
Through scholarly research and public programming, the Center for the Study of Slavery (CSSC) examines the impact of slavery and race-related issues in the City of Charleston, the surrounding region, and at the College of Charleston from the late 18th century through the civil rights era and the continued impact and legacy of slavery in the present.


Research & Education

The Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston is a resource for interdisciplinary research, education, and public engagement dedicated to illuminating the complex legacies of slavery in our region. From innovative academic scholarship to K-12 curriculums, the Center is committed to uncovering the past and shaping a more equitable future.
  • Academic Research

    Scholars at the College of Charleston provide deeper understandings about the impacts of slavery and the study of race-relations.

    Research initatives and collaborations have included the following:

    • Teaching and Scholarship. The Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston supports the more the nearly 100 College of Charleston researchers and faculty members studying and teaching courses realted to slavery and its legacies.

    • Lectures & Conversations. Presenting a regular series of Brown Bag Lunches, speakers and topics including, Black History at the College of Charleston and Untagling Campus Histories of Slavery (with Hilary Green, Ph.D., Univ. of Alabama).

    • Repartive Descriptive Language Work. The audit, review, and repair of offensive descriptions using language that reflects our responsibility to describe people and organizations represented in our holdings in an accurate, empathetic, and ethical manner.

    Carolina Lowcountry & Atlantic World: Slavery Resources

  • Studying Slavery and Its Legacies at the College of Charleston

    Scope and Purpose

    This list is intended to identify scholarship and courses in which colleagues at C of C have studied slavery and its legacies. These legacies are widespread, so perhaps it is not surprising that as of June 2019, over sixty C of C faculty are listed as authors of relevant publications in the listings below, and that over forty-five faculty have been identified as teaching courses related to slavery and its legacies since Fall 2016. These publications and courses cover many aspects of slavery and its legacies--the history of slavery, the history of C of C and Charleston, racial identities and the construction of race in the U. S. and elsewhere; the experiences and cultural traditions of enslaved people and their descendants; connections between the diaspora and Africa, etc.  By identifying this scholarship and teaching, the Center for the Study of Slavery seeks to encourage C of C faculty and students to continue building upon each other’s work. 


    • By June 2019, the citations in this list were not all standardized into Chicago style. This should be completed as soon as practical. It could also be helpful to list the home department of the author of each publication.
    • When all citations have been consistently formatted, this checklist can be made publicly available. An updated list could be published annually as part of the work of the Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston.
    • The June 2019 version of this list covers publications and courses, but does not include work in the following categories:
      • Master’s theses, bachelor’s essays, class research projects, and other student-authored work that has not yet been published. 
      • Curated exhibits (both virtual and online)
      • Archival materials available via C of C’s library

    In addition to maintaining this webpage,  each of these categories could usefully be added to this list in the future.

    • This list is not a comprehensive bibliography on the subject of slavery and its legacies, à la the #CharlestonSyllabus. However, a C of C Libguide on slavery is available at Another project for CSSC could be to develop a very selective bibliography of academic publications and reference works that our faculty consider most important for understanding slavery and its legacies, with special attention to those that relate to the Charleston area and have been useful in the classroom. Similarly, CSSC could collect syllabi from at least some of the courses listed here. 



    This section is categorized in two groups:

    Group One contains a variety of subject headings, listed below. 
    Group Two, “History,” contains studies of individuals, groups, places, events, and conditions related to slavery, attempts to sustain or dismantle slavery, and the legacies of slavery and its afterlives, all in North America.  These historically-oriented studies are so numerous that it seemed best to organize them by location and present them as a separate group, although there is often obvious topical overlap with subject headings in the first group.  

    Group One subject listings and sub-headings

    • African History & Cultural Traditions
    • Botany; Central Africa; Liberia; Literature; West Africa
    • African American Artistic Traditions
    • Music; Literature; Visual Art
    • Black Self-Determination
    • Resistance to slavery & racism; Entrepeneurship
    • Caribbean Culture: Archaeology
    • Education
    • Middle school; Gifted students; High school; multicultural pedagogy
    •  European cultural exchanges
    • Gullah Geechee culture
    • Sweetgrass basketry; Folk Narratives; Preservation & public interpretation 
    • Health & Wellness
    • Housing; Medical treatment; Physical activity; World War II veterans 
    • Literature, Film, & Popular Culture
    • African American experiences; Racism, white supremacy, the color line, racial identity
    • Museums & Public History
    • Racial & Social Identities
    • Constructions of whiteness
    • Constructions of Southern identity
    • Religion & Spirituality
    • African and African American
    • Haiti
    • Native American 
    • Slavery--transnational & comparative analyses
    • Tourism


    Group Two (History) subject listings and sub-headings

    • History, US/North America
    • Confederate memory: Jim Crow South; 21st century; Southern Jews
    • Sharecropping and tenancy
    • Violence against people of color
    • Twentieth Century
    • Savannah
    • South Carolina: Religious Freedom, Rice Culture
    • Charleston, SC: Stono Rebellion; Denmark Vesey; Free people of color; Secession & Civil War; Confederate & Irish identities; White antislavery activists; Architecture, built enviroment, building arts; Reconstruction; Jim Crow Era; Black Activism; College of Charleston; Charleston Renaissance; Emanuel Massacre; 21st-Century Charleston

    NOTE: As of June 2019, items have not been cross-referenced under multiple headings. Navigation to "jump to" headings will be added soon. 

    African history & cultural traditions: Botany


    Rashford, John--Voeks and Rashford, J. H. (2012). African Ethnobotany in the AmericasNew York, NY: Springer.  Dept of Sociology/Anthropology Emeritus


    Rashford, J. H. 2012. In the Shadow of Slavery: Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the Atlantic World. Historical Geography, No. 40, 2012.  Dept of Sociology/Anthropology Emeritus


    African history & cultural traditions: Central Africa

    Rosengarten, Dale. 2013. “The Kongo Connection: Central African Baskets and Their American Kin.” Kongo Across the Waters, edited by Susan Cooksey et al., 274–283. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. EBSCOhost,  Library faculty. 


    African history & cultural traditions: Liberia

    Greene, Harlan. 2008. “Carry Me Home.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 22, no. 8, (June): 74. EBSCOhost, Library faculty.


     African history & cultural traditions: Literature

    Lewis, Simon. 2016. "The Expatriate African Novel in English." The Novel in Africa and the Caribbean since 1950. Oxford History of the Novel in English 11, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dept of English. 


    Lewis, Simon. 2011. British and African Literature in Transnational Context. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.  Dept of English


     African history & cultural traditions: West Africa, Ghana and the Fante


    Shumway, Rebecca. 2018. “Exploiting British Ambivalence toward Africa: Fante Sovereignty in the Early 19th Century.” Facing Empire: Indigenous Experiences in a Revolutionary Age, 1760-1840, edited by Kate Fullagar and Michael McDonnell. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.  Dept of History.


    Shumway, Rebecca. 2017. Slavery and its Legacy in Ghana and the Diaspora, edited with Trevor Getz. London: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2017.


