Student Experience

As a First-Gen student, one of your greatest assets is other First-Gen students. You are a trailblazer in your own family, but there are others who share that experience with you on campus.

Advice from First-Generation Students

89 First-Generation Cougars were asked what advice they would give other First-Gen students. Below are their recommendations and words of encouragement.
  • Advice for Academic Wellbeing

    • "Keep working hard, you got this. Make sure you create a good schedule for studying, and school but also make time for yourself. Take yourself on a solo date once a month for self appreciation"
    • "Reach out to your professors and advisors if/when you feel lost or alone. They're so kind and helpful! Communicating with faculty members goes a long way. Just sending a little email to them once in while helps keep you grounded and motivated."
    • "Stay caught up, or even ahead with the syllabus. This will ensure you are always prepared for class, allowing you to stay more focused when the professor is teaching in class."
    • "Use a planner or use something to keep track of all your assignments!"
    • "Don't stress about grades. It is your first time in college and if you get a bad grade it'll be ok. Utilize the services on campus."
    • "The value of education cannot be understated. Your decisions here and now will make a lasting impression on both your family and your future. Keep up the great work and we are so happy you are here."

  • Advice for Emotional Wellness

    • "Find a good support group that you can rely on and remember that everything will work out. There are also helpful resources and people you can use, so don't be afraid to ask for help."
    • "Trust yourself. Don't compare yourself to others and their paths."
    • "You are not alone. There is so much available help to guide you through your experience in college."
    • "Have faith in yourself! You can do anything you put your mind to!"
    • "Do your best, stay focused, and leave enough free time for your mental health and to enjoy your time here in Charleston. You got this."

  • Advice for Social Wellbeing

    • "Work before play!"
    • "As long as you're human, you will need a support system! Don't be scared to ask for help"
    • "Say yes to doing new things"
    • "Don't worry if you don't make friends at first, everything falls into place"
    • "Balance your time"
    • "Don't forget to take breaks and have fun! You're taking a huge step forward and it's a long process!"

  • Advice for Living in Charleston

    • "Budgeting and minimalism are your best friends. Living CHS can be expensive especially if you're financially independent, so spending your money on necessities first is really important. It also helps to remember that less is more sometimes!"
    • Don't take the simple college experiences for granted. Like walking around campus on a nice day or studying in the library.
    • "Watch your step, them bricks will getcha"
    • "It takes time but it will get better and you'll get more acclimated."