Local Government Support

The Riley Center for Livable Communities provides support to a number of local government programs and associations, as well as an expansive range of leadership and supervisory courses that can be tailored to meet each organization's needs and goals.

South Carolina City & County Management Association

The goal of the South Carolina City & County Management Association is to improve the quality of public administration in South Carolina local government. The Association's membership consists of approximately 180 city and county managers, administrators, assistants, and other staff members. The Riley Center facilitates all of the day-to-day and long-term operations of SCCCMA. 

Local Government Leadership Institute (LGLI)

LGLI is hosted by the Joseph P. Riley Jr. Center for Livable Communities at the College of Charleston, Coastal Carolina University, and Francis Marion University in collaboration with the Darla Moore Foundation and the South Carolina City & County Managers Association. The purpose of this program is to provide a skill-building educational experience for new and potential executive-level managers in South Carolina local governments. The program is intended to prepare participants to affect change in their organizations and ultimately improve the communities in which they live. 

LGLI Advanced Leadership Academy (ALA)

Facilitated by the Joseph P. Riley Jr. Center for Livable Communities, the Darla Moore Foundation and the South Carolina City & County Management Association, the Advanced Leadership Academy is open to those who have completed the Local Government Leadership Institute (LGLI). The program provides a higher-level applied leadership program for local government executives, while offering support to small communities throughout South Carolina, by taking on projects on a needs basis. 

Athenian Program

The Athenian program is intended for managers and assistants with 10+ years of continuing service in local government. The experience is designed as a premier leadership development opportunity for senior level public sector executives, providing opportunities to delve into major challenges facing local government and society, and exploring individual or personal challenges at this stage in your career. 

Women in the Civic Arena

The Women in the Civic Arena was created to provide a space for women at the executive level in local government to understand the challenges facing women in the profession, to share experiences and make connections while developing a plan to live their whole, authentic selves. 

Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Leadership Academy

Unlike other GFOA training opportunities, The Leadership Academy steps away from day-to-day technical areas in public finance and encourages participants to think about their individual development and the leadership role they play within their departments or agencies, as well as the broader organization. The Riley Center hosts their Leadership Academy once per year on the College of Charleston campus. 

South Carolina Clerks to Council Association

The South Carolina Clerks to Council Association's purpose is to aid in improving public administration and increasing the proficiency of Clerks to Council and executives of counties in South Carolina. The Joseph P. Riley Jr. Center for Livable Communities provides support for the South Carolina Clerks to Council Association by:

  • Providing registration services and coordinating the certification educational programs for the SC Clerks to Council Training Program
  • Providing instructional services by teaching up to two educational programs
  • Maintain records for those clerks who are working towards certification

Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Institute (MCTI)

The Institute is designed to provide municipal clerks and treasurers with the knowledge and skills critical to their respective professions. Each year, MCTI offers a series of six half-week (2.5 days) sessions. Each session is unique and designed to build on the previous sessions. Participants are encouraged, but not required, to attend consecutive sessions, thus completing MCTI in three years. The Joseph P. Riley Jr. Center for Livable Communities provides support for MCTI by:

  • Coordinate the MCTI educational programs along with the Municipal Association of South Carolina
  • Maintain records for those clerks who are working towards certification