    Shumway, Rebecca. 2017. “Anti-Slavery in Nineteenth Century Fanteland.” Slavery and its Legacy in Ghana and the Diaspora, edited by Rebecca Shumway and Trevor Getz, 85-104. London: Bloomsbury Academic Press.


    Shumway, Rebecca. 2017. “Ghana and the Transatlantic Slave Trade.” Slavery and its Legacy in Ghana and the Diaspora, edited by Rebecca Shumway and Trevor Getz, 29-45. London: Bloomsbury Academic Press.


    Shumway, Rebecca and Jeremy Pool. 2017. “Ghana.”  Bibliographies in African Studies, edited by Thomas Spear. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    “From Atlantic Creoles to African Nationalists: Reflections on the Historiography of Nineteenth-Century Fanteland,” History in Africa: A Journal of Method, 42 (2015): 139-164.


    Shumway, Rebecca. 2015. “Palavers and Treaty-Making in the British Acquisition of the Gold Coast Colony (West Africa).” In Empire by Treaty: Negotiating European Expansion, 1600-1900, edited by Saliha Belmessous, 161-185. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    Shumway, Rebecca. 2014.“Castle Slaves of the Eighteenth Century Gold Coast,” Slavery and Abolition: A Journal of Slave and Post-Slave Studies 35, no. 1 : 84-98.


    Shumway, Rebecca. 2013. “Pre-Colonial Political Systems,” Oxford Bibliographies in African Studies, edited by Thomas Spear. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    Shumway, Rebecca. 2011. The Fante and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Rochester: University of Rochester Press.


    Shumway, Rebecca. 2011. “The Fante Shrine of Nananom Mpow and the Atlantic Slave Trade in Southern Ghana.” International Journal of African Historical Studies 44, no. 1: 27-44.


    [African American Artistic Traditions: Architecture, the built environment, building arts--under History section, SC and Charleston]


    African American Artistic Traditions: Music


    Baxter, Quentin. 2017. Performer, Arranger. Ranky Tanky (CD). Resilience Music. Dept of Music.


    Chandler, Karen. 2009. “Jazz and its South Carolina Roots: A Jazz History and Education Model of the Charleston Jazz Initiative” JAZZed Magazine.  

    Dept of Arts Management


    Chandler, Karen and Jack McCray, eds. 2006. Charleston: A Cradle of Jazz. Charleston Jazz Initiative.  Dept of Arts Management


    Chandler, Karen,  “’…But the Greatest of These Is Charity’: The Charleston Jazz Initiative’s Study of the Jenkins Orphanage Bands.” Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society (Winter 2005)  Dept of Arts Management


    Chandler, Karen.  “Prelude to Gershwin: Edmund Thornton Jenkins.” in Porgy and Bess: A Charleston Story. Home House Press, 2016. Dept of Arts Management


    Chandler, Karen.  “When Charity and Jazz Meet,” Spoleto Festival USA Program Book, 2016.


    Donaldson, Rachel. Roots of the Revival: Folk Music in the United States and Great Britain in the 1950s, Co-authored with Ronald D. Cohen, University of Illinois Press (2014)   Dept of History


    Donaldson, Rachel C. “Broadcasting Diversity: Alan Lomax and Multiculturalism.” Journal of Popular Culture 46, no. 1 (February 2013): 59–78.   Dept of History


    Nenno, Nancy. “Femininity, the Primitive, and Modern Urban Space: Josephine Baker in Berlin.” Women in the Metropolis: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture, edited by Katharina von Ankum, U of California P, 1997, pp. 145–61. EBSCOhost,  German


    Qirko, Hector. 2013 Qirko, H.N. “Race and Rhythm in Rock and Roll.”  In The Art of Anthropology/The Anthropology of Art (Southern Anthropological Society Proceedings, Volume 43), B. D. Lundy (Ed.). Newfound Press, pp. 239-257. DOI: 10.7290/V7Z60KZK. Dept of Sociology/Anthropology.


    African American Artistic Traditions: Literature 


    Eichelberger, Julia. “’Acts of Love’: Two Anthologies of African American Literature.” Mississippi Quarterly 53:1 (1999-2000), 111-129. Dept of English


    Frazier, Valerie. "The Epistolary Novel."  Writing African American Women: An Encyclopedia of Literature by and about Women of Color.   Ed.  Betsy Beaulieu. Wesport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.   Dept of English


    African American Artistic Traditions: Visual Art


    Wentworth, Marjory. Co-editor, with Dawes, Kwame Senu Neville, and Jonathan Green. 2013. Seeking : Poetry and Prose Inspired by the Art of Jonathan Green. Palmetto Poetry Series. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.  Dept of English


    Black self-determination


    Crabtree, Mari. “African Americans and Emigration,” “Mound Bayou,” and “Marcus Garvey and the UNIA” in The American Yawp: A Free and Online, Collaboratively Built American History Textbook. 2015. Dept of AAST.


    Lessane, P. W. (2007). “Women of Color Facing Feminism ~ Creating Our Space at Liberation’s Table: A Report on the Chicago Foundation for Women’s “F” Series.” Journal of Pan African Studies1(7), 3–10. Retrieved from Avery Research Center. 


    Lessane, Patricia Williams. Co-editor, with Johnson, Violet Showers and Gundolf Graml. Deferred Dreams, Defiant Struggles : Critical Perspectives on Blackness, Belonging, and Civil Rights. Oxford University Press USA : Liverpool University Press, 2018., 2018.  Avery Research Center. 


    Black self-determination: Resistance to slavery & racism 


    Crabtree, Mari. Research assistant for Freedom on the Move: A Database of Fugitives from North American Slavery, 2013–2014.  Dept of AAST


    Black self-determination: Entrepeneurship


    Wayman, David, co-author. Frid, C. J., Wyman, D. M., & Coffey, B. (2016). “Effects of Wealth Inequality on Entrepreneurship.” Small Business Economics, 47(4), 895-920. Dept of Management & Marketing. 


    Wayman, David, co-author. Frid, C. J., Wyman, D. M., Gartner, W. B., & Hechavarria, D. M. (2016). “Low-wealth Entrepreneurs and Access to External Financing.”  International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22(4), 531-555.  Dept of Management & Marketing. 


    White, Jason. (2018). “Toward a Theory of Minority Entrepreneurship in the Non-Profit Sector.” Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society. DOI: 10.1080/10632921.2018.1431986   Dept of Arts Management.


    Caribbean Culture: Archaeology


    Gilmore, R. G. with B. Reid (Eds.) (2014). The Encyclopaedia of Caribbean Archaeology.  Gainesville: University Press of Florida.  Dept of Historic Preservation & Community Planning. 


    Gilmore, R. G. (2015) “The Congo Free Black Village and Burial Ground on St Eustatius” In T. Ahlman (Ed.) Out of the Ordinary: Historical Archaeologies on and Beyond Caribbean Plantations. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.  Dept of Historic Preservation & Community Planning. 


