Anthropology Internships

Internship opportunities allow you to apply what you have learned in the classroom to a workplace setting. It is a chance to link theories and concepts to concrete situations while providing service to the community. They also provide a taste of how you can use your degree once you graduate.

Possible Internship Placements for Anthropology Majors

An internship is not just on-the-job training. It is an opportunity to meaningfully apply and use your anthropological knowledge. Not only is it a 300-level class applied toward your anthropology requirements, it is a chance to try out a job you are  interested in and expand your network, while serving the community.

The Charleston Museum

The Charleston Museum, founded in 1773, is the oldest museum in the United States. The Charleston Museum has sponsored an active program in archaeological research and excavation since the 1960s, and houses a large collection of archaeological materials from historic sites. Anthropology students will have the opportunity to work with these collections, from initial washing and sorting of materials from recent excavations to data entry through the PastPerfect collections management software program.

Charles Towne Landing Historic Site

Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site (CTL) is one of the premier archaeological sites in South Carolina, and one of the flagship historic sites within the South Carolina State Parks system.  Anthropology students seeking a focus in Historical Archaeology will benefit from their time spent at CTL, where they will have the opportunity to work on one of the few 17th century archaeological sites and collections in the state. Past student interns have gained experience in both field and laboratory techniques, public archaeology, curation, as well as museum and exhibit maintenance. Field experience covers everything from excavation techniques, unit photography methods, mapping, collecting and processing special samples, public interaction, and routine site maintenance. We also offer lab opportunities allowing students to gain experience in all stages of artifact processing from the initial washing to conservation and exhibition.

Colonial Dorchester State Historic Site SC Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism

Located in Summerville, SC, Colonial Dorchester State Historic Site is an archaeological preserve under the management of the South Carolina Park Service. The site consists of an entire Colonial-era town (est. 1697) situated along the Ashley River. This historic site has been virtually undisturbed by modern development, offering a unique setting for historical archaeological research and preservation.

Students interested in Historical Archaeology are presented with the opportunity to further develop their skills with the principles of archaeological field and lab methods.  Additionally, students will learn how to orchestrate volunteer and public archaeology programs for school groups and adult education.

H.L. Hunley Project

Located on Clemson University’s Restoration Institute campus on the former Charleston Navy Base in North Charleston, SC, the H.L. Hunley Project is currently engaged in the conservation and archaeological investigation of the American Civil War submarine H.L. Hunley.  On February 17, 1864, H.L. Hunley attacked and sank USS Housatonic off the coast of Charleston, becoming the first submarine in history to sink an enemy vessel in combat. Recovered in 2000, the 40-foot iron submarine has been undergoing conservation treatment and study at the Warren Lasch Conservation Center.

Internships are available to assist project archaeologists with their investigation of H.L. Hunley. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in and support ongoing documentation, research, and report writing related to the submarine.  This may involve database assistance, archival research, photography, and some exposure to 3D documentation.  Students may also participate in hands-on work with the submarine, such as sample and artifact collection, as well as public outreach and other educational activities. 

Hampton Plantation State Historic Site

Hampton Plantation State Historic Site, located in McClellanville, South Carolina was home to the Horry and Rutledge families and their enslaved workers for generations. The mansion house, detached kitchen, and former rice fields are the few visible above ground remains of the plantation.  Current archaeological investigations are focusing on an early eighteenth century site that appears to have an enslaved African, Native American, and European presence. Students interested in an internship at Hampton Plantation will develop basic skills in lab methods, while helping us to understand this site that pre-dates the establishment of Hampton Plantation. Opportunities to assist in the field with volunteer archaeological excavations at Hampton Plantation in the Spring and Fall will also be availalbe. The lab portion of the internship will be conducted at Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site in Charleston.

Brockington and Associates

Brockington and Associates provides a broad spectrum of cultural resources management tasks, including identifying and evaluating archaeological sites and historic buildings/structures, identifying and classifying cultural material in a full-service archaeological laboratory, and public history interpretation through our partner company, HW Exhibits. Brockington interns will be exposed to all facets of the archaeological process with primary responsibilities to include assisting in the initial processing of archaeological specimens by washing and rough sorting excavated collections and preparing project-related documents and materials for long-term curation. The internship takes place in our Mt. Pleasant archaeology laboratory facility. In addition to hands-on experience in the lab, individuals will have the opportunity to interact with a wide range of professionals, including historians, geophysical and GIS specialists, graphic designers, and museum exhibit design experts. Opportunities for archaeological fieldwork may be possible.

