Cristina Dominguez
Assistant Professor
EducationPh.D., 2022, Educational Studies, Concentration in Cultural Foundations, UNC Greensboro
M.A., 2012, Women’s Studies, San Diego State University
B.A., 2009, Criminal Justice, Psychology majors with minors in Women’s Studies and Spanish, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Research InterestEveryday relational social justice education and action work, critical pedagogy and community building, and queer kinship
Courses Taught- Queer Kinship
- Queer and Trans Studies
- Intro to Women’s and Gender Studies
- Approaches to Research and Practice
- WGS Capstone
Selected Publications
Refereed Articles
- Dominguez, C. M. (2022, April). We’re having a baby!: A Story of Chosen-Created Queer Trans Family and Futures. The Journal of Autoethnography, 3(2).
- Dominguez, C. M. (2019). Each and Everyday, Love us Free: Critical Pedagogy as a Living-Loving Praxis. The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 10 (1), 117-139.
- Dominguez, C. M. (2018). Haunting Wholeness: Inviting Ghosts on the Bridge So We Can Transform. Qualitative Inquiry.
- Cayleff, S., Herron, M., Cormier, C., Wheeler, S., Chavez-, A. A., Spain, J., & Dominguez, C. (2011). Oral history and "girls' voices": the young women's studies club as a site of empowerment. Journal of International Women's Studies, 12(4), 22-44.
- Dominguez, C. M. (2022). Staying in the Trying: Queer Kinship Solidarity as Liberation Praxis. Unpublished doctoral Dissertation. Greensboro, NC: UNC Greensboro.
- Dominguez, C. M. (2012). "Poetry Is Not a Luxury": Queer Poetry as a Grassroots Activist Medium in South Africa. Unpublished master’s Thesis. San Diego, CA: San Diego State University.

WGS Podcast What IFF? Interview
What IFF? kicked off the Fall 2022 semester with the Women’s and Gender Studies Program’s assistant professor, Cristina Dominguez, Ph.D. As a new member of our community, Dr. Dominguez gives a new perspective on queer kinship and the politics of family.
Redefining Family Interview