    Gilmore, R. G. (2015). “Vernacular Architecture in the Caribbean” In T. Clack (Ed.) In Archaeology, Syncretism, Creolisation, Oxford University Press: Oxford.  Dept of Historic Preservation & Community Planning. 


    Gilmore, R. G. and L. Nelson (2015). “The Dutch West Indies Company Headquarters on St Eustatius”.  In C. Hofman and J. Haviser (Eds.) In Archaeology of the 'Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, Sidestone Press: Oxford.  Dept of Historic Preservation & Community Planning. 


    Gilmore, R. G. (in review). “Examining Pipe Stems and Bowls Recovered from the Red House” In B. Reid (Ed.) In An Archaeological Study of the Red House in Port of Spain, Trinidad, University of the West Indies Press: Mona, Jamaica.  Dept of Historic Preservation & Community Planning. 


    Gilmore, R. G. (2013). “St. Eustatius--The Nexus for Colonial Caribbean Capitalism”.  In The Archaeology of Interdependence. Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Archaeological Heritage Management, New York: Springerlink for ICOMOS and ICAHM.  Dept of Historic Preservation & Community Planning.  Dept of Historic Preservation & Community Planning.


    Education: Middle school


    Greene, Anthony. “Connecting Pieces of the Puzzle: Gender Differences in Black Middle School Students’ Achievement.” Journal of Negro Education, vol. 75, no. 1, Winter 2006, pp. 34–48. EBSCOhost,  Dept of AAST


    Booker, Keonya,, & Lim, J. H. (2016). “Belongingness and pedagogy: Engaging African-American girls in middle school mathematics.” Youth & Society.doi: 10.1177/0044118X16652757  Dept of Teacher Education


    Education: Gifted Students


    Swanson, Julie Dingle. “Breaking Through Assumptions About Low-Income, Minority Gifted Students.” Gifted Child Quarterly 50, no. 1 (Winter 2006): 11–25. doi:10.1177/001698620605000103. Dept of Teacher Education. 


    Swanson, Julie Dingle. “Gifted African-American Children in Rural Schools: Searching for the Answers.” Roeper Review 17 (May 1995): 261–66. doi:10.1080/02783199509553678. Dept of Teacher Education. 


    Swanson, Julie Dingle, and Steven Nagy. 2014. “Advanced Placement Academy: Case Study of a Program within a School.” Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk 19 (3–4): 229–56. doi:10.1080/10824669.2014.972505. Dept of Teacher Education. 


    VanTassel-Baska, Joyce, Annie Xuemei Feng, Julie Dingle Swanson, Chwee Quek, and Kimberley Chandler. “Academic and Affective Profiles of Low-Income, Minority, and Twice-Exceptional Gifted Learners: The Role of Gifted Program Membership in Enhancing Self.” Journal of Advanced Academics, 2009.  Dept of Teacher Education.


    Education: High school 


    Booker, Keonya, & Brevard, E. (2017). “Why mentoring matters: African American students and the transition to college.” The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal  Dept of Teacher Education

    Education: Higher Ed


    Booker, Keonya. (2016). “Connection and commitment: How sense of belonging and classroom community influence degree persistence for African American undergraduate women.” International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 28, 218-229.  Dept of Teacher Education. 


    Education: Multicultural pedagogy


    Booker, Keonya., Merriweather, L., & Campbell-Whatley, G.D. (2016). “The effects of diversity training on faculty and students’ classroom experiences.” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10, 1-9.  Dept of Teacher Education.


    Booker, Keonya., & Campbell-Whatley, G. D. (2015). “A study of multicultural course change: An analysis of syllabi and classroom dynamics.” Journal of Research in Education, 25, 20-34.   Dept of Teacher Education


    Lanahan, Brian, with M. G. Hickey, (2012). “Introduction: History of Multicultural Education in the United States.” In 'Even the janitor is white':Educating for Cultural Diversity in Small Colleges and Universities (NYC,NY: Peter Lang).


    Lanahan, B. K., (2012). “Examination of White Racial Identity in the Context of an Elementary Social Studies Methods Course.” In 'Even the janitor is white': Educating for Cultural Diversity in Small Colleges and Universities (NYC, NY: Peter Lang). Dept of Teacher Education.


    White, Jason C. 2018. “See The Dance: Piloting an Arts-Based Intervention in Higher Education.” Innovative Higher Education, no. 6: 431. doi:10.1007/s10755-018-9440-4.  Dept of Arts Management.


    European Cultural Exchanges


    Nenno, Nancy P. “Reading the ‘Schwarz’ in the ‘Schwarz-Rot-Gold’: Black German Studies in the 21st Century.” Transit, vol. 10, no. 2, July 2016, p. 1. EBSCOhost,  Dept of German/Classics


    Gullah Geechee Culture


    Porcher, Cynthia Holl. Principal researcher and co-author of National Park Service: Low Country Gullah Culture Special Resource Study and Final Environmental Impact Statement.  Atlanta, GA: NPS Southeast Regional Office, 2005. Affiliate faculty, Historic Preservation and Community Planning.


    Powers Jr., Bernard E.“A Founding Father and Gullah Culture.” National Parks, vol. 72, no. 11/12, Nov. 1998, p. 26. EBSCOhost,  Dept of History emeritus/CSSC


    Gullah Geechee Culture: Sweetgrass basket-making


    Veal, Willliam,  & Nagy, Steven (2012). “Sweetgrass Science.” Science & Children, 49, 46-49. Dept of Teacher Education.


    Rosengarten, Dale. Row Upon Row: Sea Grass Baskets of the Carolina Lowcountry. U sc p 1987. Library Faculty. 


    Rosengarten, Dale, Grass Roots: African Origins of an American Art. U of Washington P, 2008. Library Faculty. 


    Rosengarten, Dale. “Babylon Is Falling: The State of the Art of Sweetgrass Basketry.” Southern Cultures, vol. 24, no. 2, July 2018, pp. 98–124. EBSCOhost,  Library Faculty. 


    Rosengarten, Dale. “By the Rivers of Babylon: The Lowcountry Basket in Slavery and Freedom.” African Ethnobotany in the Americas, Jan. 2013, p. 123. EBSCOhost, Library Faculty. 


    Gullah Geechee Culture: Folk narratives & oral history


    Greene, Harlan. “A Fish Tale.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 21, no. 1, Jan. 2007, p. 60. EBSCOhost,  Library Faculty


    Jennie Padgett Smith, “The Process of Becoming an Oral Historian,” Chrestomathy: Annual Review of Undergraduate Research at the College of Charleston, Volume 2, 2003: pp. 243-265. C of C Student. 


    Gullah Geechee Culture: Gullah Language

    Greene, Harlan. “Language Lessons.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 23, no. 1, Jan. 2009, p. 56. EBSCOhost,  Library Faculty. 


