Give to the Department
The Sociology (R666) and Anthropology (R287) Program Funds strive to support faculty and student research and professional development, to include collecting data in the field and traveling to conferences to present research. Your financial support will allow us to increase opportunities for students and faculty and promote their engagement in collaborative work.
In addition to general Sociology and Anthropology student and faculty support, we offer the following formal awards specifically for Sociology and Anthropology Students:
- The Jon Morter Memorial Award in Anthropology (E334) supports participation of Anthropology majors interested in archaeology in the archaeological field school co-sponsored by the Anthropology program and the Charleston Museum or in another archaeological field school.
- The Catherine Wood Parker Memorial Award (E325) supports Anthropology majors wishing to participate in international travel courses or field schools.
- The T. Miles Newbern Endowed Archaeology Support Fund (E579) is in memory of Thomas "Miles" Newbern, a candidate for a Bachelor of Arts in History at the College of Charleston. The fund honors his passion for uncovering and understanding the history of the region he came to call a "second home".
- Richard A. and Shannon W. Haddad Internship Award (R713) is awarded to a College of Charleston student who is a declared Sociology major completing a for-credit internship with troubled or at-risk youth through the Sociology Internship Program or the Crime, Law and Society Program. The recipient must have a demonstrated interest in helping troubled youth through previous volunteer experience, activities, research, etc.; and/or an interest in pursuing a career working with troubled youth in the future.
- Center for Creative Retirement Gerontology Award (R406) was established in 2005 to encourage students to study gerontology.
- Gerontology Internship Award (R593) is made possible by Kate Tebben Pomplun (SOCY '05), who was the CCR Gerontology Award recipient in 2005. She was very grateful for the support she received as a student and hoped to one day be able to support another student in the same way.
- R666 Sociology Program Fund
- R287 Anthropology Program Fund
- E334 Jon Morter Memorial Endowment in Anthropology
- E325 Catherine Wood Parker Memorial Award
- E579 T. Miles Newbern Endowed Archaeology Support Fund
- R713 Richard A. and Shannon W. Haddad Internship Award
- R406 Center for Creative Retirement Gerontology Award
- R593 Gerontology Internship Award
Senior Development Officer, Institutional Advancement
Lauren Whiteside Mann '07
Phone: 843.953.1718