
CLAW-Rothermere Visiting Fellowship Program

Partnering with the Rothermere American Institute (RAI) at Oxford University, the Carolina Lowcountry and Atlantic World Program (CLAW) established the CLAW-Rothermere Visiting Fellowship Program to draw attention to the wealth of archival, architectural, and archaeological material in Charleston and its environs.

The breadth and depth of Charleston resources affirm the city’s historic connections with the United Kingdom. The program reinforces Charleston as a key node in the wider Atlantic World, not least in relation to the history of the transatlantic slave trade and the legacy thereof.

The establishment of this annual Fellowship attests to the close connections between Charleston and the United Kingdom, and the recognition among Atlantic Studies scholars worldwide of the crucial importance of Charleston in the Atlantic World. That the inaugural 2020 Fellowship was taken up in the same year as the city of the 350th anniversary of the first permanent British settlement in Charleston in 1670 makes the establishment of this scholarly connection between the College of Charleston and Oxford University especially significant. 

Stephen Tuck
Professor of History at Oxford University and
Tutorial Fellow of Pembroke College

A member of Oxford’s Race and Resistance Across Borders research network, Tuck researches connections between religion, racism and resistance during the Jim Crow era. For his fellowship in Charleston, Tuck was scheduled to continue his research on the South Carolina childhood of Francis Grimke (1850-1937), one of the most renowned pastors and civil rights activists of his era.