    Gullah Geechee Culture: Preservation, public interpretation 


    Watson, Annette, Co-author with Kate Driscoll Derickson and Queen Quet. “On Collaborative Research in Gullah/Geechee Nation.” Society + Space   Dept of Political Science


    Ward, James.  “Saving the Lowcountry: Planning for Environmental and Human Changes in the Gullah Geechee Cultural Landscape,” Emerging Issues Along Urban-Rural Interface: Linking Land-Use Science and Society Conference Proceedings. The Center for Forest Sustainability Conference, April 9-12, 2007, (Auburn University) pp. 53-56. Dept of Historic Preservation and Community Planning. 


    Health and Wellness: Housing

    Lisa J. Young & Mangala Subramaniam (2017) “Eco-critical Consciousness Meets Oppositional Consciousness: Reading Early Chicago Housing Activism Through an Environmental Lens,” Sociological Focus, 50:2, 198-212,DOI: 10.1080/00380237.2017.1251764   Dept of English


    Health and Wellness: Medical Treatment

    Jos, Philip H., et al. “The Charleston Policy on Cocaine Use during Pregnancy: A Cautionary Tale.” Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, vol. 23, Summer 1995, pp. 120–128. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/j.1748-720X.1995.tb01341.x.  Dept of Political Science


    Health and Wellness: Physical Activity 


    Hughey, Morgan, Co-author (Child, S.T., Kaczynski, A.T., Fair, M.L., Stowe, E.W., Hughey, S.M., Boeckerman, L, Blake, C.M., Wills, S., & Reeder, Y.) (2017). “We need a safe, walkable way to connect our sisters and brothers”: A qualitative study of opportunities and challenges for neighborhood-based physical activity among residents of low-income African American communities. Ethnicity and Health, 14, 1-12. doi: 10.1080/13557858.2017.1351923. Department of Health and Human Performance. 


    Hughey, S.M., Walsemann, K.M, Child, S.T., Powers, A., Reed, J.A., & Kaczynski, A.T. (2016).  Quality matters: Examining the relationship between neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage, racial composition, and park availability and quality. Landscape and Urban Planning, 148, 159-169. Department of Health and Human Performance. 


    McCarthy, D. "An Impact Assessment of the Wonders Way Path on the Physical Activity Levels of Charleston and Mt. Pleasant Residents and Tourists: An Application of the Principles of 'Active Living by Design' to the Construction of the New Arthur Ravenel Bridge." Final Report submitted to the Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester Council of Governments, 2009.    Dept of Sociology


    Health and Wellness: World War II Veterans


    Owens, Michael. Burned: Conversations with a Black WWII Veteran. Voices Speak, 2017.  Dept of English


    Literature, film, & popular culture: African American experiences


    Collins-Frolich, Jesslyn. “Reclaiming the Mother: Women, Documents, and the Condition of the Mother in Gem of the Ocean and Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” August Wilson’s Pittsburgh Cycle: Critical Perspectives on the Plays. Ed. Sandra D. Shannon. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2016, pp 101-116.   Dept of English. 


    Eichelberger, Julia. Prophets of Recognition: Ideology and the Individual in Novels by Ellison, Morrison, Bellow, and Welty. LSU Press, 1999.  Dept of English


    Farrell, Susan. “Fight vs. Flight: A Re-Evaluation of Dee in Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use.’” Studies in Short Fiction 35, no. 2 (Spring 1998): 179–86.   Dept of English


    Farrell, Susan. 1995. “‘Who’d He Leave Behind?’: Gender and History in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon.” Bucknell Review: A Scholarly Journal of Letters, Arts and Sciences 39 (1): 131–50.   Dept of English


    Martin, Kameelah. Conjuring Moments in African American Literature: Women, Spirit Work, & Other Such Hoodoo  Palgrave McMillan, 2012  Dept of AAST


    Pollack, Harriet. Co-editor with Christopher Metress. Emmett Till in Literary Memory and Imagination. LSU Press, 2008. Dept of English


    Vandervort-Cobb, Joy.  Moments of Joy, one-woman play.   Dept of Theater


    Literature, film, & popular culture: Racism, white supremacy, the color line, racial identity 


    Curtis, Claire. Editor, Utopian Studies Octavia Butler Special Issue, vol. 19, no 3, 2008. Author, “Theorizing Fear: Octavia Butler and the Realist Utopia,” 411-431. Dept of Political Science


    Duvall, Mike. "'Suddenly and Shockingly Black': The Atavistic Child in Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century American Fiction." Co-authored with Julie Cary Nerad (Morgan State University) African American Review 41.1 (Spring 2007).   Dept of English


    Eichelberger, Julia. "Rethinking the Unthinkable: Tracing Welty's Changing View of the Color Line in Letters, Essays, and The Optimist’s Daughter." Eudora Welty, Whiteness, and Race. Ed. Harriet Pollack. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2012. 225-252.   Dept of English


    Frazier, Valerie. "King Kong's Reign Continues: King Kong as a Sign of Shifting Global Racial Politics."  CLA Journal 51(2):186-205 · December 2007.    Dept of English. 


    Lewis, Simon. Editor, Illuminations literary magazine. Issue 31 contains “poems and prose-pieces addressing the mass shooting at Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston in June 2015 and race relations more generally.”


    Pollack, Harriet. Editor, Eudora Welty, Whiteness, and Race. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2012.  Dept of English


    Museums & public history


    Fairchild, Mary Jo. “The African American Museum Movement: New Strategies in the Battle for Equality in the Twentieth Century.” Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Association, 2008, pp. 5–14. EBSCOhost,  Library faculty, Special Collections.


    White, John W., and Heather Gilbert. “Digital Public History in the Library: Developing the Lowcountry Digital History Initiative at the College of Charleston.” Laying the Foundation : Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries.Purdue University Press, 2016. EBSCOhost,  Library faculty.


    Racial and social identities


    Bakanic, Von.  Prejudice: Attitudes about Race, Class and Gender. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2009. Dept of Sociology.


    Greene, Anthony. co-author with Schwartz SJ, et al. “Communalism, Familism, and Filial Piety: Are They Birds of a Collectivist Feather?” Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, vol. 16, no. 4, Oct. 2010, pp. 548–560. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1037/a0021370.  Dept of AAST


    Greene, Anthony, co-author w Schwartz et al. “Black Like Me: An Examination of Cultural and Ethnic Identity Among African Americans and Carribean Blacks.” The Griot 33(1): 1-10. Dept of AAST


    Greene, Anthony. Shelton, Jason E., and Anthony D. Greene. “Get up, Get out, and Git Sumthin’: How Race and Class Influence African Americans’ Attitudes about Inequality.” American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 56, no. 11, Nov. 2012, pp. 1481–1508. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1177/0002764212458276.  Dept of AAST


    Greene, Anthony. "You Must Learn": How Racial & Ethnic Socialization Affirms Black Identity among Black Americans and West Indians,” / In Contemporary African American Families : Achievements, Challenges, and Empowerment Strategies in the Twenty-First Century. New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017., 2017. EBSCOhost,  Dept of AAST


    Spicer, Vincent.  Co-authors: Johnson, James D., et al. “The Role of Blacks’ Discriminatory Expectations in Their Prosocial Orientations toward Whites and Blacks.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 44, no. 6, Nov. 2008, pp. 1498–1505. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2008.07.001.  Dept of Psychology. 


