Spanish & Portuguese Placement

Planning to take Spanish or Portuguese? Let's place you in the right spot.

Quick Guide to Placement

Language Placement Guide

The Language Placement Guidelines for Incoming Students shows course placement, credit awarded, and Gen Ed requirement for the number of years of high school language, AP Spanish test scores, IB exam scores, and CLEP exam scores.  

Students and advisors should choose the category below that best applies to the student’s individual situation:

Spanish-speaking home environment

If you answer YES to one or more of the following statements, please see the Department of
Hispanic Studies to take the Placement Exam for Spanish Heritage Learners (HLL):

1. When I was a child, Spanish was spoken in my home.
2. My first language is Spanish.
3. I speak Spanish, or both Spanish and English, with family, friends, or community members.
4. My family members often speak to me in Spanish.

For students who grew up in a Spanish-speaking home environment, the departmentally- administered HLL placement test will provide the most appropriate course placement. (See the HLL Placement Test Scoring Guidelines category below)

For students who answer NO to ALL of the above questions, please consult the following categories to determine the one that is the most appropriate or consult with the Chair of the Department of Hispanic Studies.

High School Coursework

Years of High School Coursework for Placement
Years of High School CourseworkSPAN Course PlacementCredit Hours AwardedSatisfies General Education Foreign Language Requirement?Banner       Code
0SPAN 1010No0015
1SPAN 1010No0015
2SPAN 1900No0020
3SPAN 1900No0025
4SPAN 2020No0030
5SPAN 313 or 3140See below*0035

*Students who are placed into SPAN 313 or 314 and wish to automatically satisfy the General Education language requirement without completing SPAN 313 or 314 must contact the Hispanic Studies Chair to take a placement test to confirm proficiency.

AP Spanish Language Exam Score

AP Spanish Language Exam Score for Placement
AP Spanish Language Exam ScoreSPAN Course or Level PlacementCredit Hours AwardedSatisfies General Education Foreign Language Requirement?
3SPAN 313 or 3146 (201 & 202)Yes
4SPAN 313 or 3146 (201 & 202)Yes
5Level 2**†6 (202 & 313/314)Yes

**References to “levels,” refer to levels in the SPAN major and minor courses of study.
† Majoring or minoring students will replace the three credit hours of SPAN 313 or 314 with any 300-
or 400-level approved SPAN course. Please consult with an advisor for degree planning.

AP Spanish Literature Exam Score

AP Spanish Literature Exam Placement
AP Spanish Literature Exam ScoreSPAN Course or Level PlacementCredit Hours AwardedSatisfies General Education Foreign Language Requirement?
3Level 26 (202 & 313/314)Yes

IB Exam Score

International Baccalaureate Exam Score Placement
International Baccalaureate Exam Score (higher level only)SPAN Course PlacementCredit Hours AwardedSatisfies General Education Foreign Language Requirement?
4SPAN 2016 (101 + 102)No
5SPAN 2029 (101, 102, 201)No
6SPAN 313 or 3149 (102, 201, 202)Yes
7Level 212 (102, 201, 202, 313 or 314)Yes

CLEP Exam Score

CLEP Exam Score Placement
CLEP Exam ScoreSPAN Course or Level PlacementCredit Hours AwardedSatisfies General Education Foreign Language Requirement?
52SPAN 1016 (101 + 102)No
63SPAN 2026 (102 + 201)No
74SPAN 313 or 31412 (101-202)Yes

Heritage Language Learners

Heritage Language Learners will be identified by a brief initial screening questionnaire and referred to the Department of Hispanic Studies for appropriate placement. Students will speak to an advisor in the department and take the Intermediate-Advanced Spanish Exam (IASE) placement exam developed by Georgia State University. The online test will then be followed by a brief oral interview with the Chair of Hispanic Studies.

Heritage Language Learners Placement Test Scoring Guidelines
ISAE ScoreSPAN Course or Level PlacementCredit Hours AwardedSatisfies General Education Foreign Language Requirement?
0-10%SPAN 1900No
11-20%SPAN 2020No
21-30%SPAN 2750Yes*
31-79%SPAN 3120Yes*
80-100%Level 30Yes*

*Students who are placed into SPAN 275 or higher based on their IASE score must contact the
Chair of the Department of Hispanic Studies to arrange for an oral interview to confirm that SPAN 275+ is the most appropriate course placement.