Contact Us

An image of the English building located at 5 College Way.

Five College Way is home to the English Department at the College of Charleston. Originally constructed circa 1826 by Abiel Bolles, a teacher from Connecticut. Bolles opened a female academy on the property at 5 College Way and later built 7 and 9 College Way as the school expanded. The College acquired the residences in 1971.


In person or online, here is where you can find us.

Office Location 
5 College Way 
Charleston, SC 29401 
The Department of English main office is listed as building number 49 on the campus map.

Mailing Address  
66 George Street 
Charleston, SC 29424

Anton Vander Zee
Department Chair  
Office: 5 College Way, Room 203
Phone: 843.953.4959 

J. Michael Duvall  
Associate Chair  
Office: 74 George Street, Room 301  
Phone: 843.823.2086

Callie Fleming Renner  
Administrative Coordinator  
Office: 5 College Way, Room 201 
Phone: 843.953.5665  