    Spicer, Vincent. Co-author, with Monteith, Margo J., “Contents and Correlates of Whites’ and Blacks’ Racial Attitudes.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 36, no. 2, Mar. 2000, pp. 125–154. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1006/jesp.1999.1401.    Dept of Psychology. 


    Racial and social identities: Constructions of whiteness


    Mike Lee, book in progress on history of secessionist rhetoric in US.  Dept of Communication


    Lee. Michael. Creating Conservatism: Postwar Words that Made an American Movement. Michigan State UP, 2014. Dept of Communication.


    Racial and social identity: Constructions of Southern identity


    Knotts, Gibbs, and Christopher Cooper.  The Resilience of Southern Identity: Why the South Still Matters in the Minds of Its People. UNC Press, 2017.


    Mark Long, Mark Sloan, co-curators: Southbound: Photographs of and About the New South.  [Exhibit and accompanying catalog includes numerous photographs documenting lives of African Americans in the South, activism by African Americans, and other issues affected by slavery and its legacies in the U.S. Also includes an “Index of Southerness” identifying place names, populations, and other features in the region, identifying areas of the country with higher concentrations of African Americans (almost all in the South).]  Dept of Political Science, Halsey Gallery


    Religion and Spirituality: African and African American


    Cressler, Matthew. Authentically Black and Truly Catholic: The Rise of Black Catholicism in the Great Migration (NYU Press, 2017).  Dept of Religious Studies


    Cressler, Matthew. Editor, “Forum: Race, White Supremacy, and the Making of American Catholicism,” American Catholic Studies, Vol. 127 No. 3 (Fall 2016): 1-33.


    Cressler, Matthew. “Black Power, Vatican II, and the Emergence of Black Catholic Liturgies,” U.S. Catholic Historian, Vol. 32 No. 4 (Fall 2014).Martin, Kameelah. Envisioning Black Feminist Voodoo Aesthetics: African Spirituality in American Cinema  Lexington 2016. Dept of AAST


    Religion and Spirituality: Haiti


    Lowe, Leonard. Blog posts for series, “Representing Bois Caiman.” Deeps, The Black Atlantic Blog, Duke University, 2014.  Post titles: “’Culture’ or Curse?” “Occupation and the Occult,”  “Religion and the New Republic,” “Reclaiming the Dead in Black Atlantic Studies,” “What’s ‘Religion’ Got to Do With It? Religion and Revolution in Haiti.” [Bois Caiman: 1791 Haitian ceremony led by insurrectionist]    Dept of Religious Studies.


    Religion and Spirituality: Native American people and cultural traditions


    Irwin, Lee. Coming Down from Above : Prophecy, Resistance, and Renewal in Native American Religions. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c2008., 2008. EBSCOhost, Dept of Religious Studies.


    Slavery: Transnational and comparative analyses


    Flores, Sammie. "Teaching Ancient Slavery in the South." Society for Classical Studies Blog  (  Dept of Classics. 


    Lewis, Simon, co-editor, w David T. Gleeson. The Civil War as Global Conflict: Transnational Meanings of the American Civil War (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2014)   Dept of English


    Lewis, Simon, co-editor, w David T. Gleeson.  Ambiguous Anniversary: The Bicentennial of the International Slave Trade Bans, co-edited with David T. Gleeson (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2012)


    Lewis, Simon. “Slavery, Memory, and the History of the ‘Atlantic Now’: Charleston, South Carolina and Global Racial/Economic Hierarchy.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing 45.2 (2009)




    Litvin, Steve,. and Brewer, J.D. (2008). “Charleston South Carolina Tourism and the Presentation of Urban Slavery in a Historic Southern City.” International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, Vol. 9 (1): 71-84. Department of Hospitality & Tourism. 


    Scott, Blake. “Deconstructing Tourism: History, Culture, and the Question of Sustainability.” The Globalization of Paradise: Caribbean History and Culture in Critical Perspective   Dept of Internat’l Studies


    Group Two: History: US/North American


    Kelly, Joseph. Marooned: Jamestown, Shipwreck, and a New History of America’s Origin. Bloomsbury, 2018. Dept of English. 


    Peeples, Scott. “Love and Theft in the Carolina Lowcountry.” Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture and Theory 60.2 (2004): 33-56.  Dept of English


    Peeples, Scott. “Where Were Douglass and Melville on April 15, 1865?” Leviathan, Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2008, pp. 37-49


    White, John, co-author with Brian Kelly. “The After Slavery Website: A New Online Resource for Teaching U.S. Slave Emancipation.” The Journal of the Civil War Era, November 2011, Vol. 1 Issue 4, p. 581-594. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1353/cwe.2011.0080.  Library Faculty. 


    History, US: Confederate memory: Southern Jews


    Rosengarten, Dale. “Sanctified by War: A Tale of Two Silver Bowls.” Southern Cultures, no. 3, 2017, p. 47. EBSCOhost, Library faculty. 


    History, US: Confederate memory: Jim Crow South

    Domby, Adam. The False Cause: Fraud, Fabrication, and White Supremacy in Confederate Memory, Forthcoming, UVA Press.   Dept of History


    History, US: Confederate memory: 21st Century

    Domby, Adam. “SC monument to black soldiers would be a whitewash” The State, October 17, 2017, Link Dept of History 


    Domby, Adam. “Defenders Of Confederate Monuments Keep Trying To Erase History” Huffington Post September 15, 2017, Link Dept of History 


    Poole, Scott. Never Surrender: Confederate Memory and Conservatism in the South Carolina Upcountry, UGA Press 2004. 


    Poole, Scott. Co-editor with Edward J. Blum, Vale of Tears: New Essays in Religion and Reconstruction, Mercer 2005.


    History, US: Sharecropping and Tenancy


    Ted Rosengarten All God’s Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw. 1974. Penguin/Random House, 2018. Dept of History


    Adams, Olivia, 2014. 12th Annual South Carolina Anthropology Student Conference, “Understanding Tenant Farmers in the South Carolina Low Country: Dixie Plantation as a Case Study,” Blufton, SC (April 2014). Student at C of C. 


    Adams, Olivia, Kimberly Pyszka, Maureen A. Hays, 2014. "Landscape Archaeology and GIS: Understanding Cultural Adaptation and Tenant Farming in the Lowcountry (Hollywood, SC)," Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Greenville, SC. (November).


