Department Affiliation

If you are interested in employment or becoming a volunteer member of our department, please review the types of affiliation that exist within our department.

Full-Time Classified Employee (FT)

FT Employees of Fire and Emergency Medical Services are also classified employees of College of Charleston as an agency of the State of South Carolina. All advertising of and applying for positions are performed through Human Resources. All Full-time employees are cross-trained in fire fighting, EMS and hazardous materials as well as various areas of special rescue.

Student Volunteer (SV)

Fire and Emergency Medical Services has limited employment opportunities to work as a student EMT each semester. Students currently enrolled at the College of Charleston are eligible for student volunteer status. A student is defined as any individual who is enrolled in a degree program and regularly attends classes or other assigned academic duties during a semester. Student volunteers are required to be available for a minimum of one shift per week.

Interested students should inquire by calling Fire and EMS Headquarters, by visiting Public Safety during normal business hours, or via email.