
Are you seeking other ways to connect, learn and grow? Are you interested in entering into wide-reaching discussions related to accessibility on campus? See Center for Disability Services' (CDS) resources for news and opportunities that may interest you.


Looking for information about College of Charleston campus resources or other CDS resources? Here is where you will find it.
  • Campus Resources

    The Center for Disability Services (CDS) partners with many campus resources.

    Academic Resources and Services

    Student Support and Services

  • CDS & The Career Center

    The Center for Disability Services and Career Center are partners in promoting career readiness and diversity in hiring for students with disabilities. We encourage all CofC students to reach out to resources and opportunities available through Handshake.

    Are you a student with a disability interested in a government internship or a long-term job after you graduate?

    If so, consider participating in the Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP), coordinated by the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Defense. It’s a recruitment and referral program that connects federal and select private-sector employers with highly motivated college students, graduate students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to demonstrate their abilities in the workplace through internships or permanent jobs. If interested, please visit for more information and register today.

    Questions? Contact Victoria Drohan at



    Victoria Drohan - CDS Access Specialist

    Victoria Drohan ( is the Access Specialist in the Center for Disability Services and enjoys meeting with students to help in removing barriers and to provide an accessible environment.

  • Scholarships

    On the following Hub page, you will find a wide array of possible financial opportunities.

    The websites listed on these pages are for informational purposes only. Inclusion on this list does not constitute an endorsement by CDS.

  • Grievance Process

    The Center for Disability Services is committed to working with students to find the appropriate accommodations that meet their accessibility needs. To initiate a dispute or grievance about an accommodation decision, contact Anne Osowski, Director of the Center for Disability Services.

    If you wish to appeal the decision of the Director of the Center for Disability Services, said appeal should be filed within five (5) working days from the date of the original decision as to the request for the reasonable accommodation. The Associate Vice President for Student Well-Being and Dean of Students, Ann Almasi-Bush will make a written determination within then (10) days from the date that they received the appeal.

  • Policies
  • Reporting a Barrier

    The College is committed to equal access for people with disabilities, and strives to remove barriers to its programs and facilities wherever they exist. However, you may encounter a barrier to access on campus, such as an inoperative elevator or lift, blocking of an access ramp, broken or missing curb cut, or other impediment to access. If you do, please notify us of the issue by completing the Barrier Notification Form.