Faculty and Staff Directory
Lauren Ravalico
Associate Professor, French, Francophone, and Italian Studies
Director of Women's and Gender Studies Program
Read Bio
Associate Director
Aaisha Haykal
Manager of Archival Services, Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture
Associate Director of Women's and Gender Studies Program
Kris De Welde
Read Bio
Cristina Dominguez
Assistant Professor
Read Bio
Priscilla Thomas
Administrative Coordinator
Adjunct Faculty
- Meg Goettsches
- Caroline Guthrie
- Sarah Holihan-Smith
- Siiri Koski
- Malia Womack
Affiliated Faculty
Affiliated faculty are a group of scholars that represent diverse fields including sociology, history, literature, and anthropology which provides an interdisciplinary approach to gender studies. Their research, teaching, and advocacy efforts deepen our grasp of gender dynamics and social justice, making significant contributions to the study of gender equality within our academic community and society.
Becoming an Affiliate Faculty Memeber with WGS
The faculty affiliate application will ask you to discuss how you apply feminist praxis in your work (teaching, mentoring, scholarship, and/or service), and in particular how it aligns with the WGS mission and goals. We also ask for you to share with us the various ways you have engaged or plan to with the program.
Faculty Affiliation Information and Application
Julia Arroyo
Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Nadia Avendaño
Associate Professor, Hispanic Studies
Von Bakanic
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Emily Beck
Associate Professor, Hispanic Studies
Dylan Beckman
Adjunct Professor, Studio Art
Kathleen Béres Rogers
Professor, English and Director of Medical Humanities
Deb Bidwell
Senior Instructor, Biology
June Bloch
Visiting Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Barbara Borg
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Deborah Boyle
Professor, Philosophy
John Bruns
Professor, English (Film Studies)
Tamara Butler
Executive Director of Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture
Tim Carens
Professor, English, Director of Literature and Film, and Director of British Studies
Alexis Carrico
Senior Instructor, Marketing and Management
Jesslyn Collins-Frohlich
Senior Instructor, English and Director of the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards
Christian Coseru
Professor, Philosophy
Lisa Covert
Associate Professor, History
Jason Coy
Professor, History and Interim Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
Claire Curtis
Professor, Political Science
Susan Divine
Associate Professor, Chair of Hispanic Studies
Shannon Eaves
Associate Professor, History
Julia Eichelberger
Marybelle Higgins Howe Professor of Southern Literature, English
Irina Erman
Associate Professor, Chair of German and Russian Studies
Mary Jo Fairchild
Research Services Coordinator, Special Collections and Archives, Library
Susan Farrell
Professor, English
Brigit Ferguson
Instructor, Art and Architectural History
Merissa Ferrara
Associate Professor, Communication
Lynne Ford
Professor, Political Science
Hollis France
Associate Professor, Chair of Political Science
Valerie Frazier
Associate Professor, English and Director of the 1967 Legacy Program
Christina Garcia
Associate Professor, Hispanic Studies
Colleen Glenn
Associate Professor, English and Director of Film Studies
Tiffany Harris
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education
Aaisha Haykal
Manager of Archival Services at the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture
Sheridan Hough
Professor, Philosophy and Lightsey Humanities Chair
Melissa Hughes
Professor, Biology
Tammy Ingram
Associate Professor, History
Kenneth Johnson
Assistant Professor, English
Elisa Jones
Assistant Professor, History
Christy Kollath-Cattano
Associate Professor, Health and Human Performance and Director of Public Health Program
Chris Korey
Professor, Biology and Associate Provost for Student Success
Amanda Kraft
Celeste Lacroix
Professor, Communication
Simon Lewis
Professor, English
Antron Mahoney
Assistant Professor, African American Studies
Kate March
Adjunct Professor, Medical Humanities
Kameelah Martin
Professor, African American Studies
Marian Mazzone
Professor, Art and Architectural History
Kristen McLean
Assistant Professor, International Studies
Julia McReynolds-Pérez
Associate Professor, Anthropology and Sociology
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Associate Professor, Teacher Education
Michael OBrien
Associate Professor, Chair of Music
Sarah Owens
Professor, Hispanic Studies
Harriett Pollack
Affiliate Professor of American Literature, English
W. Scott Poole
Professor, History
E. Moore Quinn
Professor, Anthropology and Sociology
Elena Rodriguez
Instruction Coordinator, Library
Emily Rosco
Professor, English
Lisa Thomson Ross
Professor, Psychology
Meg Scott-Copses
Senior Instructor, English and First-Year Writing Coordinator
Myra Seaman
Professor, English
Lisa Signori
Associate Professor, Chair of French, Francophone and Italian Studies
Sandra Slater
Associate Professor, History
Barry Steifel
Professor, Art and Architectural History
Peter Spearman
Visiting Assistant Professor, Theatre and Dance
Beth Sundstrom
Professor, Communication and Director of Women's Health Research Team
John Thomas III
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Mary Trent
Assistant Professor, Art and Architectural History
Kimberly Tribou
Assistant Professor, Accounting and Business Law
Ashley Walters
Assistant Professor, Jewish Studies and Director of Pearlstine/Lipov Center for Southern Jewish Culture
Allison Welch
Associate Professor, Biology and Director of Undergraduate Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program
Jenn Wilhelm
Associate Professor, Psychology, Director of Experential Learning, and Director of HSS LEAP
Claire Wofford
Associate Professor, Political Science and Director of Pre-Law Advising Program
Jen Wright
Professor, Psychology and Director of the First Year Experience
Noelle Zeiner-Carmichael
Professor, Classics
DoryJane Birrer
Louise Doire
Religious Studies
Idee Winfield
Anthropology and Sociology
In Grateful Memory
- Alison Piepmeier
- Timothy Carmichael
- Richard Nunan
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