    History, US: Violence against people of color


    Eaves, Shannon. “‘The Greater Part of Slaveholders Are Licentious Men’: Articulating of a Sexual Exploitation Consciousness in the Antebellum South,” Expanding the Boundaries of Black Intellectual History (Northwestern University Press, forthcoming)  Dept of History


    Eaves, Shannon. Illicit Intercourse: How the Sexual Exploitation of Enslaved Women Shaped the Antebellum South (Book in progress)  Dept of History


    Crabtree, Mari. “Periodizing Lynching, Contextualizing Violence.” In Reconstruction at 150: Reassessing the Revolutionary “New Birth of Freedom,” edited by Orville Vernon Burton and J. Brent Morris. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press   Dept of AAST


    Crabtree, Mari. Dissertation and book manuscript on “Lynching and Southern Memory”   “‘My Soul is a Witness’: Lynching and Southern Memory, 1940−1970.” (book manuscript, under contract at Yale University Press for the New Directions in Narrative History Series).      Dept of AAST


    History, US: 20th Century 


    Ingram, Tammy. The Wickedest City in America: The Rise and Fall of Organized Crime in the Jim Crow South (Book in progress). Podcast about The Wickedest City, from her time as Robina Fellow in Modern Slavery at the Gilder Lehrman Center at Yale, is available here.


    Ingram, Tammy. Dixie Highway: Road Building and the Making of the Modern South. UNC Press, 2014. Dept of History  {Includes discussion of convict labor in Jim Crow era}


    History, US: Savannah

    Powers, Bernard E., Jr. “Black Savannah, 1788-1864.” Georgia Historical Quarterly, vol. 81, no. 1, Spring 1997, pp. 171–173. EBSCOhost,


    Nathaniel Robert Walker. 2011. “Savannah’s Lost Squares : Progress versus Beauty in the Depression-Era South.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 70 (4): 512. doi:10.1525/jsah.2011.70.4.512.   Dept of Art History


    Walker, Nathaniel. “To Gather in War and Peace: The City Squares of Savannah, Georgia,” in Denis Linehan and Gary Boyd, editors, Ordnance: War + Architecture & Space (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2013), pp. 9-31.  Dept of Art History


    History, US: South Carolina 


    Kelly, Joseph. "Henry Laurens: The Southern Man of Conscience in History." South Carolina Historical Magazine 107 (April 2006): 82-123.    Dept of English


    Kelly, Joseph. America's Longest Siege : Charleston, Slavery, and the Slow March toward Civil War. Overlook Press, 2013. Dept of English


    Kelly, Joseph. “The Evolution of Slave Ideology in Simms’s The Yemassee and Woodcraft.” Simms Review, vol. 20, no. 1–2, 2012, pp. 53–68. Dept of English


    Poole, Scott. South Carolina's Civil War, Mercer, 2005  Dept of History


    Poole, Scott. The Palmetto State: The Making of Modern South Carolina, USC Press, 2009.


    Powers Jr., Bernard E. “What We Thought We Knew about Nineteenth-Century Black Carolinians and What We Know Now.” Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Association, May 2006, pp. 11–24. EBSCOhost,  History Emeritus/CSSC


    Powers, Bernard E., Jr. “Archibald Grimké: Portrait of a Black Independent.” South Carolina Historical Magazine, vol. 95, no. 2, Apr. 1994, pp. 183–185. EBSCOhost,


    Ward, James L. 2015. Continuity and Vitality, "A Lingering Past: A Reconsideration of the Neo-Plantation, African American Culture at Hobcaw Plantation, (a peer reviewed abstract)," Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation, Savannah, GA. (March). Dept of Historic Preservation & Community Planning. 


    History, US: South Carolina: Religious Freedom

    Powers, Bernard E., Jr. “Seeking the Promised Land: Afro-Carolinians and the Quest for Religious Freedom to 1830.” The Dawn of Religious Freedom in South Carolina, 2006, pp. 126–145. EBSCOhost,


    History, US: South Carolina: Rice Culture

    Smith, Hayden.  "Rich Swamps and Rice Grounds: The Specialization of Inland Rice Culture in the South Carolina Lowcountry, 1670-1861"


    Smith, Hayden.  “Reserving Water: Environmental and Technological Relationships with Colonial South Carolina Rice Plantations,” in Rice: Global Networks and New Histories, eds. Francesca Bray, Peter Coclanis, Edda Fields- Black, Dagmar Schafer (Cambridge University Press, in press)


    Smith, Hayden. In Land of Cypress and Pine: An Environmental History of the Santee Experimental Forest, 1683-1937, General Technical Report SRS-155 (Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 2012)

    Smith, Hayden. Forgotten Fields: Inland Rice Plantations in the South Carolina Lowcountry. LDHI exhibit


    History, US: Charleston, SC


    Powers, Bernard. Black Charlestonians: A Social History. 1822-1885. U of Arkansas Press, 1994.  Dept of History; CSSC


    Harlan Greene and Brian E. Hutchins. Slave Badges and the slave-hire system in Charleston, South Carolina, 1783-1865. McFarland & Co, 2004.  Library Faculty. 


    History, US: Charleston, SC: Stono Rebellion


    Hays, Maureen. Pyszka, K., and M. Hays 2016 “Dixie Plantation’s Rising Tide: A History of Saint Paul’s Parish in Microcosm.” South Carolina Historical Magazine 117: 30-61.  Dept of Anthropology


    History, US: Charleston, SC: Denmark Vesey


    Powers, Bernard E., Jr. “Designs against Charleston: The Trial Record of the Denmark Vesey Slave Conspiracy of 1822.” Georgia Historical Quarterly, vol. 83, no. 4, Winter 1999, pp. 762–764. EBSCOhost,  Dept of History emeritus/CSSC


    Greene, Harlan. “Conspiracy Theory.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 19, no. 1, Jan. 2005, p. 68. EBSCOhost, Library faculty.


    History, US: Charleston, SC: Free People of Color


    Greene, Harlan, and Jessica Lancia. “The Holloway Scrapbook: The Legacy of a Charleston Family.” The South Carolina Historical Magazine, vol. 111, no. 1/2, 2010, p. 5. EBSCOhost,   Library Faculty. 


    Greene, Harlan. “Crossing the Color Line.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 21, no. 10, Aug. 2007, p. 66. EBSCOhost, Library Faculty.


    History, US: Charleston, SC: Secession & Civil War


    Powers, Bernard.  “‘The Worst of All Barbarism’: Racial Anxiety and the Approach of Secession in the Palmetto State.” The South Carolina Historical Magazine, vol. 112, no. 3/4, 2011, p. 139. EBSCOhost,    Dept of History; CSSC


    Greene, Harlan. “Beacon of Hope.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 19, no. 9, July 2005, p. 50. EBSCOhost, [R. S. Smalls]  Library Faculty. 


