First Year Impact Program

The College of Charleston’s First Year Impact (FYI) Program is designed to assist you in building a solid foundation for reaching your academic goals and earning your College of Charleston degree. This is a two semester program (Fall, Spring) for students in their first year of enrollment.

Students participating in the First Year Impact Program are held to specific program requirements. After the Spring semester, all program participants will be evaluated for continuance at the College or are subject to non-continuance. Continuation at the College past the Spring term is based upon completion of the program requirements and by being in Good Academic Standing.

Through the program, our office will monitor your academic progress, refer you to campus resources, and just be here to listen if you need someone to talk to about personal or academic issues. Your success is our shared goal and we hope you will utilize the resources available to you as a student at the College of Charleston to be successful in your first year.

Note: Students who are active within the FYI Program are not eligible to take a Leave of Absence. If you leave with less than a 2.000 GPA, you must return to the College through the STEP Program. You must return to the College of Charleston with 30 credits taken elsewhere to successfully readmit. Re-Admission is not guarenteed. 

First Year Impact Overview

The First Year Impact Program provides clear expectations and recommendations based on a comprehensive review of successful students.
  • FYI Requirements (as of Fall 2024): 

    *If you do not complete the following items, a hold may be placed on your account

    • Sign your First Year Impact Program Agreement
    • Meet with your assigned Peer Academic Coach (PAC) on a weekly basis.
    • Enroll in 15 credits each semester. Note: 12 credits is considered full-time
    • Attend one Student Success Workshop per semester.
    • Engage in 3 tutoring sessions within the Center for Student Learning (CSL) before midterm grades for both the Fall and Spring semester.
      • See the CSL website for tutoring schedule availability.
    • Meet with your assigned advisor in the Academic Advising and Planning Center (AAPC) once each semester to discuss goals, course registration, and degree planning.
  • FYI Recommendations

    • Enroll in a First Year Experience (FYE) course in your first semester.  
      (FYE is a graduation requirement for all College of Charleston students and must be completed within your first year of enrollment.)
    • Discuss any schedule changes or course withdrawals with our office staff. 
    • Check your College of Charleston email account daily. Faculty and staff will only contact you via your College of Charleston email address. 
    • FYI staff will review midterm grades after they are posted each semester.  
      (You may be required to meet with staff to create an academic recovery plan if midterm grades are not satisfactory.)
    • We support students who would like to have a job while pursuing their education. We recommend limiting work hours to no more than 15 hours per week. On campus employment is encouraged. (Working more than 15 hours a week may negatively impact your academic success.)
    • Submit the academic reflection survey that will be sent via email from FYI staff at the end of each semester.

Evaluating your Progress

During your time in the First Year Impact Program, it is important to monitor your progression to successful completion of the program and to remain in Good Academic Standing by reviewing your midterm and final grades.
  • Midterm Grade Review

    • Students in the First Year Impact (FYI) Program review Midterm grades with their Peer Academic Coach (PAC) to ensure they are making adequate progress toward course completion and to connect them to appropriate campus resources.  

    • Students with multiple deficient grades (C- or below) at Midterms are required to meet with FYI staff prior to the Withdrawal Deadline to create an academic plan of improvement, discuss course withdrawals and address academic challenges.  

  • End of Term Final Grade Review

    At the end of each semester, Academic Success and Retention Office staff will review all final grades. First Year Impact Program students will receive an email from the office notifying them of their updated Academic Standing. To be in Good Academic Standing, you must be meeting the conditions in the chart below.


    Total Credits Earned

    Minimum GPA Required

    0 - 29


    30 - 59




    Continuation at the College past the Spring term is based upon completion of the program requirements and meeting Academic Standards by being in Good Academic Standing. After the Spring semester, all program participants will be evaluated for continuance at the College or are subject to non-continuance.