Mark Landis
Professor Emeritus
M.F.A. Western Illinois University
Performance Highlights
Mark Landis has been a member of Actors' Equity Association since 1978, and his work in the professional theatre took him to a number of different parts of the U.S. where he worked as an actor, a director, and a stage manager. He has also appeared as an actor in a number of commercials and in the P.B.S. production of Newscasts From The Past.
Before joining the faculty at the College of Charleston, Mr. Landis was on the faculties of St. Edward's University and Saint Louis University. He has directed over sixty fully mounted productions at both the college and professional level, and in 2000 he directed a production of Aristophanes' The Birds with a cast that included both American and Greek performers at the ancient amphitheatre at Oeniades in Greece. Mr. Landis has directed several productions on the mainstage at the College of Charleston.