    History, US: Charleston, SC: Confederate and Irish Identities


    Joyce, Dee Dee. Dissertation:  "White, Worker, Irish and Confederate:  Irish Workers' Constructed Identity in Late Antebellum Charleston, South Carolina."  Dept of Sociology/Anthropology


    Joyce, Dee Dee. “Charleston’s Irish Labourers and Their Move into the Confederacy.” Irish Studies Review 18, no. 2 (May 2010): 185–97. doi:10.1080/09670881003725903.  Dept of Sociology/Anthropology


    History, US: Charleston, SC: White antislavery activists


    Stockton, Robert P. 1992. The Grimke-Fraser House. 102 Tradd Street, a History


    Greene, Harlan. “Sister Act.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 21, no. 12, Sept. 2007, p. 76. EBSCOhost,[grimke sisters]   Library Faculty


    History, US: Charleston, SC: Architecture, built environment, building arts


    *Garrison, Craig, 2015. "A Catalog of Carriage Steps in the Historic District of Charleston: Paving the Way to Understanding the Historic Streetscape of Charleston," South Carolina State Park Archaeology Conference. Charleston, SC. (April 2015).  C of C Student.


    Walker, Nathaniel. “‘In a Light Oriental Style’: The Cosmopolitan Classicism of Charleston, South Carolina,” The Classicist: Journal of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art, vol. 13, no. 1 (2016), pp. 36-45. Dept of Art History


    Ward, James. “Changing Landscapes and Lost Building Arts: The Evolution of the Early Lowcountry Charleston Landscape and Lime-based Building Techniques” by James Liphus Ward and Kalen McNabb. 2010. White paper on  Dept of Historic Preservation and Community Planning.


    Stiefel, Barry. White papers, unpublished: “Identifying Slave Craftsmen and Projects: A Case Study from Charleston, SC” and  “Free to Build Before and After the Civil War: African Americans and the Building Trades in Charleston, South Carolina.”  Dept of Historic Preservation and Community Planning. 


    Zierdan, Martha. "Landscape and Social Relations at Charleston Townhouse Sites (1770-1850)." International Journal of Historical Archaeology, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec. 2010, pp. 527-46.  [“ the racial power dynamics embodied in the urban townhouse landscape”]


    Zierden, Martha A. Charleston : An Archaeology of Life in a Coastal Community. Gainesville, Florida : University Press of Florida, 2016., 2016.

    Charleston’s history up to Denmark Vesey insurrection


    Zierden, Martha A.. Archaeological Survey and Testing of Select Locations, McLeod Plantation, James Island. Archaeological Contributions: 41. Charleston, S.C. : The Charleston Museum, [2008]., 2008.

    Zierden has published numerous other articles on archaeological research in Charleston & Lowcountry.


    History, US: Charleston, SC: Reconstruction


    Bernard E. Powers, Jr. “Community Evolution and Race Relations in Reconstruction Charleston, South Carolina.” The South Carolina Historical Magazine, no. 3, 2000, p. 214. EBSCOhost,   History emeritus/CSSC


    History, US: Charleston, SC: Jim Crow Era


    Stockton, Robert P. The Great Shock : The Effects of the 1886 Earthquake on the Built Environment of Charleston, South Carolina. Easley, S.C. : Southern Historical Press, 1986.  Dept of History


    Wentworth, Marjory. 2015. “Renderings: Washington Square, Charleston Tent City after the Earthquake.” Found Anew, October, 1.

    History, US: Charleston, SC: Black Activism


    Greene, Harlan. “Overcoming at the Cigar Factory.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 29, no. 10, Oct. 2015, p. 66. EBSCOhost, Library Faculty. 


    Greene, Harlan. “Sounds of Change.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 18, no. 5, June 2004, p. 46. EBSCOhost, Library Faculty.


    Greene, Harlan. “Sitting in for Civil Rights.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 27, no. 4, Apr. 2013, p. 51. EBSCOhost, Library Faculty. 


    History, US: Charleston, SC: College of Charleston


    Jessica Farrell, “History, Memory, and Slavery at the College of Charleston, 1785-1810.” Chrestomathy: Annual Review of Undergraduate Research, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs, College of Charleston, Volume 7, 2008: pp. 52-71 C of C Student, Honors College. 


    Kaylee Rogers. “Overworked and Underpaid: ‘Black’ Work at the College of Charleston.” Chrestomathy: Annual Review of Undergraduate Research, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs, College of Charleston. Volume 7, 2008: pp. 227-247. C of C Student, Honors College. 


    Morrison, Nan. A History of the College of Charleston--1936-2008. U of SC Press, 2011. Dept of English Emerita.


    History, US: Charleston, SC: Charleston Renaissance


    Greene, Harlan. Mister Skylark: John Bennett and the Charleston Renaissance. U of GA P, 2001. Library Faculty. 


    Greene, Harlan, with Hutchisson, James M. Renaissance in Charleston: Art and Life in the Carolina Low Country, 1900-1940. The University of Georgia Press, 2003. EBSCOhost, Library faculty. 


    Greene, Harlan. “Reading Revolution.” Charleston Magazine, vol. 26, no. 7, July 2012, p. 40. EBSCOhost,[Dart Library]  Library faculty. 


    History, US: Charleston, SC: Emanuel Massacre

    Wentworth, Marjory [coauthor with Herb Frazier, Bernard Powers]. We Are Charleston: Tragedy and Triumph at Mother Emanuel. Thomas Nelson, 2016.


    Wentworth, Marjory. “One River, One Boat” [Poem in response to AME Emanuel Massacre, written by SC Poet Laureate for governor’s inauguration; governor’s office declined to include it in ceremony.]


    Powers, Bernard. Co-author with Frazier, Herb, & Marjory Wentworth. “What Is Forgiveness?” Sojourners Magazine, no. 7, 2016, p. 42. EBSCOhost,


    Cressler, Matthew. "Why White Terrorists Attack Black Churches," Slate.


    Lessane, Patricia Williams. “No Sanctuary in the Holy City.” The New York Times, 2015, p. 27. EBSCOhost, Avery Research Center.


    History, US: Charleston, SC: 21st-Century


    College of Charleston Race and Social Justice Initiative The State of Racial Disparities In Charleston County, 2000-2015  Avery Institute, CLAW program, Dept of AAST. 

  • K-12 Education

    The Center seeks to assist K-12 educators to expand learning, deepen engagement, and build empathy.

    The Center partners with educators and students in the tri-county region to enrich K-12 curriculum with information about the history of enslaved people, Black cultural history, and race-related issues.

Public History

At the Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston, we're committed to revealing the often untold stories of the enslaved people who shaped the history of our city and region. We see public history as a vital bridge between scholarly research and the wider community - empowering everyone to engage with this complex legacy.

Social Justice

Social justice and race relations remain at the heart of the Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston. We believe a deeper public understanding of thr complex legacies of slavery is essential to building a more just, equitable and inclusive society. We're more than just the study of slavery. Our resources and initatives seek to translate scholary research into meaningful action. We're committed to using the lessons of history to drive positive social change and to empower marginalized communities, dismantle systematic racism, and foster an inclusive future.
  • Call for Racial and Social Justice at the College of Charleston 2020

    CSSC’s Commitment to Making #Blacklivesmatter: The Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston (CSSC) stands in complete solidarity and allyship with the families, protestors, and community members grieving and demanding justice for the recent murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery — and our own Walter Scott and the Emmanuel 9 (to name only a few). We recognize that these acts of violence are deeply rooted in the institution of slavery which served to deny the sanctity and sovereignty of Black life.

