshake appointments from Appointment Manager. Should you experience any issues, please contact us. 

Schedule an Appointment

Meet the Career Center Operations Team

Responsible for all functions of the Career Center to include Career Education, Employer Relations, Experiential Learning, Financial Wellness, and Student Employment. Supported by our Career Center Assistants (CCAs) who serve as the central point of contact by greeting all students, faculty, staff, and visitors entering the Career Center.

Meet the Career Development Team

Manages the Career Education Program which includes 1:1 career advising appointments with undergraduate and graduate students and alumni within 3 years of graduation, presentation requests from faculty, staff and student organizations, and class assignment requests from faculty and staff members. Onboard and train Peer Career Advisors (PCAs), current College of Charleston students, to assist their peers with resume and cover letter revisions, insight on internship and job searching, and additional career-related advice through our Drop-In Hours Program.

Meet the Employer Relations Team

Manages recruiting and job search assistance programs for students and alumni including the preparation and execution of our Career Exploration Fairs, and managing our job board platform, Handshake. Oversee and facilitate the Career Center Internship Award Program, W.N. Looper Award, and assist employers in developing internship, co-op, experiential learning, fellowship, and volunteer opportunities for students.

Meet the Financial Wellness Team

Manages a personal financial literacy and wellbeing education program for students through introduction to financial planning concepts which include repayment plans for student loans and debt, tracking and reviewing income, understanding savings, expenses, credit, budget, analyzing job offers and benefits, and learning how to live independently with their own resources. Promotes the use of the iGrad platform to students and alumni with the assistance of Financial Wellness Student Ambassadors.

Meet the Student Employment Team

Manages all on-campus student employment functions to include assisting approximately 25% of the student population who work on-campus during their CofC career with hire paperwork, ID Verification, and finding opportunities including Federal Work Study positions, as well as working with the hiring managers in all departments across campus to post positions and submit new hire paperwork. Plan and facilitate the Student Employee of the Year (SEOTY) Award Reception each April during National Student Employment Week.