Drayton Hall

Drayton Hall Preservation Trust is seeking interns to assist our Historic Architecture and Archaeology staff.

The internships range from digitizing oral histories; entering data into ReDiscovery (our collections management software); consolidating internal genealogical records; inventorying and organizing archaeological materials; and cataloging, digitizing, and processing artifacts. Students that complete an internship with Drayton Hall will further develop their skills in collections management, collections-based research, and archival studies.

MUSC, Dept. of Pathology (Autopsy section)

Forensic pathology: The student may observe hospital and medicolegal autopsies and is encouraged to ask questions.During observation, the student will assist in the organization of the autopsy paperwork and other administrative duties.

American Red Cross of Lowcountry SC

The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteer and the generosity of donors. Interns can be involved in a variety of initiatives, including recruiting and engaging volunteers, assisting disaster-affected populations, helping to share the Red Cross story or working with military members and their families to teach classes and relay emergency communications. 

Great exposure to direct client interaction ideal for Public Health, Anthropology, Public Policy, and other such studies. An internship at the Red Cross would provide great opportunities for networking and understanding nonprofit management and direct delivery of services to populations in need. 

ACLU of South Carolina (American Civil Liberties Union)

“ACLU of South Carolina is seeking a student volunteer with strong communications and research skills (interest in public policy and/or government or journalism a plus). We seek assistance with ad hoc projects that include researching and drafting op-eds, speeches, fact sheets, and web content on civil liberties. We also need help designing a communications strategy to reach new members, especially the youth audience. The volunteer will work under the supervision of both the office coordinator and executive director. 

Charleston Area Therapeutic Riding

Charleston Area Therapeutic Riding empowers children and adults with disabilities to enjoy more active and fulfilling lives through therapeutic horsemanship. Interns will have the opportunity to work directly with horses and individuals with disabilities in our therapeutic riding program in addition to gaining exposure to non-profit management, fundraising, event planning, and volunteer management. 

Cultivate SciArt

Community Engagement Intern
Cultivate SciArt  hosts events which explore science and art together to cultivate community discussions. We have hosted public science + art happy hours, dinners and public workshops. We collaborate closely with Charleston’s grassroots organizations, non-profits, local businesses, schools, research and art institutes. Cultivate is rooted in interdisciplinary learning and collaborations. Our work involves a diverse set of skills ranging from website design, marketing, event management, science communication, art integration, social enterprise (small nonprofit) business management and impact assessment. This enables internships to be personalized to each student’s strengths, major and areas of interest.

Lowcountry Street Grocery

Lowcountry Street Grocery (LSG) is a sustainable, healthy food social enterprise that leans on resilient, innovative business tools engaged by every community member that we strive to connect. LSG leverages the demand for healthy, high-quality local food, to directly address the need for the same for those that need it most. We utilize a strategic sliding scale & SNAP/EBT incentives to ensure that fresh food can be accessible to all. LSG is a sum of three parts: a mobile farmer's market, local grocery delivery (Community Supported Grocery) and GroceryRx, our produce prescription program.

The Sophia Institute

The Sophia Institute is a non-profit focusing on educating a national and global audience of men and women on the importance of developing wisdom, mindfulness, well-being for a more just, regenerative, and flourishing world for all people.

Water Mission

Water Mission is a non-profit Christian engineering organization that builds safe water solutions for people in developing countries and disaster areas. Since 2001, Water Mission has provided access to safe water for more than 3.1 million people in 52 countries. The Community Development at Water Mission often seeks interns to assist with a variety of research activities. Cultural anthropology students interested in international development, WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene), medical anthropology, and global/public health would be especially interested in this opportunity. Depending on research needs, interns may have the opportunity to contribute to planning qualitative research studies, piloting new methodologies and modes of inquiry, transcribing ethnographic interviews, analyzing data to include medical records, intereviews, focus groups and survery, and writing internal reports and drafts for academic pubications.

Trident Literacy Association

Trident Literacy is an adult education program. They do very rewarding work - and there is lots of work to be done. Some of the opportunities would involve one-on-one and small-group tutoring in a variety of subject areas (only the ones in which the intern feels confident), helping with paperwork and administrative responsibilities, and any other responsibilities that may arise in conjunction with helping adults improve their skills so they can become qualified for jobs. "We've always focused on our downtown location for the convenience of students, but we have other locations around the tri-county area that also need help, so the options are open if the intern would prefer another location."

Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach Services

Educational opportunities are available at the Johns Island location to include involvement with English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, Yes, I Can! After School Program and Early Childhood Education.  ESL classes teach conversation, writing, reading and grammar to non-English speaking adult students in small group settings.  The after school program assists 2nd through 5th grade students with completing their homework assignments, strengthening their math and reading fluidity, as well as teaching social and emotional concepts.  The early childhood program provides educational instruction to assist young children reach their developmental milestones in a safe and positive environment.

The Outreach Learning Center at St. Matthew's

Opportunities in this active community center within walking distance of campus to work in adult literacy and English as a second language programs.

Audubon South Carolina

Audubon South Carolina internships (non-paid) offer experience to students interested in conservation of natural habitats in South Carolina with an emphasis on bird conservation, native plant initiatives, and climate resiliency.  Protecting birds and their habitats from human activity is at the forefront of Audubon’s mission, and fortunately for birds, people living in towns and cities can still play a critical role in fostering healthy wildlife and communities.  Internship work experiences include photography in the field, coordinating and recruiting volunteers, compilation of educational and interpretive materials in PowerPoint or Publisher software, engagement of local schools programming, documentation and GIS map making (experience preferred), assistance with our new Bird-friendly and Climate-Resiliency Recognition Programs, and coordinating outreach for our legislative resolutions and initiatives.                                                                                                                                                         

Lowcountry Local First:(Growing New Farmers Program)

Lowcountry Local First (LLF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that builds community support for local independent businesses and farmers by working with businesses, consumers and policymakers. From business services to hospitality to creative to farms, LLF has a membership base of more than 500 companies ranging from sole-proprietorships up to 250+ employees. Our work includes Good Business and Good Farming. 

Nature Conservancy, Charleston Office

Internship work experiences include field work and photography, documentation of landscapes, digitizing documents, historical research, GIS work, and data entry. Internships will have flexibility in types of experiences and skills gained. 

Office of Sustainability at the College of Charleston 

Created in the fall of 2011, the Office of Sustainability at the College of Charleston is comprised of undergraduate and graduate interns working under the direction of full time office staff. The purpose and vision of this Office is: To generate and apply knowledge through holistic praxis to create sustainable solutions that transform society by rethinking, redesigning and restoring integrated systems.

Addlestone Library, Special Collections

The Special Collections department offers internship opportunities to both undergraduate and graduate students who wish to gain experience working with archival collections and researchers. Primarily designed for academic credit and in collaboration with an intern's faculty advisor, Special Collections internships are structured to last for one academic term. All internships are supervised and evaluated by the Manager of Research Services, Manager of Archival Processing, and/or other members of Special Collections staff. Special Collections internships are competitive and promote undergraduate and graduate research, scholarship, and creativity with a goal of more fully integrating Special Collections into the pedagogical and public missions of the College of Charleston to foster distinctive opportunities and relationships in the city of Charleston, state of South Carolina, and the world.

The Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture

Interns may be involved in a variety of activities at Avery such as documenting, evaluating, organizing, and preserving the Center's archival and permanent collections, helping with exhibitions, event planning, and providing research assistance.

The Charleston Museum (America's First Museum, founding in 1773)

There are a number of departments at The Charleston Musuem - Archaeology, Textiles, Archives, History and Education that have internships available. This is one of our most popular and valuable internships. Depending on interest, interns can work on artifact analysis, excavations, computer services or museum management. The internship in The Charleston Museum's archives, one of the best kept secrets in the Holy City, entails a large amount of data entry, but there are also opportunities to learn basic collections managments skills and to assist with a variety of tasks. The data focuses on archaeological and historical artifacts, thus coordinating with the student's field of study. The archives internship should serve as an interesting introduction into museum registration methods.

The Heyward-Washington House & The Joseph Manigault House

Interns will give house tours as well as complete a research project on a topic concerning the history of one of our sites. Topics include slavery, archaeology, women's history, decorative arts, and more. Internship would require self-study in the archives on various topics as well as public speaking to groups of people.

Waring Historical Library

Internship opportunities include working with museum object collections to catalog, clean, rehouse, and prepare exhibits; archival materials to research, organize, describe, and rehouse; and digitization projects including creating of digital content for and online exhibits. The Waring Historical Library is the medical history library at MUSC and has collections dating back to the 16th centruy, which include rare books, manuscripts, museum objects, artwork, and more.

For more information about anthropology internships, contact:

Maureen Hays

Department of Sociology and Anthropology