    As a Center that studies the history and legacies of chattel slavery in the South, we see the recent instances of brutality occurring nationally and in Charleston as but the latest manifestations of our country’s long history of violence against Black, Brown, and Indigenous peoples. We are deeply pained by these tragic events, which serve to remind us all that the history of racism and white supremacy are clearly not past: we are still living them, and they are ever-present on our campus and in our local community. Because of this, the CSSC was established in 2018 to foster a deeper public understanding of slavery and its complex legacies. A part of our mission is to raise awareness and fight to bring an end to their brutal impacts. It is in this spirit that we stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and campus activists. 

    We demand social justice. In March 2020, we had planned a community-wide conversation on reparations in Charleston that was interrupted by COVID-19. The combined tragedies of state violence against Black Americans and the disproportionate effects of the pandemic on the Black community highlight the urgency of this work. We call on the College of Charleston leadership to make good on its promise to combat racism and white privilege by dedicating more robust support to the CSSC. And in turn, the CSSC pledges to advance learning and research experiences for our students, staff, and faculty to further our understanding of how our history of slavery shapes the present, and to collaborate with members of the campus and Charleston community to create programming and restorative dialogue to promote social justice, racial healing, reconciliation, and transformational change.

    We see our work as a tangible affirmation that Black Lives Matter (and have always mattered).

  • CSSC Social Justice Working Group

    As members of CSSC, which studies slavery’s history and legacies, we recognize this summer’s recent instances of brutality as manifestations of our country’s long history of violence against Black, Brown, and Indigenous peoples. The histories of racism and white supremacy are clearly not past: we are still living them, and they are ever-present in our daily interactions and institutions. Because of this, the CSSC was established in 2018 to foster a deeper public understanding of slavery and its complex legacies, and to use that understanding to bring about racial reconciliation, healing, and repair. It is to this end that we demand reparations and social justice. 

    We call upon the College to commit resources to promoting racial healing and repairing the systemic injustices created by slavery and racism on our campus and in our local community. Our policies, curriculum, and spending priorities must be intentionally and explicitly antiracist. 

    In our new Strategic Plan, the College defines itself as a “transformative national university.” To transform our students, faculty/staff, and community, the College must prioritize all the “Initiatives for Implementation” in the Strategic Plan that address the inequities and injustices of systemic racism.  We also call upon the College to enable CSSC and other campus and community groups to play an active role in developing and implementing these initiatives and measuring the College’s progress.

    We call upon upon the College to transform itself into a fully anti-racist and equitable campus by prioritizing the following: 

    1. Permanently fund the Center for the Study of Slavery to function as an educational resource and a thought-action leader. The College and the city of Charleston were built by enslaved bodies and souls. We must become conscious of our community’s true history. If the College sees the Center as a way of reckoning with the vestiges of slavery, as it was founded to do, then it is imperative for the Center to be adequately supported to carry out that mission of education, reconciliation, and repair.
    2. Require all College of Charleston students to study Charleston’s transnational history of slavery, colonialism, and race. Charleston’s history includes African, Caribbean, and European cultures and took shape in an indigenous America. Let’s be sure our students and community know this history, and its value to the present. We support the 2-course series proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee on the Creation of a Race, Equity, and Inclusion Requirement. To carry out this work, the College must provide increased funding for the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture and convert African American Studies from a program into a full department.
    3. Increase co-curricular opportunities for students to engage with the campus and community in pursuit of anti-racism and social and environmental justice. The College must increase substantive opportunities (internships, fellowships, etc) for students to engage in this work so that at least half of our students do so during their time at CofC.
    4. Bring the College’s Black student population up to at least 30% of the student body. The current population of Black students at this public university is only 8%. Meanwhile the African American population in the City of Charleston is 28%,  47% percent in North Charleston, and approximately 30% in the state of South Carolina.  The College of Charleston has an historical and moral duty to make the College representative of the entire Charleston community. We also must support students with a welcoming and inclusive campus environment and create much stronger connections with Black alumni. All this will demonstrate C of C’s 21st century commitment to Black lives and Black agency.
    5. Provide transformational financial support, in partnership with local and state government, in the form of student scholarships for Charleston residents of color in order to combat the underrepresentation of students of color on campus. The College, the city, and the state must make amends for the economic and social opportunities stolen away from people of African and indigenous descent. One example of the substantive support the College should provide is the McNair Scholars Program, which is designed to provide first generation and minority students with financial and academic support to prepare for graduate school. This program was originally launched at CofC in 2009-2010, but then was not successfully renewed.
    6. Transform the visual and memorial landscape of the campus by changing names and signage honoring slave owners, segregationists, and those who promoted racist policies, and by including visual recognitions of the contributions and achievements of African-descended people. As alumni and students have advocated, the College needs to create an inclusive and safe space for learning and educational exchange for the entire community. To support this, we also demand that the College commit to ongoing research on the history of its campus and publicize the full history of the structures and the people who built them. Students and faculty who do this research should receive institutional support and an appropriate forum for publishing their findings. Students, staff, and faculty should be free to publicly express their affiliation with organizations that uphold anti-racist values. The history and people we celebrate on campus should represent the anti-racist and anti-hate values we aspire to teach and live by.
    7. Require all College of Charleston employees to participate in substantive anti-racism training. These activities should shift the burden of unpacking and dismantling white privilege in the workplace away from our students, staff, and faculty of color (see Whiteness at Work webinar). Hourly and adjunct employees should be paid for their time spent undergoing such training.
    8. Prioritize hiring Black faculty and staff, so that these demographics reflect those of the state. It is important for all students to learn from faculty and staff from diverse cultural and racial backgrounds. A university in the modern world requires bringing unique ideas and experiences into contact and exchange.
    9. Elevate the status of the College’s primarily Black contracted staff in housekeeping, groundskeeping, maintenance, food services, security, and other essential campus services. College leadership can set the tone for the entire campus to recognize and empower these individuals. They perform labor that is fundamental to the College, and many have multi-generational ties to the campus. The College can include these employees in decision-making processes, publicly honor the work they do, and increase their participation in communal College life. The College should commit to improved wages and benefits, representation on staff committees, appropriate break spaces, and the free access to campus programming and events that other employees receive.
    10. Implement more socially-just policing practices. Identifying suspects based solely on race must end. Campus security and the local Charleston police force should release non-racialized reports and warnings to the College community.  The College’s Department of Public Safety should undergo an independent racial bias audit, similar to the one performed by CNA for the City of Charleston, and then commit to implementing its recommendations. Redirecting police funding to community outreach and community programming is essential to building trust between the university and its neighbors.

    CSSC Social Justice Working Group: Lisa Covert, Julia Eichelberger, Courtney Hicks, Blake Scott, Lisa Young.

    CSSC Executive Board: Bernard Powers (director), Shannon Eaves, Julia Eichelberger, Grant Gilmore, Aaisha Haykal, Simon Lewis, Kameelah Martin.

  • Related Resources